

marriage jealous true-off-my-chest wife fake photoshop husband cheating confession Photo divorce reddit thread Reddit adultery - 20929797

'I saw pictures of you with another man': Guy files for divorce after receiving photoshopped images of wife with another man and kid

Talk about a prank gone wrong!
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Music marriage FAIL revenge wife petty revenge relationships husband prank reddit thread Reddit funny - 20931077

'He hasn't figured out it's me': Wife sabotages husband's music playlist after he annoys her

We love a harmless but amusing prank! In this case, this Redditor decided that the best way to get back at her husband when he annoys her (and she assured her readers that these are only for minor grievances) is to pull a prank using his music playlist. Her husband uses the music Apple curates for him while he works, so whenever he upsets OP, she plays a ton of crazy music on a low volume on their shared speakers so he doesn't realize it's her. However, she plays enough of it so that it complet…
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'There [were] no instructions for how to use this tablecloth': 20+ People who were incompetent at basic everyday tasks

'There [were] no instructions for how to use this tablecloth': 20+ People who were hilariously incompetent at basic everyday tasks

They say if you mess something up badly enough, no one will ask you to do it again. That can definitely be true in many areas of life, whether it's the workplace or a relationship . One person burns a dinner so badly that they're never asked to cook again, making life easy for them, but harder for their partner. Discussions around weaponized incompetence, which is doing something badly intentionally to avoid it or not doing it at all, became a viral talking point of the day on Twitter . @Cooper…
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'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

These folks have secrets — and you can only know them anonymously! Twitter's popular secret confession page , @fesshole, is a prime spot for your average person to confess their darkest secrets. Luckily for the rest of us, we get to take a peek into other people's lives and realize that everyone is hiding some things that we'll never know about otherwise. In this week's selection, one person confessed to being devastated to learn that a colleague was actually just a really polite robot, while a…
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boyfriend marriage wife askreddit relationships girlfriend husband divorce breakup Reddit funny dating couple - 20787973

'You are not their parent': 20+ wholesome lessons people learned after their first relationship

Let's take it back to your first real relationship.
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aita relationships husband Party family reddit thread Reddit college parents - 20738565

'My husband hadn't checked in at all': Husband goes to college reunion, his phone dies during a family emergency, wife loses it

The selfie from the husband's friend was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/PrettyHateMachinexxx , the mother of a one-year-old who stayed home one weekend while her husband was in another state partying with his college friends. Granted, this was planned months in advance, and her frustration was not a result of her husband's choice to attend his college reunion. No, her frustration instead began after he neglecte…
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'She tells me I will not be getting paid for dressing [sleazy]': Entitled wife accuses 13-year-old babysitter of attempting to seduce her husband, threatens not to pay her

Some girls are early bloomers. For some, they embrace their femininity and roll with it, while others are doomed and condemned for being a curvy pre-teen. Early bloomers are fast-tracked to learn about life, and competition, pretty early, especially when it comes to older, insecure women.
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'Am I really being neglectful?': Man discovers grandfather's dooms day bunker and turns it into his man cave, pregnant wife threatens to seal it

'Am I really being neglectful?': Man discovers grandfather's dooms day bunker and turns it into his man cave, pregnant wife threatens to seal it

When you agree to becoming a husband and, especially, a parent, then you no longer get the luxury of having alone time whenever you feel like it. Yes, it is important to find some time to yourself so you can center yourself, decompress, and be the best husband and father you can be. But if the kids need care, your partner needs help with the chores, or anything, you have to be able to drop everything and put yourself 100% into that. This isn't a hot take, this is just what you agree to when you…
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'It has no effect on your answer': Husband flips out after wife calls out his burger blunder

'It has no effect on your answer': Husband flips out after wife calls out his burger blunder

After a quick trip to a burger joint, this man freaked out at his wife… but was he justified in his annoyance? Two video creators shared a slice of life in their marriage, and it's really resonating with burger lovers and people who just want to eat their own dang food and not have to share! Patrick and Marwa share their life together on their account called marriedwithflaws . Patrick has clearly just arrived home with a fresh bag of burgers and fries . Marwa has apparently committed the sin of…
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‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’ Rude Wife Tells Husband to Quit the Job He Loves So She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’: Wife Tells Husband to Quit Job So That She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

He is the primary caretaker of their daughter, and she spends less than two hours a day with her child…
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'That never happened': Man gets revenge on gaslighting mom using the same toxic tactic she used when he was a little boy

'That never happened': Man gets revenge on gaslighting mom using the same toxic tactic she used when he was a little boy

Some folks are plagued by their childhood trauma for the rest of their lives, while others seek a different approach to the healing process: Revenge. One man on Reddit did what we all wish we had the strength to do and faced his childhood demons head on; in his case, that meant having a long, dragged out conversation with his narcissistic mother.
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'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

There's nothing worse than being stuck next to a crying baby on a plane. Obviously, being an adult, you're supposed to apparently just turn your ears off for however long your flight is, enduring the screeching screams of the wailing infant next to you– they're the one that's uncomfortable, okay? Of course, they can't help it, they're just a baby and without a doubt, their sleep-deprived parent is counting down the seconds until the end of the flight just as much as you are.
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Update! '[I] unplugged the Wi-Fi': Husband can't get workaholic wife to take a break, sabotages internet connection, faces backlash online

This guy may have lost his chances at winning Husband of the Year.
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'I stopped making him lunches after that': Woman explains why her ex-husband lost his access to homemade lunches

'I stopped making him lunches after that': Woman explains why her ex-husband lost his access to homemade lunches

We can totally see why this woman broke up with her ungrateful ex . I have a love/hate relationship with cooking, as I imagine many people do. It can be fun to whip up a hearty meal if you have time and energy to do so, and it's even better if you have friends or family to serve it to. Other times, the daily drudgery of making meals creeps in, and makes you want to turn to takeout food instead. But the caveat there is that takeout adds up fast — it can cost $20 a day or more, which is why the c…
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'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

If you are one of the unlucky folks who accidentally married a slob, you're probably aware of the daily struggle of trying to keep your house in order. It's a full time job to simply keep up after yourself, let alone another person. So when dirty dishes, stinky laundry, and insurmountable mess starts to grow, it can be tough to dig yourself out of it. When you've reached that point of home mayhem, the last thing you need is your mother-in-law coming over and criticizing the house
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AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

The best part about being a child is playing imaginary games with your friends, parents, or siblings. One day you're a riotous pirate, the next day you're a princess in a tower, and the day after that, you can be a mermaid on a beach. With your imagination, you can go anywhere and be anything.
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