
Horrible Bosses

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work wedding workplace Horrible Bosses weddings employment in the workplace - 35689733

Employee forced to work on his wedding day after having the leave approved months ago: 'His manager cryptically threatened to fire him if he didn’t work on his wedding day and honeymoon'

Honestly, has upper or regional management ever volunteered to fill in for a weekend shift? This wouldn't be the first time that an upper manager pulled something like this, going with the old “you have to make sacrifices to go along with your rank” and ignoring the fact that they're not actually paying their “manager” the industry standard for their role, let alone enough to match the gravitas that they're placing on it. Further, they're conveniently forgetting the fact that they're a manager,…
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‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

In certain situations, managing people might force you to diffuse awkward situations. The topics of discussion could include pay—or lack thereof—and dismissing competent workers due to the financial challenges facing the business. That being stated, how would you react if your manager reprimanded you for discussing your salary with a coworker? The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) spent a significant length of time working for the same company. OP is pai…
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Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

Imagine gathering for a company meeting and hearing about all the great work everyone's doing, only to be asked to take massive pay cuts. This was not exactly the greatest display of a healthy company culture. Essentially, this executive at the company, who rarely shows her face and has next to no relationship with the Redditor and the other coworkers on their team, decided that the best way for the company to remain healthy was for everyone to elect a certain amount of money to be deducted fro…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35647237

'They fired me without warning via text': Employee refuses to take on the work of three people, gets fired without warning after being the only one to speak up

Just do your job and do it right, and you'll be fine… A common train of thought many workers have thought about and shared, thinking that there's no way their job would be in jeopardy just as long as they keep up and don't draw excessive attention to themselves. Well, what about when your boss wants you to take on someone else's job, too? Plus, someone else's job on top of that? Well, you might be ready to tell them to go and shove it, but before you do, you'd better weigh the situation careful…
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After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

In the corporate world, there are unwritten rules that need to be adhered to. If, for whatever reason, you decide to deviate from the norm, you should be prepared for the hits that will inevitably come your way. The following story tells the account of the employee who decided to stand up for himself in front of the company's managers. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same business for a considerable amount of time. Even though he might be very talented in his field, the compan…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35622149

Boss calls out worker for "unprofessional" language after they respond to an email on their day off: 'Say that it was auto correct or something'

It's a fact of life that if you go around going above and beyond for people, people are just going to start to take if for granted. That won't be the worst of it either, because sooner or later, someone's going to take advantage of your willingness to give more than you get and start using it as an excuse to walk all over. As an anecdote, say you have one friend in a group who goes out of her way to make unique cakes for all her friends on their birthdays; everyone just comes to expect this whe…
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salary boss antiwork employee drama job work coworkers Horrible Bosses hourly employee reddit thread Reddit company business entitled people employment in the workplace - 35583749

Boss promotes all hourly employees to salary, workers find out 6 months later that he lied: 'Because he was now “salary,” we didn’t see compensation for those extra hours'

It sounds like this boss isn't going to have his job for much longer. These hourly employees work for a nonprofit where they do manual labor outside all day long. Their boss announced to them that they all were being promoted to salaried employees, and the team couldn't have been more excited . Who wouldn't be happy about a promotion? Being salaried means you can finally take PTO time without the guilt of taking a day off for yourself and being unpaid. That's a huge win for the OP (Original Pos…
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'Your input has been duly noted...': Employee’s frustration boils over amidst the shackles of workplace political correctness

'Your input has been duly noted...': Employee’s frustration boils over amidst the shackles of workplace political correctness

Some phrases from the business sector become ingrained in our minds forever. You are familiar with those vague proverbs that essentially advise you to get over yourself, but they do so in a polished and professional way. I came onto a post made by a frustrated employee on Reddit while perusing the site. The original poster (OP) goes into great depth to express his displeasure, which helps us as viewers better understand the reason why he has been driven to the point of no return. I felt compell…
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'I am so sick of these meetings': Micromanager adds 10+ hours of meetings to employee's schedule to review why not enough work is getting done

'I am so sick of these meetings': Micromanager adds 10+ hours of meetings to employee's schedule to review why not enough work is getting done

Let this story serve as yet another reminder to managers and supervisors everywhere that if it can be communicated in an email, there is absolutely no need for a meeting. Here is another tale of a micromanager who seems to be so concerned with their employee's level of productivity and has zero self-awareness considering the fact that they have been repeatedly adding 10+ hours of meetings every week. But then again, who is genuinely surprised here? Micromanagers never realize that they are ofte…
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boss antiwork employee satisfying drama job bosses work coworkers petty revenge entitled people karma Horrible Bosses entitled company business entitled people employment - 35564037

'You owe me money!': Employee wrongfully fired for missing shift he requested off months in advance, causes a scene when entitled boss withholds final paycheck

This entitled boss got the karma she deserved. She spent most of her time bragging to her hourly employees about how rich she is, including being upset that her 3.5 million dollar house 'only' sold for 3.3 million, complaining that her daughter totaled her luxury car only to buy her a brand new one immediately, and so on. Well, the OP (original poster) worked as a chef at her fancy restaurant. He was struggling financially, as he and his girlfriend lived in a small apartment and were expecting…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35535877

Employees get unpaid overtime backpaid totaling in over $300,000 by using employer's own logic against them: 'These are the rules we're just following them'

Working overtime stinks. The one upside of trading your free time—when you'd normally be at home with your pants off instead of at work—is getting that sweet, sweet time and a half… That is, if you live somewhere in the world where getting increased pay is a legal requirement. If you're unlucky enough to live somewhere where they never bothered to make it a law, you're probably just getting your normal rate… if you're getting paid at all. See, there's a secret third option that some more unscru…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35534853

Employer fires 17-year-old employee after they miss a shift due to hospitalization, despite family phoning boss: 'At this point we are terminating your employment'

When the worst happens, you might hope that those with authority in your life would have your back, meeting the needs of the situation rather than taking it as a chance to exert their authority and kick you while you're down, attempting to hold you to uncertain terms of an agreement that shouldn't be in the forefront of anyone's mind. Unfortunately, the world is not quite so forgiving, and you'll often find that when it comes to professional arrangements, your personal needs and the situation p…
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Employee accidentally swears at boss during Zoom call thinking he's on mute: 'Hope I still have a job tomorrow'

Employee accidentally swears at boss during Zoom call thinking he's on mute: 'Hope I still have a job tomorrow'

At this point, folks, we should not be having mishaps and mixups over Zoom. We all know where the mute button is, and we've all been doing these remote calls for quite some time now. That being said, our hearts still go out to this employee , who was given a ton of extra responsibility from his boss during a team call when he already had a packed schedule. The Redditor, who was not on camera during the call, responded and said he was on it. He then proceeded to swear at his boss for dumping all…
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On-call employee reprimanded for not coming in despite never being notified by hostile manager: 'Am I being gaslit?'

On-call employee reprimanded for not coming in despite never being notified by hostile manager: 'Am I being gaslit?'

Don't you just love it when your manager punishes you for their own mistake? We are all probably accustomed to this phenomenon regardless of industry, but this kind of behavior seems to be particularly widespread in the service industry and especially when it comes to scheduling shifts. This employee was on-call and usually would be notified by mid-afternoon if he was needed to come in that night. This time, he wasn't notified so he rightfully assumed that he was not needed. Well, it turns out…
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  City council demands man remove grass from home and the neighboring road or pay the price, man cleverly complies making matters worse

City council demands man remove grass from home and the neighboring road or pay the price, man cleverly complies making matters worse

The responsibilities associated with homeownership are numerous. Each person completes the chores on their list, knowing that doing so will enhance their own quality of life, even though the list may seem long and never-ending to some. However, how would you respond if the city council gave you a challenging task and threatened to punish you for not completing it? Would you defend what is rightfully yours, or would you submit out of fear? According to the original poster (OP), his in-laws have…
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Micromanager seeks to prevent 'unnecessary' expenses by making employees pay for the water costs of 'poor' outdoor laborers

Micromanager seeks to prevent 'unnecessary' expenses by making employees pay for the water costs of 'poor' outdoor laborers

Knowing your rights as an employee is essential. Your management has a duty to provide for some essential needs; other needs are voluntary, but depending on the manager-you relationship, they may have an impact on your future in the organization. The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) goes to Reddit to ask for guidance on whether his employer is infringing on his fundamental rights as an employee. For background, OP clarifies that some employees work indo…
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