horrible bosses

Boss revokes honeymoon PTO planned a year in advance and offers employee to quit when they refuse to cancel

Boss revokes honeymoon PTO planned a year in advance and offers employee to quit when they refuse to cancel

Employee sabotages toxic boss's favorite chili cook-off competition, purchases chili from a popular food chain and wins by a landslide: ‘The look on his face was absolutely priceless’

Employee sabotages toxic boss's favorite chili cook-off competition, purchases chili from a popular food chain and wins by a landslide: ‘The look on his face was absolutely priceless’

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake meant for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Workplace allocates 40 annual hours of sick time, forcing employee to work through illness or get fired after they use half of their time by January 4th: 'I’m down to 16 hours of sick time for the next year'

Workplace allocates 40 annual hours of sick time, forcing employee to work through illness or get fired after they use half of their time by January 4th: 'I’m down to 16 hours of sick time for the next year'

Hardworking employee discovers supervisors got 11k bonus while he settled for expiring, one-time, in-store discount

Hardworking employee discovers supervisors got 11k bonus while he settled for expiring, one-time, in-store discount: ‘$11,000 to do nothing? How does that make sense??’

Employee finds his job posting online, goes to HR and gets boss fired: 'Maybe you aren't a good fit here'

Employee finds his job posting online, goes to HR and gets boss fired: 'Maybe you aren't a good fit here'

antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees

Employees cost employer coveted award by submitting unlimited anonymous responses to corporate survey: 'The company never really recovered from that point onward'

‘I don't believe in PTO’: Disgruntled employees reflect on the worst things their toxic bosses have said to them on the clock

‘I don't believe in PTO’: Disgruntled employees reflect on the worst things their toxic bosses have said to them on the clock

Employer replaces all vacation day benefits with a one-time pay increase of $0.80/hour: 'This is a "full staff quits on the spot" level of egregiousness'

Employer replaces all vacation day benefits with a one-time pay increase of $0.80/hour: 'This is a "full staff quits on the spot" level of egregiousness'

'I sank the company boat': 20 employees share their most egregious errors on the job

'I sank the company boat': 20 employees share their most egregious errors on the job

Kitchen manager accrues 25+ hours of PTO, boss denies request and refuses to let hours roll over into 2025: 'It's use it or lose it'

Kitchen manager accrues 25+ hours of PTO, boss denies request and refuses to let hours roll over into 2025: 'It's use it or lose it'

Client refuses to pay and keeps ‘forgetting’ invoices, forcing freelancer to send blitz email barrage to get what’s owed: ‘Oh, I thought you needed them resent’

Client refuses to pay and keeps ‘forgetting’ invoices, forcing freelancer to send blitz email barrage to get what’s owed: ‘Oh, I thought you needed them resent’

Company executives receive $65k Christmas bonus while non-executives cash in on a $25 Starbucks gift card, causing disgruntled employee to seek employment elsewhere

Company executives receive $65k Christmas bonus while non-executives cash in on a $25 Starbucks gift card, causing disgruntled employee to seek employment elsewhere

Employee automates task, making everyone’s jobs easier, boss takes credit for her work: ‘You probably didn’t even know how to turn on your computer when we found you’

Employee automates task, making everyone’s jobs easier, boss takes credit for her work: ‘You probably didn’t even know how to turn on your computer when we found you’

10+ employees who got their incompetent bosses fired: 'A week later, I got a new title and a 35% raise'

10+ employees who got their incompetent bosses fired: 'A week later, I got a new title and a 35% raise'

Boss won't stop bothering employee while he's on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’

Boss won't stop bothering employee while they're on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’