

'Christmas morning, I was ready': Newlywed overhears husband and in-laws talking behind her back, then plots for the next holiday season

'Christmas morning, I was ready': Newlywed overhears husband and in-laws dissing her, then plots husband's downfall for the next holiday season

The holiday season is a time to be with your family… unless you have to deal with these uppity in-laws. This family seemingly prioritizes tradition over kindness, and u/seriouslampshade was having none of it. In so many Christmas TV specials and movies, the message is clear: the holidays aren't about buying tons of stuff, they're about spending time with the people you love most. But apparently this person's in-laws never got that message . They're way more concerned with the way their gifts to…
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work from home remote work employee manager petty-revenge-reddit annoying phone call spouse revenge work wife hiring husband workplace business - 23191813

'When he'd get a business call...he'd follow me around the house': Woman gets revenge on spouse's annoying habit by flushing a toilet in a hiring manager's ear

Working from home has its perks. But you know how irritating it can get if you've ever tried to do it with other people in the house (like during the pandemic). The couple in the story both work from home, and her spouse has developed the annoying habit of following her around the house whenever he's on a business call. It started off innocent...
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'The screen was not working...It would cost about $250': Woman breaks husbands' computer monitor while trying to clean his private room, husband takes wifes' "fun money" to pay for it

'The screen was not working...It would cost about $250': Woman breaks husbands' computer monitor while trying to clean his private room, husband takes wifes' "fun money" to pay for it

This couple has been disagreeing over how to spend their fun money . One of the best parts of adult life is having fun money left over at the end of the month to spend however you wish. After you've paid off the rent or mortgage, car payment, and bought all your groceries, having an extra 30 bucks to use on something special feels like the perfect treat. Some of us buy new shoes or clothes, while others head to the movies or plan out a weekend trip. Others love to upgrade to the newest technolo…
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'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

Being a military spouse is a big deal to some people. Their husband or wife joins the military, and in order to go with them, they travel to whichever base their spouse happens to be stationed at. It can oftentimes be a lonely life. So the military spouses become a tight-knit group. After all, who else can you spend time with while you're at the base? Maybe that's why so many military spouses take their partner's ranking so seriously. They think that because their husband or wife is an official…
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'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Aunt returns Christmas card and pens note telling her nephew and his wife off

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Entitled aunt returns Christmas card and pens a scathing note telling her nephew and his wife that they should "be ashamed"

Some people get really hung up on thank-you cards . Plenty of folks place a high value on gift-giving, and for some reason, they are also very insistent on receiving a thank-you note. Thanking the gift-giver as you open their present should be enough, right? When you can look the person in the eyes and genuinely appreciate their thoughtfulness and chat about the gift, that seems like it should be sufficient. But some people believe that if you don't send a physical thank-you card as soon as pos…
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aita therapy wife husband advice counseling reddit thread Reddit couple dating advice - 22901765

'She admitted she doesn't know if she can love humans': Husband wants a divorce because of what wife said during couple's therapy, seeks advice from the Internet

The wife in this story has decided to try out therapy due to her mental health issues. She's a vet, and her job is very high stress, so her husband agreed that she should seek counseling. After she began to enjoy the benefits of therapy, she asked her husband to join her. He was wary of it at first, but he agreed to do it for her. When the topic of trust in their marriage came up, what she said next really shocked her husband...
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aita kids house wife ex husband advice divorce entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 22887941

'I can't be the only one who thinks it's crazy for my husband to buy his ex a house': Woman won't let her husband buy a house for his ex-wife; family makes her out to be the bad guy

What do you think about this situation? So, a married couple is living together and expecting a baby together. Her husband was previously married with kids until he divorced his ex-wife after she cheated on him. The husband let his ex and kids stay in their fully paid-off home, and he moved out. Fast forward a bit, and the ex loses the house and is left with no money (we're still a little confused about how that happened). She's now in an apartment. The OP's husband wants to buy her another hou…
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wedding wedding-disaster disaster nitpicking aunt family bride wife groom husband indian indian-wedding weddings marriage married wedding-planning

'I eventually snapped': Nitpicking aunt relentlessly terrorizes the bride-to-be; heroic bride stands up for herself and threatens to uninvite her

Anytime a wedding includes a blending of cultures, there are bound to be feathers that get rustled the wrong way. We all would hope that our family members could be cool enough to just back off and not over-step in the wedding planning, but we all know how family matters go– someone's going to take things too far.
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family drama aita flight wife petty husband entitled family trip tickets reddit thread daughter Reddit vacation - 22675973

'Without consulting anyone, I switched our tickets last minute': Dad abandons daughter on family vacation to take a 40th anniversary trip with his wife

Alright, so here's the deal. Our OP (aka the dad) did in fact change their family vacation plans the night before departure, leaving his daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids hanging. But tbh, he might be valid in this case. Our OP and his wife have been dreaming about a romantic getaway to celebrate their love for the 40th anniversary for a while. It might be the only trip they can manage for a while due to the costs. But when their daughter caught wind of it...
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relationship advice aita marriage drama drama wife relationship-drama reddit story relationships husband etiquette reddit thread - 22587653

'[I called] my wife a nerf herder': Husband derided for insulting wife with obscure Star Wars reference

Relationships are an ongoing affair, with constant growth and change of the individuals necessitating growth and change of the relationship itself. Of course, with the tendency for couples to establish codependency and isolate themselves from any other social interaction, often this growth and change can lead the couple in strange new directions , causing them to morph into unrecognizable amorphous symbiotes vaguely representing their former selves. Part of this involves adopting pet names for…
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reddit reddit-thread reddit-story malicious-compliance aita petty revenge mother-in-law family family-matters husband pregnant wife daughter-in-law daughter reimbursed

‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

Usually good Samaritan behavior is something people don't expect reimbursement for, but apparently for one woman, her mother-in-law expected to be paid in full for her good deeds.
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'[The housing developer] paid me ten grand to not sue them': Housing developer continually tries to push couple off their land, couple gathers evidence and consults a lawyer

'[The housing developer] paid me ten grand to not sue them': Housing developer continually tries to push couple off their land, couple gathers evidence and consults a lawyer

There was a big shift in the housing market a few years ago, and this couple was right there to witness it happening in their own neighborhood. This couple did everything right while buying a home : they purchased a plot of land, built a home on it, and made sure there was no HOA to control them. But then a certain illness made sure to ruin the early 2020s for all of us, and it had people moving around like crazy. Suddenly, the couple found themselves surrounded by new neighbors. And, as happen…
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'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

This woman was confused why she got charged $49, so she phoned up a call center for help. The person on the other end of the line, u/boyinblack13x, ended up going above and beyond at their job that day: they helped their customer find this missing ex. In my own personal “sure grandma, let's get you to bed” moment, I remember a time when you could share passwords between streaming services. It was a sneaky way to stay on mom and dad's Netflix plan while you went off to college. Then, these turne…
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family drama aita marriage drama families wife reddit story marriage-drama husband etiquette marriage advice family reddit thread - 22422533

'She's deluded': Husband rudely refuses to leave the family boot dryer at home, turns out she was trying to surprise him with a new one

My major revelation from this thread is the fact that a “boot dryer” exists. I mean, it makes complete sense, but for some reason, I have never conceptualized its existence—and this is coming from a guy who wears boots and occasionally has wet boots… I could have used one of these years ago. But my ignorance regarding boot dryers is not the issue at hand here; rather, it's this family's disagreement regarding the priority of usage of theirs. This husband stood his ground when his wife began ins…
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‘She begged for my husband’: Karen attempts to get computer for free by demanding to speak to owner's husband

‘She begged for my husband’: Karen attempts to get computer for free by demanding to speak to owner's husband

Selling things online is a fickle business. It starts off fairly simple, you post an ad along with your contact info. You get a couple of replies, maybe get ghosted once or twice, perhaps a prank phone call or two. But the world of online business is a strange one, and it is bound to bring some pretty strange people to your doorstep if you are not careful. Here, in this case, OP posted an ad for a computer, stating the price of 900. Not one minute later, OP got a phone call. At first, everythin…
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relationship humor marriage wife relationship-drama petty revenge married life marriage-drama relationships marriage humor husband - 22329605

'Now I don't fill the tray': Couple's hilariously petty ice-tray standoff freezes over

Every couple is comprised of two people: The one who consistently replenishes things, providing consistent predictability in the availability of goods, and the one who refuses to replenish, instead choosing the path of disorder, unpredictability, and abject chaos. Few petty arguments grind the gears like replenishment, with this usually taking place over toilet rolls, ice cube trays, or water jugs. Try as they might to instill some sense of awareness into their partner; the replenishing partner…
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