

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

While planning your potluck dinner , be sure to invite the right friend group! Maybe invite the friends whose homes you've eaten in before, or those who claim to be great cooks already. If you invite the wrong people—the kind who ignore safety protocols or just have zero idea what they're doing in the kitchen—you may wind up giving your whole party food poisoning. You should still invite your friends who can't cook , but just tell them to bring a dessert. That's pretty hard to mess up! Unless y…
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27 Sushi Abominations That Have Nigiri Lovers Saying 'Oh No' Instead of 'Oishii'

Sashimi going to a different sushi restaurant if I saw any of this on the menu
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'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

If you ask 100 people the worst foods they've ever tried, you'll get 100 different answers. If you ask people who answered u/MomKaia's question, though, you'll encounter a lot of interesting answers—and quite a few about sea urchins . Every person has their own unique palate. Some foods people dislike for their textures, like snails or liver. Then there are foods that have a terrible taste or smell that drives people away (the durian haters were out in full force over that terribly scented frui…
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42 Culinary Catastrophes Concocted By Tasteless Chefs That'll Haunt Your Kitchen Nightmares

Babe, what's wrong? You've hardly touched your peppermint, pickle, hotdog pie
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'Not putting the shopping cart back': 27 Judgey Judys confess common things they can't help but scorn

Are you guilty of anything on this list?
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‘Don’t ever come back here': Man kicks his roommate out after finding out he has been purposely messing with his food

‘Don’t ever come back here': Man kicks his roommate out after finding out he has been purposely messing with his food

Even if you are the most friendly person in the world, even if you love people and constantly enjoy having company, one thing constantly remains a challenge, and that is having roommates. Having to live with someone you don't know so well is an experience that is hard to describe. Each of you has your own habits, house rules you grew up on, and pet peeves, and finding the middle ground usually seems impossible. Many succeed with that task, but some fail miserably. Like the person who wrote this…
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'Power move from the pushover': Roommate successfully thwarts a food thief's thievery by totally grossing them out

Roommate claims their food in the fridge by adding their own special ingredient
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'I slept on the couch of horrors': Guy who regularly sleeps on his couch discovers over 70 spiders living underneath

We all crash on the couch every now and then, maybe even more often than we'd like to admit. It's just sooooo cozy as you're watching TV; getting up and going to bed can seem like the worst thing in the history of the world. And it is. So, you keep laying there, fighting to stay awake for as long as you can as your eyes slowly drift and then… bam. It's 6 in the morning. Or, like in the OP's case, the living room is just so much cooler (temperature-wise) than the stuffy bedrooms. I can relate to…
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Industry Pros Reveal 'Dirty Little Secrets' From Work That'll Make You Want to Call OSHA

Working for a company really shows you the ugly underbelly of certain industries. While many of us were grossed out by our first job at ‘that one’ unclean restaurant– the one with the roaches– we all assumed that was just a one-off coincidence and other restaurants, especially high-end ones, would be MUCH cleaner… Oh, we have been so naïve.
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'The pizza is CRAWLING with ants': Blind guy accidentally eats leftover pizza with a few extra toppings

In a lot of cultures it's super normal to eat bugs, however, in most Western societies, just the thought of having creepy crawlies on your plate gives people the heebie-jeebies. But if you didn't know you were eating bugs, would that make it better? Would the husky crunch of bug legs in your mouth be delicious or revolting? For a blind person, this is apparently a very real possibility.
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'I found a bandaid in my pizza': Restaurant goers (and employees) recall the most disgusting thing they ever saw dining out

Restaurant horror stories that are not for the squeamish
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'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

The cafeteria chefs who cook for public school kids are doing a very important job, but the meals they serve up can sometimes miss the mark. I want to take this opportunity to use my platform to talk about Italian dunkers. These were a top tier lunch food , and as a very picky child, it was my saving grace. These Italian dunkers were basically just mozzarella cheese sticks wrapped inside dough, but they tasted heavenly. Looking back, giving an 8-year-old four cheese sticks for lunch with a side…
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'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she does not enjoy her signature mac and cheese dish

'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she despises her signature mac and cheese dish

Think of the most off-the-wall way you could make pasta… and it's still not as odd as this MIL's custom recipe . This woman and her husband have a great relationship with his parents. But now that the OP, u/NecessaryAct35, is pregnant, she's finding herself unable to eat the food that her mother in law has been making…and she may have a good reason why. The issue with this mother in law's mac and cheese dish is that she seems to have added far too many ingredients into the mix. Of course, depen…
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'Hotcakes, hold the syrup, substitute tartar sauce': 25+ Outlandish food substitutions that customers insisted chefs cook for them

'Hotcakes, hold the syrup, substitute tartar sauce': 25+ Outlandish food substitutions that customers insisted chefs cook for them

Not to yuck these peoples' yums, but why would they choose these food combos? The ones included below are truly odd — and chefs and waiters were the ones telling on their customers. The r/KitchenConfidential community answered the question, “What are the grossest substitutions you’ve been asked to make?” Interestingly, the OP suggested that they were unhappy with a customer substituting mustard instead of apple butter on a sandwich with sourdough bread, cheese, and bacon. Tons of commenters sco…
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'Don't tell me that is mashed potatoes': 20 Amateur chefs who cooked with creativity

'Don't tell me that is mashed potatoes': 20 Amateur chefs who cooked with creativity

Recipes are great for some, but some chefs prefer to freestyle their meals. I'm fully on team recipe, mainly because when I try to cook without one, my dish turns out just awful . I trust the random cooks of the internet when I make my meals — mostly because I actually had a physical cookbook, and everything I made with it turned out wrong. This cookbook had me making soggy and inedible french toast, and another time, it steered me into making the most watery pancakes I've ever witnessed. They…
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'We microwaved her salad': Servers share the strangest things customers have ever asked for

But what if the customer is wrong? So epically wrong that their servers are scarred for life contemplating their tasteless choices and downright wacky desires. For the woman who wanted creamer with her red wine, please leave this establishment and never return. Your tastebuds are not welcome here.
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