entitled people

truckie boomer meltdown ensues after gen x truck driver gets to a distributor first, boomer claims he was first and they switch spots in line and faces entitled people karma

Gen X truck driver faces off with ‘boomer truckie’ at a distributor claiming ‘[he] was [there] first’ in a true boomer meltdown, gets sweet karmic revenge

new cfo causes company to lose out on a $500k deal because she advised the senior compliance officer to cut his staff in half, losing the one person needed to close the deal

‘Make it work, or I’ll find someone who can’: New CFO forces senior compliance officer's hand to fire half his team, company loses $500K because they needed the employee they fired to close the deal

'She told me she had no money and then ordered the most expensive beer on the list': 20+ immediate red flags people discovered midway through the date

'She told me she had no money and then ordered the most expensive beer on the list': 20+ immediate red flags people discovered midway through the date

ask reddit feud neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories reddit story terrible neighbors uncomfortable entitled reddit thread Bad Neighbor r-entitled Reddit weird strange behavior entitled people neighbor conflict - 36346629

‘I want petty revenge’: Woman's neighbor constantly trespasses on her property and installs security cameras pointing directly at her window, authorities get involved

'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

‘She stamped her foot and left’: Karen throws a tantrum at grocery store after she is $10 short of her purchase, her husband calls her out in front of entire store

‘She stamped her foot and left’: Karen throws a tantrum at grocery store after she is $10 short of her purchase, her husband calls her out in front of entire store

Entitled Karen customer takes money out of tip jar to pay for ice cream: 'He still owes you money'

Entitled Karen customer takes money out of tip jar to pay for ice cream: 'He still owes you money'

customer service karens entitled parents parking lot karen-customer customers parking lot drama karens in the wild entitled karen parking entitled people - 36304133

Karen demands to be let out of packed parking lot ahead of everyone else: 'Can you guys just move! We're trying to get out of here!'

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

woman is wrongfully fired from nursing home for being late and reporting unlawful practices at the facility, despite nobody else being written up: infers it's because of whistleblowing

Employee is wrongfully terminated from assisted living facility after reporting them for not following regulations, despite being one of few assistants who actually does their job

'I regret buying our dream house': In-laws pressure couple into buying $1M home in the country, refuse to help out with expensive mortgage

'I regret buying our dream house': In-laws pressure couple into buying $1M home in the country, stick them with an expensive mortgage

Resident gets back at vacationing neighbor after damaging his car: 'I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat'

Resident gets back at vacationing neighbor after damaging his car: 'I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat'

‘Board needed to flex their might’: HOA only approves of one roof color, homeowner tricks them into thinking her color is the correct one, gets away with it

‘Board needed to flex their might’: HOA only approves of one roof color, homeowner tricks them into thinking her color is the correct one, gets away with it

Night shift worker woken up by property manager coming into their place weekly, HOA does nothing to stop it: '[I] barricade the door so he physically can't get in'

Night shift worker woken up by property manager coming into their place weekly, HOA does nothing to stop it: '[I] barricade the door so he physically can't get in'

entitled HOA board member illegally tows man's truck and trailer during a community building event, man seeks removal of board member as a result

‘I can't believe the audacity’: Man gets his truck and trailer illegally towed out of his driveway per request of HOA board member, is seeking board member removal as a result