
Horrible Bosses

management boss employee employment-discussion malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses paycheck reddit thread payment Reddit employment in the workplace - 35393029

'One big problem is we are given way too much time': Management enforces employees be paid for exact project time only, employees rebel by taking maximum time to complete tasks

For all the bosses out there, forcing your employees to work as fast as they can will not get you anywhere in the long run. If you decide it should reasonably take an employee X amount of time to complete a task, and they give it to you in that amount of time, that should be considered a win. And that's exactly how this company used to run. Even if an employee could complete a task in ¾ of the time allotted, they were still compensated for the time requested. But not anymore. Now, even if an em…
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employment issues boss antiwork workplace-stories fired job work coworkers layoffs workplace Horrible Bosses entitled reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35391237

'I’m not a flashy person in the slightest': Boss criticizes employee's personal spending habits, claims it looks bad while company is doing layoffs

What you choose to spend your hard-earned money on should be of no concern to your employer. You work hard for your money, so you should be able to use it to buy what you want. Even if you don't need more clothes, collectibles, fancy dinners, or whatever else you choose to spend your money, it's just that - it's your money. Well, this employee is being scolded by his boss for what he's been spending his money on recently. And here's the kicker - it's not even flashy items. One of the recent ite…
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workplace discussion pro revenge employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion petty-revenge-reddit job revenge work revenge-stories i quit quit petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit quitting employment in the workplace - 35384837

Boss cuts productive employee's hours, they quit, boss gets fired due to drop in performance: 'So, I quit'

Being charged with the responsibility of a section of a business usually means that it's implied that you'll hold that section's interests at a level of most importance and not jeopardize them over petty slights and egotistical battles with your subordinates and external parties. Yet, some people can't help themselves and let their ego get involved in every possible decision, finding themselves battling for superiority at every step of the way rather than managing the task they've been employed…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35385349

Boss lies on incident report after workplace incident, blaming employee: 'Should I confront my boss about this?'

Health and Safety is no joke—though often made into one by one of those weird things in workplace culture that is handled with complete polarity depending on the organization you work for. If you work for a “cowboy” small business owner whose organization's growth has far outpaced the professionalism of its structure, one where the owner is used to taking risks that place themselves in danger, relishing these moments with machismo and bravado, bragging about them for years afterward. They now f…
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boss antiwork employee work stories manager job work coworkers petty revenge Horrible Bosses entitled union reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35363333

'I see you're not a team player': Boss limits breaks to two 15-minute sessions due to being understaffed, employee consults union and faces backlash for reporting

Let's face it: we all need a break from work. There's no way our brains can stay totally engrossed for 8+ hours while still producing our best quality work all day long. Whether it's stepping outside for a quick breath of fresh air or eating a snack, sometimes that mental break is really what an employee needs to power through the rest of the day's tasks. Well, this boss is trying to mandate a new break policy. He's only allowing his employees two 15-minute breaks a day due to the company being…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment got fired in the workplace - 35368197

Boss wants employee to train their outsourced replacement who will be earning 75% less: '[He] expects me to train her...'

There's this weird thing that happens in employment, you're there to get a paycheck—no question about that. And while your employer will want to pay you (close) to market rate if they want to keep you they're always going to want to pay you as little as they possibly can get away with. You want more, they want to pay less, probably figuring that they'll get the same amount of work out of you regardless. This dynamic will hang over any employment agreement you enter into. There becomes a point t…
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Employee quits, then orchestrates an audit to get former boss fired three years later: 'She couldn't prove that she didn't misuse funds'

Employee quits, then orchestrates an audit to get former boss fired three years later: 'She couldn't prove that she didn't misuse funds'

Imagine putting a toxic work experience behind you and thinking you've completely moved on until the opportunity to get your boss back conveniently arises. Sure, you may have transitioned to bigger and better things in life, but you cannot help but admit that you still harbor a little resentment from those horrid years you endured under such problematic leadership. This Redditor put in her notice after her bosses accused her of doing zero work despite all the evidence proving otherwise (meanwhi…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job fired story consultant work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35356677

Efficiency consultant "experts" advise firing the wrong employee cost the company their biggest account: 'Business went from $200k to zero'

A surprising amount of experts and analysts get hired to improve the efficiency of businesses that they know nothing about, putting more effort into marketing themselves and trying to ensure corporate clients than into ensuring their analysis offers any actual value—or that their statistics hold any actual significance. At the end of the day, all they care about is that they're able to give the client some result, a result that the manager who hired them is going to take at face value since the…
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Entire team asked to take 70% pay cut after incompetent boss messes up contract negotiation: 'Virtually nobody is accepting this insulting offer'

Entire team asked to take 70% pay cut after incompetent boss messes up contract negotiation: 'Virtually nobody is accepting this insulting offer'

Imagine your boss getting your entire team together and then casually asking all of you to take a massive pay cut. It's possible that you've been in a similar situation, where you have been encouraged to “take one for the team,” so to speak. But here's the truth: taking a pay cut is far from taking one for the team. It's taking one for the boss, who likely has not been asked to do the same. In this specific instance, how could you be taking one for the team if the entire team is getting hurt by…
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Employee figures out toxic boss is watching their every move and no one else, plans payback: ''The camera is pointed directly at me'

Employee figures out toxic boss is watching their every move and no one else, plans payback: 'The camera is pointed directly at me'

It's easy to feel like your boss is always watching over you like a hawk, and nine times out of ten, they have more important things to be doing than monitoring your every move. However, every so often, you may find yourself in a sticky situation where your greatest suspicions have been confirmed, and you are stuck in one of those toxic work environments that everyone writes about on the internet these days. When this happens, the key is to immediately start thinking about ways to protect yours…
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'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

Socializing with one's coworkers is important, but why does it have to take up so much of one's personal time? Sure, these events are typically not in the office. They might be at a bar, a restaurant, or the boss's home, which is ten times nicer than anything you could ever afford. The reality of the matter is that regardless of location, you're still networking with your coworkers. You're still on the job. It doesn't matter if food and drink are on the company because your time is actively bei…
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'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

Every office has an infuriating coworker, and they can really be the difference between a perfectly average day at work and the worst day of your life. This week, we have a variety of difficult team members that range from the entitled to the chaotic. The entitled ones tend to boss you around even when they are just slightly senior according to the company hierarchy. The chaotic ones, however, can be even worse, as these stories will show. Sometimes, you actually befriend your chaotic coworker,…
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Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

We somehow muster the strength to report to work every day, seven days a week. We work very hard at our occupations so that we are capable of a fair standard of living. Thus, it may be said that even though their justifications may differ, the employer and employee have a common goal in mind: producing high-quality material. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The dispute between the original poster (OP) and his micromanager is discussed. After the micromanager started track…
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management boss frustrating antiwork employee entitlement job work coworkers demanding Horrible Bosses entitled busy Reddit company business entitled people employment - 35287045

Boss denies employee's request for resigned worker's accounts, assigns to coworker, then begs original employee for help when coworker struggles: 'Every part of me wants to tell them to pound sand'

There's nothing worse than trying to voice your opinion and stand up for yourself at work, only for the conversation to be one-sided and your boss to ignore your concerns completely. That's exactly what happened to this employee. After one of his coworkers resigned, he went to his boss to say that he was capable of taking on his coworker's accounts. He had been working at the company for a while and was ready to prove himself. Only for his boss to pass him over and give all the accounts to anot…
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Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Here's a rule of thumb: try not to unjustly fire someone with the specialized skills you so desperately need. That's what this manager learned the hard way. She hired a video content creator to be a one-man team for all of the social videos for an entire university. Despite numerous attempts to convey to his manager that the KPIs she and the director had set were unfair, this employee was not listened to in the slightest. In fact, his manager was convinced she could get someone better to finish…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace pregnancy women in the workplace motherhood pregnant - 35261957

Boss declines pregnant employee's requests for accommodation a week before her due date, HR steps in and grants her leave immediately

It's often said that HR is never on your side, but is merely there to maintain an equilibrium that will prevent the organization from opening itself to vulnerability or liability. They are there to manage the “human” resources of the company, and—well, that's you . Still, in instances where you're dealing with someone in the organization—be it a boss, coworker, or other party—who is so incredibly off base with their actions or reasoning, then it just makes sense to go to HR and help them see yo…
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