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‘I’m still going': Wife departs on a solo trip after her husband fails to complete one simple task to help with planning

Planning a vacation with your significant other is the first big step in any romantic relationship because it sets up your vacation expectations for the rest of your life. So what are you supposed to do if you accidentally married a total dud who can't help plan your next dream vacation? Well, go solo of course.
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'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get him to come in, threatens termination

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get her husband to come in, threatens termination

What part of “time OFF” do these employers not understand? This technician had been working at the same HVAC company for 15 years and saw it expand from virtually nothing to a business that employed over 100 other technicians. Unfortunately, the dynamics within the company changed a bit after it was sold to a larger monopoly. Now, the technician's typical five weeks of vacation time were reduced to two weeks, and seniority didn't really matter at all anymore. Despite these changes, the technici…
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'All four kids… agreed to not invite us to the baby shower': Stepparents cancel vacation plans for stepkids after paying for baby shower they weren't invited to

'All four kids… agreed to not invite us to the baby shower': Stepparents cancel vacation plans for stepkids after paying for baby shower they weren't invited to

This family drama came to a boiling point after this stepmom finally said “no.” It's hard for parents to say no to what their kids want. After all, you want to give your precious children the world! Parents work so hard to put food on the table, keep their kids wearing nice clothes, drive them to sports practices, and more. Children have no idea how much effort their parents put into raising them, so they don't always say thank you. For most of us, though, we grow up and realize all the sacrifi…
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'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

It's time to deconstruct the concept of the “man cave.”
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'I sent an email to his manager pretending to be a journalist': 40 Confessions from ordinary people

'I sent an email to his manager pretending to be a journalist': 40 Stunning confessions from ordinary people

These people have some truly startling confessions to share . Luckily for them, no one will ever know their little secrets, because they submitted these secrets anonymously. Fesshole is a popular Twitter account dedicated to collecting and sharing people's secrets . Each day, numerous folks submit their confessions, but some are much crazier than others. Plus, some people's secrets are so specific that if their spouse reads the page, they will absolutely find it. One genius secret from this wee…
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Update: 'I told you that in confidence': Woman critiques daughter in law's cooking, receives plain meal in return

If this mother in law won't eat this delicious chicken dish, we volunteer instead. Picky eaters transcend culture and time; every family has at least one person who can't stand spicy foods or dislikes a common ingredient like beans. Cooking for another person is a kind and thoughtful thing to do, and it's especially meaningful when it's your family. Speaking as a picky eater, it was a wonderful feeling when someone left my portion of a meal plain for me. Everyone else could eat their regular ch…
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Update: 'We are taking a break.': Wife beats insecure husband on online IQ test, it ends their relationship

Talk about the fragility of some people's egos. If your entire ego is built around feeling superior to your partner in intelligence, and that superiority can be shattered by something as innocuous as a phony online IQ test—well, quite frankly, you deserve however that makes you feel—you totally set yourself up for that one. (Especially when you were the one insisting that your wife take it.) Online exams of any type are useless—unless they're to find out which Disney princess you are. Sure, the…
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'Initially, I didn't believe it': Wife questions husband's motives for wanting to split their lottery winnings with his best friend

It is often said that if you have an unexpected windfall of cash, you should tell nary a soul and lawyer up immediately. You'd be surprised how quickly even the most distant relatives and vague acquaintances come out of the woodwork once they catch a whiff of cash, looking for a handout and saying something about how you owe them because of that one thing they did for you that one time. This advice gets passed around any time the topic of winning the lottery is brought up, and everyone likely h…
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Top 21 Mildly Infuriating Flops of the Week

Top 21 Mildly Infuriating Flops of the Week

That sucks.
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'My boss walks in and sees the steak lying on the window sill': Husband acts out at business dinner with wife's boss

'My boss walks in and sees the steak lying on the window sill': Cringy husband embarrasses wife, acts utterly bizarre at business dinner with her boss

First impressions mean nothing to this dude. In a post from r/TIFU, a woman shared what happened when she tried to take her husband to a dinner with her boss, resulting in one of the cringiest outcomes imaginable. “I had just gotten a brand new job that I was really excited about,” writes the OP. She was trying to get on her boss's good side by getting to know her better. It's not always easy to get to know your boss in a business setting when they need to be serious and focused. Instead, shari…
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'Bye Bye Calvin Klein's!': Wife discovers husband cheated, cuts holes into all his socks and boxers

'Bye Bye Calvin Klein's!': Wife discovers husband cheated, cuts holes into all his socks and boxers

This woman knew she needed to enact a little petty revenge before getting a divorce.
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'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex requests years of receipts, dude

'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex demands years of receipts, cue malicious compliance

This guy created a nightmare scenario at this lawyers' office – but at least they got a good laugh out of it! Every couple going through a divorce is different, and this couple unfortunately went through a “heated divorce/custody battle." As u/FederalAnt9 wrote to r/MaliciousCompliance, their ex kept demanding more and more money — she thought that the OP was stashing money away elsewhere, while the OP could barely afford food each day. While the lawyer didn't necessarily mean to hassle this pe…
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'His sister will come in and "doctor up" the food I'm making': Husband and SIL refuse to stop ruin woman's dinners

'His sister will come in and "doctor up" the food I'm making': Husband and SIL refuse to stop ruining woman's dinners

This kitchen has too many chefs . The secret to great cooking is following a recipe. Unless you're a super skilled chef with years of experience eyeballing your measurements and tweaking your recipes, you're gonna need a proper recipe. Everyone has different skill levels in the kitchen too, so it doesn't hurt to have a list of ingredients and steps to follow. This person is trying to follow their own recipes for dinners for their family. They keep making food for their kids, husband, and the SI…
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family drama marriage revenge wife petty revenge relationships husband exes divorce family healthcare reddit thread Reddit toxic relationship - 21059077

'He is basically paying me $400 a month not to file for divorce': Woman gets back at husband by charging him for healthcare every month

This woman deserves an Oscar for how petty she is.
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customer service pro revenge bank manager revenge customers wife petty revenge husband entitled reddit thread Reddit kevin entitled people - 20957957

'He never came back to our branch again': Bank manager calls Kevin out on expenses after being accused of stealing money

It's as if Kevin was begging to be called out!
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family drama amitheahole aita marriage drama wife marriage-drama husband catering family - 20984325

'She told me that I am being a jerk': Wife last-minute cancels catering service for 20 people, insists husband helps

If you change a plan, especially at the last minute, you need to take responsibility for the increased workload that you've made for everyone. This principle holds true even when you suddenly decide to cancel a catering service because you'd rather cook for 20 people yourself. If you have the ability and time and would like to take on that task, more power to you, but don't expect others to give up their time and energy to help out when they were quite happy with the original option in the firs…
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