
20+ out-of-touch remarks from entitled wealthy folks: 'How could your family accountant let that happen?'

20+ out-of-touch remarks from entitled wealthy folks: 'How could your family accountant let that happen?'

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'He deleted ALL of his contributions to a project': 20+ Workers who quit in memorable ways

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'Their lips look like gigantic balloons': 24 Fads That Old Skool Cool Just Can't Get Behind

‘He buys his $20 gloves… and storms out': Kid bursts with embarrassment as his father has a tantrum for being told the store is closed, manager shuts him down

‘He buys his $20 gloves… and storms out': Kid bursts with embarrassment as his father has a tantrum for being told the store is closed, manager shuts him down

Brother makes sister's car ride 3.5 hours long instead of 90 minutes after she chastises him for giving directions: 'You can't help people who don't want help'

Brother makes sister's car ride 3.5 hours long instead of 90 minutes after she chastises him for giving directions: 'You can't help people who don't want help'

Entitled Mom follows son off to college, demands access to dorms and classes, campus police intervene: 'Everybody in the administration knew of her. Everybody.'

Entitled Mom follows son off to college, demands access to dorms and classes, campus police intervene: 'Everybody in the administration knew of her. Everybody.'

Micromanager locks office supply closet to ‘save costs’ for company, employees retaliate by flooding her with emails requesting supplies: ‘Need a single paperclip? Email’

Micromanager locks office supply closet to ‘save costs’ for company, employees retaliate by flooding her with emails requesting supplies: ‘Need a single paperclip? Email’

Family discovers 2,000 jars of green beans their grandfather hid from his wife for 20+ years: 'He hid them so he wouldn't have to eat them!'

Family discovers 2,000 jars of green beans their grandfather hid from his wife for 20+ years: 'He hid them so he wouldn't have to eat them!'

16-year-old joins friend's family for Costa Rica vacation, her parents get billed without warning: 'You don't invite someone and then stick an invoice in the mail'

16-year-old joins friend's family for Costa Rica vacation, her parents get billed without warning: 'You don't invite someone and then stick an invoice in the mail'

 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit

20+ Petty workplace dramas that got the whole office gossiping: 'Patricia stole my stapler and is denying it'

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'You thought you’d get $3k worth of stuff for like $200?': 11+ Dimwitted Customers That Left Customer Service Employees Internally Screaming

Entitled family starts trash-talking 28-year-old woman in the elevator in French, not knowing she's fluent: 'I could understand everything they were saying'

Entitled family starts trash-talking 28-year-old woman in the elevator in French, not knowing she's fluent: 'I could understand everything they were saying'

Vacationer grows tired of people at the resort ‘hogging’ sun chairs by leaving towels on them for hours, gets payback by throwing their towels into the pool: ‘Dibs doesn't work here’

Vacationer grows tired of people at the resort ‘hogging’ sun chairs by leaving towels on them for hours, gets payback by throwing their towels into the pool: ‘Dibs doesn't work here’

diet diet-app app petty revenge petty-revenge payback deserved funny silly lol prank

'Like an entire turkey or a whole cheesecake': Guy sandbags a stranger's diet tracking app after they rudely thwart a friendly reminder to correct their login info

‘Job’ candidate wants to join the workforce, as long as she won’t be forced to work, envisions career as a professional slacker with minimal effort and maximum relaxation

‘Job’ candidate wants to join the workforce, as long as she won’t be forced to work, envisions career as a professional slacker with minimal effort and maximum relaxation

Clever mom challenges school dress code policy via malicious compliance, gets the original shirts phased out: 'Admin was furious'

Clever mom challenges school dress code policy via malicious compliance, gets the original shirts phased out: 'Admin was furious'

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