
Horrible Bosses

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses leave summer vacation employment vacation in the workplace - 25895941

Manager cancels employee's leave while they're already away on vacation: 'I'm [canceling] your vacation'

Taking time off work is probably just as important as the work itself. Being able to step away, take a break, and come back with a new perspective will likely benefit your work—besides, you've earned it. Although, of course, what you'll often find happens is that the freedom and relaxation your vacation offers you makes returning to work even more difficult than it already is on a normal Monday. Being denied the chance to take leave can mean missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, fami…
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'I don't need your input. Just do what I say': New manager flexes his muscles with warehouse temperature policy, employee tries to warn him, malicious compliance ensues

'I don't need your input. Just do what I say': New manager flexes his muscles with warehouse temperature policy, employee tries to warn him, malicious compliance ensues

Don't you just love it when the new manager makes things exponentially worse for everyone else? It's a common mistake that these horrible bosses tend to make. They come in and immediately feel like they know a better solution to the current system. Without properly hearing out all the employees' voices, they decide it would be more impressive to flex their muscles and insist that their solution is the proper one. Well, time and time again when this happens, the new manager stumbles. Either the…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 26037765

Employer accidentally messages "difficult" candidate their plans to hire them and let them go: 'It might be in your best interest to take your candidates off the email chains in the future'

There are always going to be certain things that are best off communicated to only their intended audience. For example, you'd probably hate to accidentally send your parents a text detailing your weekend plans with your friends or other intimate details about another personal relationship. No matter what age you are or how close you are to your parents, certain things are better off left undisclosed. The same goes for an employee-employer relationship. Professional decorum relies on certain th…
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Boss and coworkers keep calling employee by the wrong name despite efforts to correct them: 'Time to start butchering their names'

Boss and coworkers keep calling employee by the wrong name despite efforts to correct them: 'Time to start butchering their names'

Calling your employees by their preferred name seems like the bare minimum regarding proper workplace treatment. It doesn't really get more disrespectful than ignoring someone's constant corrections. This Redditor's name ends with an -a but is constantly referred to by a similar-sounding name that ends with an -e. If this were perhaps their first few weeks on the job, then the mistakes would be understandable. But there's really no excuse for the mixups at this point, especially when the Origin…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion hr job work workplace Horrible Bosses business employment in the workplace - 26056965

Employee asks about moving heavy boxes to a safer place, employer deflects by writing them up for dress code violation

Unless the issues being raised are completely out of left field and hold no water, an organization should always treat them seriously. Even purely as a means of covering themselves from any legal or operational vulnerabilities. Being dismissive or even retaliatory against a complainant might make the headache or “problem” of them calling attention to it go away, but there's a good chance that their fears coming to fruition and the ensuing grievance will be much more of a headache than dealing w…
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20+ times bosses caught their employees breaking the rules: 'Employees honestly think I don't notice when they're ASLEEP!'

20+ times bosses caught their employees breaking the rules: 'Employees honestly think I don't notice when they're ASLEEP!'

No employee can be “on” all the time. Everyone needs a break during the work day to recharge, zone out, and center
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'Reschedule your vacation': Boss rejects employee's previously approved PTO, using his marital status as an excuse

'Reschedule your vacation': Boss rejects employee's previously approved PTO, using marital status and lack of a family as an excuse

Some bosses think that they have certain rights and privileges that they simply do not possess. This employee was entitled to their PTO time, they submitted their request months in advance, and their request was approved. Everything was good to go, flights were booked, and a much-needed vacation was planned. That is, until the boss decided last minute that he could reject those plans and go back on his word, all so another coworker could take off that same week. We understand losing two employe…
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Employee files complaint after boss is caught on video stealing her bag, HR sides with boss: 'She faced no consequences'

Employee files complaint after boss is caught on video stealing her bag, HR sides with boss: 'She faced no consequences'

This workplace debacle pretty much epitomizes the idea that HR protects the employer, not the employees. When the evidence of wrongdoing is so definitive, it's hard to imagine the human resources department coming up with a justified reason to side with the boss. However, this team managed to side with her anyway. Here, we have an employee who caught her boss stealing her bag after work hours. Furthermore, the security cameras even captured the boss leaving the office with the employee's bag an…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 25822725

Worker's resignation letter to their boss sparks discussion online: 'I am taking that vacation starting now..."

One day, you're going to quit your job—and that's a fact… Whether it's over a disagreement, for relocation, for growth—or because you're leaving the workforce for good. When that time comes, it will be up to you (mostly) on what terms you want to leave on. Do you want to leave on good terms, possibly even despite long-held grudges? Or do you want to set the world ablaze—full scorched earth policy—burning every bridge behind you as you go? This worker shared the resignation they were planning on…
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Company offers fully remote work in exchange for 24/7 monitoring of all home network traffic: 'Why would a company even want to bother with this?'

Company offers fully remote work in exchange for 24/7 monitoring of all home network traffic: 'Why would a company even want to bother with this?'

Something shady this way comes! Let's preface this with the fact that several folks who work in IT have already deemed this a nightmare in the making. This company thought it would be a good idea to give in to employees' requests for fully remote work, but there was a catch. That catch was that the company would provide all work-from-home employees with a router and a document for them to sign that would permit IT to monitor all of their at-home network traffic 24/7. That's right. We're not eve…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work technology it new boss IT guy supervisor workplace Horrible Bosses Tech workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25976581

Terrible new IT supervisor is setup by their team when upper management comes to visit : 'The [supervisor] was put on 90-days' unpaid suspension, and was written up for gross insubordination'

Oftentimes, a little push is the only thing it takes to topple the facade of power presented by someone abusing it. They want you to think there's nothing you can do to circumvent their authority, but they forget that they're just managing an IT department at a medical center, and their authority really isn't all that far-reaching at all. So that one little push (or notifying their boss) is all it takes to reveal the man behind the curtain. This IT worker was responsible for issuing equipment t…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 25822981

Job candidate told by hiring manager that they won't get the role despite being the most experienced candidate: 'I'm so sick of mind games from employers'

Normally, you might expect that being the best at something means that you'll be effectively the first selected, akin to it being a race, and by being simply being undisputed best, you would, of course, be the one to win. Well, that's not how races or any competitions work, and it's the reason they're held in the first place, and the prize isn't just awarded to the person who currently holds whatever record is most relevant… There are so many other factors and things that can happen on the day…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 2472455

Employee discovers the new hire is making more than them: 'With zero experience in this position'

While it might be tempting to wait out an impending layoff or quit rather than stomach unfair treatment or the foul nature of your egotistical boss… Without a doubt, the best time to find a new job is when you're still employed. You'll be undoubtably less stressed due to more financial stability allowing you to be more selective and find the right role. During interviews this feeling of security allows you to come across more confidently, which apart from making you more likely to get another r…
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workplace discussion boss workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs manager job malicious compliance work toxic-boss managers workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25951237

Boss makes team work extra weekend shift, Data Analyst makes sure he's there: 'You also need to be there for the sign-off'

One of the most respected ways to lead is from the front. Of course, you may be the first one to catch an arrow or a spear to the throat—dooming everyone who was relying on your command and is now floundering, leaderless. But, if you pull it off and make it through the battle unscathed you can sure as heck bet that the troops will love you far more than they would had you been in your command tent at the back of the field. The difference here and the limitation of this anecdote is that there ar…
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Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss refunds me every penny'

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss [refund] me every penny'

Friendly reminder to get your PTO confirmed before getting non-refundable flights! This employee's girlfriend learned that the hard way. People in the comments section were a bit tough on her for putting pressure on her boyfriend to make his boss refund every penny of their planned vacation after the boss denied the employee's PTO request. Still, we have reserved at least some sympathy for her. It's not like this employee wasn't entitled to that time, and while he wants to advance his career, h…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work layoffs workplace Horrible Bosses demotion employment in the workplace - 25861893

IT worker told to take a demotion

Being faced with the brutal decision of whether or not you'll take a demotion or be fired is not easy and it's an even harder choice to make. It would be easy to just want to up and walk away rather than face the humiliation demotion. But, unless you're in a secure financial position and have a lot of connections in your industry, you'll probably want to consider taking the demotion while you quietly go about looking for another job. After all, there's no better time to look for a job than when…
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