horrible bosses

work workplace workplace-stories toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment entitled people Horrible Bosses reddit thread boss bosses bad bosses Reddit

Entitled boss expects employee to take his dog home every night because of his apartment's no pet policy, then threatens employee's job security when she refuses: ‘I was done’

New boss enforces strict 12:00 lunch time, rule immediately backfires as customers are abandoned: 'It was a complete mess'

New boss enforces strict 12:00 lunch time, rule immediately backfires as customers are abandoned: 'It was a complete mess'

customer service micromanager employee malicious compliance work coworkers petty revenge restaurant Horrible Bosses bartender entitled people service industry Workplace - 39768581

New restaurant manager insists on following employees around, absurd rule backfires when bartender restocks one item at a time to teach her a lesson: 'Best way to defeat a micromanager'

Boss fires employee for taking a sick day on the spot via text, sending business spiraling down: ‘Their income dropped over 30% since they fired me’

Boss fires employee for taking a sick day on the spot via text, sending business spiraling down: ‘Their income dropped over 30% since they fired me’

Upper management bans above-average reviews to avoid raises, pushing employees to question why they should even try: ‘I was shocked when I got a “met expectations,” 3/5 across the board’

Upper management bans above-average reviews to avoid raises, pushing employees to question why they should even try: ‘I was shocked when I got a “met expectations,” 3/5 across the board’

 ‘I was pulled into a meeting with my boss’s boss, where I got yelled at’: 30-year-old coworker cries over not being invited to casual conversation then takes it to HR as an exclusion case

‘I was pulled into a meeting with my boss’s boss, where I got yelled at’: 30-year-old coworker cries over not being invited to casual conversation then takes it to HR as an exclusion case

security employee manager job malicious compliance guard jobsite petty revenge entitled people karma workplace Horrible Bosses theft entitled people Workplace - 39769093

Boss insists employees wear full uniform in 100-degree heat, security guard collapses and workplace gets robbed: 'My work gave me a bonus'

'I felt sorry for his son's future': Rich friend turns favor into free labor, bossing his friend and making him take orders from his entitled kid

'I felt sorry for his son's future': Rich friend turns favor into free labor, bossing his friend and making him take orders from his entitled kid

Employee challenges CEO by denying him coffee at company workshop: 'New rules'

Employee challenges power-tripping CEO by denying him coffee at company workshop: 'We can't have coffee? You can't have coffee!'

Boss “concerned” about 26-year-old employee’s love life, turning workplace chatter into awkward lectures: ‘I don't understand why he's so concerned about my relationship he knows nothing about”

Boss “concerned” about 26-year-old employee’s love life, turning workplace chatter into awkward lectures: ‘I don't understand why he's so concerned about my relationship he knows nothing about”

work workplace workplace-stories toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment askreddit reddit story entitled people Horrible Bosses horrible-management job interview interview reddit thread

‘[It was] a 30-minute humiliation session’: Job seeker is berated by interviewer for having a PhD, despite listing higher education as a preference in the job description

‘Made me feel awful—he completely invalidated me’: Boss publicly mocks new hire on first week, prompting employee to leave meeting feeling defeated and questioning their abilities

‘Made me feel awful—he completely invalidated me’: Boss publicly mocks new hire on first week, prompting employee to leave meeting feeling defeated and questioning their abilities

work workplace workplace-stories toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment Reddit story entitled people Horrible Bosses horrible-management bonus

Company gifts longest tenured employee a watch and a $50 restaurant gift card to thank him for his 50 years of service: ‘The only bonus he’s ever gotten’

Boss demands remote employee commute ten hours weekly and surrender control over non-work schedule, forcing her to reconsider her future: ‘I feel like if I give in once, it’ll just continue to happen’

Boss demands remote employee commute ten hours weekly and surrender control over non-work schedule, forcing her to reconsider her future: ‘I feel like if I give in once, it’ll just continue to happen’

Employee refuses boss’ demands to commute during active tornado or be fired: ‘So yeah I’m looking for another job’

Employee refuses boss’ demands to commute during active tornado or be fired: ‘So yeah I’m looking for another job’

daylight savings job relatable memes work memes tired work coworkers funny memes Office sleep deprived Horrible Bosses sleepy 9-5 Workplace - 39643397

25 Sleep-Deprived Memes for Employees Who Still Haven’t Recovered from Daylight Savings