
Horrible Bosses

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

Duplicitous managers may praise you one moment and then come up with every excuse under the sun to not give you a raise the next. We've all had managers like this. You know, the ones who don't seem to understand that giving someone a raise means that they have been performing their primary responsibilities well. It does not mean going above and beyond and doing extra, unpaid labor. That wouldn't necessarily be a raise, then. It would be overdue compensation for responsibilities that are already…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25869829

Worker told they can't take their leave the day before they're set to leave, they take it anyway: 'I'm ignoring the fact that the leave isn't sanctioned now'

We work to earn money to support ourselves and our families and to give ourselves a chance at a life of better comfort and the space to pursue our individual interests. Sure, some of us might be lucky enough to reasonably enjoy our work and even find fulfillment in it, but it still serves as the means to an end. In short, you work so that you can better enjoy the time spent not working. And in some sort of weirdly depressing poetic sort of sense, the two are permanently at odds with each other.…
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New boss flexes muscles and enforces strict break schedule, team compliance causes public complaints: '[It was] a week of utter chaos'

New boss flexes muscles and enforces strict break schedule, team compliance causes public complaints: '[It was] a week of utter chaos'

Every new boss likes to demonstrate their particular way of doing things to their team, but blindly enforcing those rules can lead to unexpected consequences. If you're new to any company, whether you're in a position of power or if you're in an entry-level position, you have to take time to learn and adjust the current system before making suggestions that would radically change things for everyone else. Sure, new voices can be instrumental for productive change, but it's pretty self-involved…
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employment job jobs work workplace malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance ceo open plan office Office Horrible Bosses hot desking - 35219717

CEO pushes junior staff member for more productivity, they start working their scheduled hours: 'I worked exactly the hours I was paid to, instead of coming in 30 minutes early and staying 30 minutes longer as well'

It's ironic how the cubicle was the symbol of working-class oppression in the 80s, 90s, and 00s, with countless references in popular culture using it to establish the character's insignificant overlooked place in society. The cheap grey carpet and the temporariness of the fabrication reflected how the organizations viewed their lowest productive workers—too expendable to bother placing in an ordinary office.
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Boss makes employee put blazer back on in boiling hot weather because of his tattoos: '[I'm] so done with this place'

Boss makes employee put blazer back on in boiling hot weather because of his tattoos: '[I'm] so done with this place'

Let's talk about unnecessary dress codes. Sure, there are certain jobs where the clothing you wear is important. Healthcare workers and firefighters are a couple of professions that come to mind. Uniforms can signify that the person who is about to perform a job is the right person to be doing it. However, in most workplace environments, uniforms are less necessary and more performative. For instance, do all finance bros need to wear a jacket and tie for their jobs? Absolutely not. It should al…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 28037381

Overworked truck depot worker calls boss's bluff after being reprimanded for working their scheduled hours like they were told: 'Clearly, you're not going to fire me. You have no one who can do my job'

Being overworked and understaffed, working long hours at odd hours, is no way to live your life. Still, many of us are doing so in order to eke out a living in this wild world. It can even seem manageable while you're in it, grinding out the hours to keep up with an ever-increasing workload to keep the bossman happy while seasonal demand runs its course or to cover for that vacant role that they've yet to see fit to fill. The reality is, by trying to do the right thing and keep everyone happy,…
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'You want me to work ZERO overtime? Sure thing boss': Manager complies with new bogus OT policy, results in team racking up tons of OT hours, manager embarrasses boss in front of CEO: '

'You want me to work ZERO overtime? Sure thing boss': Manager complies with new bogus OT policy, results in team racking up tons of OT hours, manager embarrasses boss in front of CEO

It's a common misconception that cutting overtime hours can be a structurally sound decision for a company. This boss told a call center manager that management was no longer allowed to work overtime. Now despite this new bogus policy, he didn't say anything about the employees that report to management. At the end of every day, this manager tends to check up on his team to help them wrap up their calls and get them out of work on time. This often results in him having to stay after for a littl…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 28096773

Annoying coworker tries to change employee's schedule despite having no authority to do so: 'He’s not a manager and no manager told him to do this'

People will always be willing to better their own situation at the expense of others, whether it's that guy in front of you who sees fit to recline his seat for the entirety of a 15-hour flight despite having no one in front of or next to him, or something like cutting a queue in traffic or manipulating the schedule so that they don't have to work a shift that they find to be inconvenient. Everyone's the hero of their own story, so they, of course, won't see themselves as doing anything wrong.…
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'You can't use a competitor's phone': Employee collects 9 hours of OT and gets new boss fired after not being allowed to use a competitor's phone during a blizzard and power outage

'You can't use a competitor's phone': Employee collects 9 hours of OT and gets new boss fired after not being allowed to make a call during a blizzard and power outage

Something bosses never seem to consider when enforcing strict rules is the consideration of life events that are out of everyone's control. In this instance, we have a fancy new boss from the big city who moved out into a rural area to work for a company that runs local cell phone towers. One employee was threatened with termination if he was caught using a competitor's phone ever again. The confrontation itself was already a bit much. Well, flash forward to a power outage in the most remote ar…
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boss employee entitlement drama job hiring manager bosses coworkers Awkward demanding interviewer job candidate gone wrong human resources Horrible Bosses Reddit company entitled people - 26350085

Job candidate doesn't show up to meeting, HR publicly shames them on the internet and posts their private messages: 'Look what she has done'

Human resource employees don't always get the best rep, and unfortunately, this particular employee is not helping their case. After hiring a candidate, the candidate suddenly cut off communication and ghosted the company. According to other HR professionals, this behavior is not uncommon in the early stages of hiring. But unfortunetly for the candidate, she chose the wrong HR employee to ghost. Instead of addressing the issue internally, the employee took to LinkedIn and posted a public call-o…
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Boss pressures employee to use vacation time, employee demands money to plan his trip: 'It quickly turned into a Boomer v. Millennial Showdown'

Boss pressures employee to use vacation time, employee demands money to plan his trip: 'It quickly turned into a Boomer v. Millennial Showdown'

It's easy for the boss to tell their employee to go on a vacation somewhere nice. It's harder when you don't have the funds to plan a trip like that. This overworked employee recently learned that his company was doing away with bonuses and was therefore losing out on $20K that year. That was money he was planning on using for a real vacation, but without that extra money, he really could not afford to plan a trip. All of his income was now going into living expenses, as the cost of living was…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25929477

Worker forced to return to the office despite doing all their calls on zoom in the office anyways

When you actually like the place you work and can tolerate the people you work with, it's easy to reason that going into an office once in a while might present some benefit. But if you're being forced to go into an office where no one talks to each other (except under duress) just to do all of your work alone in an isolated room and all your meetings over Zoom anyway… It's easy to scratch your head and wonder what the point of all this really is. This worker shared how their employer made the…
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Piano technician maliciously complies with overbearing boss's demand for punctuality: 'If you can't be on time, then don't!'

Piano technician maliciously complies with overbearing boss's demand for punctuality: 'If you can't be on time, then don't!'

Let this serve as our weekly reminder that bosses should be careful with their choice of words. Here, we have an employer who got increasingly frustrated with a piano technician for being under five minutes late on more than one occasion. Under five minutes should be considered negligible, but if an employer really feels that a conversation is necessary, there is a much better way of having it than what this dude ended up doing. He used vaguely threatening phrasing that almost begged to be chal…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 25203205

Insane hiring manager rejects candidate for accepting a cup of coffee that was offered to her: 'She accepted a cup of coffee which is just really tacky'

Hiring—especially in the way it's usually conducted—is not an exact science. There's a whole lot of speculation and social shadowboxing going on with elaborately constructed facades masking true personalities in order to seem more put together and desirable according to the bizarre decorum of the entire process. The entire thing is based more on “vibes” than any concrete Superstition seems to reign on both sides of the interview table, with everyone having their own tricks. Even the most well-i…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26128645

Boss sets strict dress code that they themselves are in violation, employee calls them out: 'My boss never came to me about [the] dress code after that'

When you're in charge, it's pretty important that you follow your own rules, drinking the Kool-Aid that you've set out for everyone else to drink. Anything else would be hypocritical at best, causing dissension and demotivating those you're supposed to be leading and generally just setting a bad example. Conversely, being consistent and fair in your leadership helps foster a culture of accountability; by holding yourself to the same standards you've set for everyone else, you demonstrate the in…
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ask reddit boss jobs employee drama job work coworkers employees Horrible Bosses reddit thread red flag Reddit company job interview funny entitled people employment - 26108677

Employees expose major red flags they've encountered while working at companies: 'An overabundance of outdated motivational posters'

Have you ever come across a job listing and immediately knew you wouldn't want to work there? Maybe the listing used phrases to describe the company culture, like "we're a big family," or stated that they required candidates who could "perform well under stress," setting off major red flags in your head. That's not really the type of environment you're looking for when you're trying to find your dream job. But the kinds of red flags you can find at companies go way further than those examples.
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