

An entitled guitar Karen ends up getting a necessary reality check from her kid's music teacher.

Entitled Guitar Karen Gets Reality Check From Music Teacher

These people are the absolute worst.
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An entitled girl expects a 60% discount on Offerup.

Girl Expects 60% Discount On Offerup

Absolutely ridiculous.
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Customer wastes plumber's time, and then berates him in the process.

Entitled Customer Tells Plumber His Rate's Too High, Gets Nastier After That

Dude, this guy was on a trip.
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An entitled mom has a full on temper tantrum after being rejected a doll.

Entitled Mom Has Temper Tantrum Over Doll

Absolutely ridiculous.
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An entitled Karen has the audacity to steal customer's drinks, but then glorious instant karma ensues.

Entitled Karen Steals Customer's Drinks, Instant Karma Ensues

The audacity of this Karen genuinely blows the mind.
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Sibling's sister loses car privileges and proceeds to say that her life is ruined.

Sister Loses Car Privileges, Says Her Life Is Ruined

Check that entitlement out.
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An entitled influencer expects a haircut for cheap | saw post on twitter hair and 's really pretty much Hi is do something similar 20:06 Hey costs £120 includes cost my trip place. 20:08 's pretty much. Can pay £50 though? 20:10 No 50 is too low can do 100 though just bc one her friends referred and she says 20:12 W

Entitled "Influencer" Expects Haircut For Cheap

Oh dear.
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An entitled neighbor expects tree removal so that he can have a better view.

Entitled Neighbor Expects Tree Removal For Better View

Ain't how the world works, buddy.
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Reddit revenge story about revenge on entitled Karen | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/poweredbyweirdhumor No, my husband wearing winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just peaceful giant.

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Oh she had to be humbled.
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A choosy beggar expects a seller to Uber a game to them.

Choosy Beggar Expects Seller To Uber Game To Them

Some people refuse to get a clue.
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An angry lady demands candy apples from a customer.

Angry Lady Demands Candy Apples From Customer, Emotional Rollercoaster Ensues

People go wild for those candy apples, man.
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Entitled parents stage a public freakout over parking spot, and almost get arrested.

Entitled Parents Lose It Over Parking Spot, Get Towed

What a satisfying emotional rollercoaster.
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An entitled Karen expects her kid to be able to steal toys, and then a reality check ensues.

Karen Expects Kid To Be Able To Steal Toys, Reality Check Ensues

Serves Karen right.
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Company demands that their employee get to work on a broken bike. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/gaarmstrong318 19h 1 4 5 e 4 3 5 VOTE 4 VOTED 2 Broken down bike don't care get here meeting! L Edit people asking this is UK have full motorbike licence with no restrictions. Again thank likes and awards! Also if aren't going say something nice just move on okay? Let's all be decent humans :end edit So this is about just quick bit background exclusively ride motorbikes have not got car licence. LO

Company Demands Employee Get To Work On Broken Bike

Be careful with what you ask your staff to do.
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Petty revenge is taken on a coworker who complains about free pizza | r/pettyrevenge u/anon98199 225d Join Coworker complains about free pizza So told this belongs here as well. Please enjoy So one my coworkers is huge choosing beggar. Like aggressively choosy point he will bully people who are buying him free things get exactly he wants. This normally doesn't affect as have learned just tell him fuck off course he always complains and pretends like just attacked him out nowhere but 's not

Coworker Complains About Free Pizza, Petty Feast Ensues

Free pizza somehow isn't good enough for some people.
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A choosing beggar expects their A/C unit to be delivered for free, and gets rejected | Is really free? Is still available accepted request is still available and yes 's free because can't carry this 120lb thing by myself lol But there is another person who messaged before did, so let give her opportunity first and will get back Let's keep our fingers crossed! ok am single mother and could really use right now. Can have Hello will give her opportunity until tomorrow and if don't hear back her

Choosing Beggar Expects Free A/C To Be Delivered, Gets Rejected

The whole free package was just too much.
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