
entitled people


'I would be upping the stinky food game': High school secretary of 20+ years loves her job until she gets a new office mate, internet provides both helpful and petty solutions

We're humans, our species is all about evolution and embracing change. But on the other hand, we also love a routine. Why change something if it ain't broken? Unfortunately, sometimes well-meaning bosses will intervene and change something at work that they think will help, but actually does the opposite. This high school secretary loves her job and has loved it for over 20 years. She loves all the kids, parents, and her co-workers. She worked closely with one co-worker she calls Tammy. They ha…
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'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

Stores with ridiculous policies are practically begging for drama. The only thing worse in a retail conflict than an entitled customer is a manager on a power trip. Most of the time when you find yourself in a situation like this, you roll your eyes and accept the bogus policy, but every once in a while, you just cannot bring yourself to go along with such nonsense. That's when these managers need to be careful because this is perhaps the only time when irate customers are justified in trying t…
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failblog, entitled-realtor-experiences-karma

'My friend here took half [of your money]': Realtor snubs interested buyer, loses 50% of her commission

Have you ever seen the classic Julia Roberts film Pretty Woman ? Remember the scene where she walks into a fancy retail shop and the women refuse to serve her because they thought she looked too poor, but then got hooked up by Richard Gere's character? Then she went back to that store and told them they made a big “HUGE" mistake. Well, that is what happened here but in real life and with an entitled realtor instead of retail workers.
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friendship bad friend entitlement stealing malicious compliance petty revenge stood up prank reddit thread Reddit payback money entitled people - 23908613

"He fell for it so easily': Entitled man steals over $7,000 from friends, revenge strikes when they make him fly cross-country and stand him up with $400 bill

After being a part of a close-knit social circle for some time, one of the friends within the group began showing some problematic behavior. Over time, this so-called friend's behavior continued to deteriorate and spiral out of control. What started innocently enough with him 'borrowing' money from some friends and failing to pay them back evolved into outright stealing. Even though he repeatedly denied it, the friends knew that this guy who called himself a businessman actually...
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'Customer had tantrum over being cut off': Servers and bartenders share their top cringe customer encounters

'Customer had tantrum over being cut off': Servers and bartenders share their top cringe customer encounters

Perhaps everyone should have made their resolutions this year to be kinder to their servers and bartenders. If you're not part of the problem but you are witnessing a Karen customer throwing a tantrum for no good reason, perhaps you should consider stepping in and defending the people who have been on their feet for multiple hours and are just trying to get you your food and drinks the way you ordered them. No one is trying to mess up, and so much of what goes on in a bar or restaurant is outsi…
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‘[My supervisor] is going to have a very “fun” conversation with him’: Entitled customer demands personal phone number of auto insurance employee, gets threatened with jail time instead

Working the phones in any job is not usually a very good time, but working the phones for insurance claims seems to be notorious for getting the worst of the Karen and male-Karen customers…
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'Took her a few hours to get the knots out': Woman throws long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

'Knot a bad revenge at all': Woman throws her long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

This form of revenge was not only petty, but it was also knotty. Sometimes, when you're in a public performance setting like a movie theater or a play, people are unintentionally disruptive and annoying in a way that can ruin the whole experience for others. We know this phenomenon all too well, from the folks who text after they have been told to silence their cell phones to the people who have absolutely no concept of personal space. Like it or not, there are unspoken rules of how to behave i…
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Update: Couple Discovers Petty Neighbor Poisoned Their Lawn, They Tip off the Authorities

Update: Couple Discovers Petty Neighbor Poisoned Their Lawn, They Tip off the Authorities

The juicy back-and-forth between warring neighbors will never stop being entertaining. Whether it's the small town gossiping or petty grievances over mail and property lines, we are accustomed to coming across stories of entitled, anti-neighborly behavior here at FAIL Blog. That being said, it is rare to come across a multi-part saga in which one resident chooses to go so far as to poison the grass on their neighbor's lawn. Not only does that qualify as extremely anti-neighborly behavior, but a…
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'I chose not to comply with most of her "recommendations"': Karen demands roommate hide her stuff for a party, roommate hides all the toilet paper

'I chose not to comply with most of her "recommendations"': Karen demands housemate hide her stuff for a party, roommate hides all the toilet paper

Surviving the experience of having a Karen as a housemate is an awards-worthy feat. We all know that it's not easy to have to deal with a Karen customer or even to witness a Karen on the street, but of course, these are all temporary encounters. Having to deal with a Karen day in and day out can be soul-crushing, and yet this housemate managed to endure and even managed to pull off some petty revenge along the way. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/Roguefem-76 , w…
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christmas family drama gifts presents text message text grandma niece entitled family grandmother entitled people - 23854085

'That should be the end of Christmas presents for her': Niece reacts to grandmother's presents that 'aren't what I asked for'

This kiddo is all but guaranteed to wake up with coal in her stocking next Christmas. Every generation eventually finds themselves wondering about the kids these days. They're living out such a different version of childhood than the one you had while growing up. No matter which generation you're from, you probably spent it in entirely different ways than someone who's 20 or 30 years your senior. Older generations grew up in an era where you spent all day outside, and when televisions had three…
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workplace-stories employee job retail tales-from-the-workplace retail worker reddit story entitled customers workplace tales-from-retail Reddit funny entitled people - 23867909

'Sorry, I'm not a mind reader': Retail worker shares story about a demanding customer who asked them to hand-deliver items, in turn, retail workers share stories where they were expected to read customers' minds

And the award for Most Entitled Customer goes to...
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pro revenge karens parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23805957

'I don't own a car': Karen accuses guy of parking too close to her car in a truck that isn't his

There's something startling about being accused of slighting someone and doing them wrong—especially when you don't even have any idea what they're talking about. Maybe it's the actual confrontation itself; maybe it's just your mind trying to make sense of it all, but usually, you're going to find yourself caught too off guard to formulate a proper response to the events that are unfolding in front of you.
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Top 'Face Palm' Moments of the Week (January 7, 2024)

Top 'Face Palm' Moments of the Week (January 7, 2024)

The Internet is a space where anyone can speak their mind, which unfortunately means that a lot of mistakes will be made. Furthermore, it means that a lot of really unintelligent people are going to take up a whole lot of that space. Sometimes, it's a silly mixup, a simple mistake in a social media post that's lighthearted and fun because anyone could make that kind of error. Other times, we're talking about people's unpopular opinions and hot takes that are so out of the blue and so out of lef…
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failblog, r-callcenterworkers, call-center-workers, banker, pharmacist, insurance-employee, bank-teller

'She asked me to transfer her to the governor...': Phone operators for banks, pharmacies, and other white collar jobs share the most laughable requests they've gotten from customers

If you have ever worked the phones at any job , then you know just how nutso people can get on the other side. It's almost as chaotic as trolls on the internet. That essence of anonymity that talking through a phone creates a “no-shame" mentality and now you have people asking you questions they would be way to embarrassed to do face-to-face. Just because you're talking to someone at the Walgreens pharmacy doesn't mean you are talking to your doctor, so why are you telling them about the weird…
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'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

If you've ever had a car, then you know that finding a parking spot can be the bane of your existence. But there's good and bad ways to go about finding a spot. The good way is, if you can't find one then you simply leave the lot and find parking elsewhere. Super easy and devoid of conflict! The bad way is, you physically run into the spot in order to save it. This is exactly what happened to OP when he pulled halfway into a spot and a wild Karen appears out of nowhere to try and hold it with h…
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5-star-hotel, hotel-drama, compensation, hotel-compensation, comped-hotel

'Is this enough to compensate?': Woman gets free parking and a $150 steak dinner after getting stuck in a 5-star hotel bathroom for an hour, hospitality professionals say she should've gotten more

What do you expect in terms of hospitality when you book an expensive 5-star hotel? You're usually paying upwards of $500 a night, so you would think they would provide the best of services. Especially if you get stuck in a bathroom! Things happen and precarious situations arise, we all know that's unavoidable in this place we call life. But it is how you handle these situations that gives you a top notch rating. When this woman got stuck in a 5-star hotel bathroom while vacationing with her bo…
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