
entitled people


‘I had enough of her’: Banker threatens to quit but stays for a generous raise, puts in her two weeks shortly after anyways when new manager brings her to tears

Sometimes you need to quit because you're not getting paid enough for the work you do. Sometimes you are getting paid well for the work you do, maybe even over the usual market value for your position, but if the work environment is making you miserable, you still need to quit. Obviously, it's up to you, do whatever you want, but are you seriously okay with having to endure such a volatile place for such a a huge chunk of your life? One banker said enough is enough. She had been working at this…
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'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

A family is made up of parents, a few children, and sometimes one or more pets. It is the parents' responsibility to raise their children, and it is the children's responsibility to take care of their pets. But what happens when the parents don't know how to take care of their kids and instead rely on the kids to take care of and support them? Well, OP has to deal with a similar scenario in the story below. OP is a twenty-two-year-old young adult. OP successfully carries out all of his adult ob…
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'Let's get out of here': Entitled Karen customer throws tantrum over gymnastics suit, then tries to dash without paying

'Let's get out of here': Entitled Karen customer throws tantrum over gymnastics suit, then tries to dash without paying

Whatever happened to decent customers with acceptable behavior? Everyone understands that people have their bad days or perhaps they're in a hurry and need something quickly. Still, no single person's busy schedule should allow for unacceptable comments and nasty rhetoric. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Outrageous-Gene-607 , a teenager who now has a full understanding of the dark truth about the Karens of the world. OP's mother created hand-made gymnastics suits for a living, and one day…
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customer service karens entitled parents server waiter karen-customer customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service karens in the wild entitled tales from your server karen entitled people service industry - 24126981

Karen demands anchovy-less Caesar salad because of fake food allergy: 'Hold the anchovies!'

At a certain point, ordering a specific dish without the vital components that make it that specific dish in the first place becomes pretty pointless. For example, if you order a cheeseburger without cheese, it's just a hamburger; and if you order eggs benedict without hollandaise sauce , that's just poached eggs on a bun; and if you order a Ceasar salad without anchovies, you're just going to get a few lettuce leaves and croutons on a plate.
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‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

Just like Peter Pan, some folks will never grow up. Sure, the idea of what it means to be a grown-up is mainly shaped by societal expectations. For instance, what do you mean I can’t have Pop-Tarts for breakfast or Pop-Tarts for dinner or Pop-Tarts at all times? Since I am technically an adult somehow, shouldn’t I be allowed to do whatever I want at this point? Clearly, many of us suffer from some form of arrested development. However, when these folks did not get what they wanted, they really…
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‘We got a 2nd refund’: Third-party booking service and hotel screw guy out of $600 and makes his party sleep in the basement, ends up getting double the refund

Sometimes something very very annoying has to happen to you so you can get rewarded with something very very awesome. For instance, when a huge multi-billion company finagles hundreds of extra dollars out of your hardworking hands, but then due to them being entitled and impolite, you end up getting thousands of dollars in return. It's called karma and it tastes so so sweet. Take for instance, this commenter on a Reddit post about a guy trying to get a Priceline refund. The post was about a guy…
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storm entitlement freezing malicious compliance neighborhood-drama petty revenge karens in the wild winter Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 24042757

'Your wife was intending to destroy my water lines during a winter storm': Several neighbors discover the neighborhood Karen is freezing pipes overnight, leaving them without running water

In a quiet neighborhood, there's a strange story about a neighbor who's a bit of a Karen, but not the loud type. Instead of causing a scene in public, she sneaks around at night, quietly planning her revenge. That is, until her neighbor caught her on video, promoting the OP to file a police report against her. Once the word got out in the neighborhood, it was soon revealed that the OP wasn't the only one dealing with Karen's mysterious actions. It turns out she's been sneaking around to...
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air travel flight attendant pilots pilot airline traveling airplanes airplane customer service karens karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23971589

Karen accosts flight attendant, scraps with pilot, gets kicked off plane

It's often the case that love blossoms from the most unexpected places, and you might think it surprising that this couple, a flight attendant and a pilot, would bond over a confrontation with an entitled Karen. The Karen was demanding that the flight attendant upgrade her to first class, mistaking her for a gate agent. This escalated to a point where the pilot of the flight, who was passing by for boarding, felt the need to step in. In her fury, Karen attempted to lash out at the pilot, which…
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‘College-Educated Tightwad’ Neighbor Tries to Outsmart His Way for Paying His Half of Shared Fence, Hoodwinks Himself Into a Higher Cost of Living

If you're going to poke the bear, expect the claws—or whatever that saying is. Basically, if you are going to try and pull something shady off, you should always be prepared for it to backfire. Karma does not taste so sweet when you're on the receiving end. Take, for instance, this know-it-all neighbor trying to finagle his way out of responsibilities. Apparently, this guy was renting a house that shared a fence with its neighboring house. Unbeknownst to the landlord, this guy was notoriously n…
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customer service cash register workplace-stories jobs job retail retail worker work customers entitled customers workplace entitled change money entitled people - 24081413

'You don't have any change?': Customer asks cashier to pay for part of her order

If you want to receive, you must ask… nicely. That's especially true if the person you're asking a question to happens to work in retail ! The retail workers of the world spend a lot of time helping customers and answering their questions. At lost of jobs, workers quickly realize that customers ask the same two or three questions all day long, like asking where a specific section is, or asking about the same sales. But sometimes customers throw a question at you that you're not expecting. Then…
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'I stood in blizzard conditions ': Guy abandons his girlfriend in a snowstorm, refuses to pick her up from work

'I stood in blizzard conditions': Guy abandons his girlfriend in a snowstorm, refuses to pick her up from work

Being someone's boyfriend does not necessarily mean picking them up from work during a snowstorm. There are certain times in life when it's every person for themselves, and this was clearly one of those times. The funniest part of the story here is that the girlfriend, who shared this post via Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, showed her cards when she mentioned that there was near zero visibility during the storm. So honestly, was she really expecting him to drive in the middle of that? Sorr…
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'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

If you have ever flown before, then you should be well aware of the in-flight edict. You can try and pull the ‘ole switcheroos with seating, nobody is really against that. But you need to approach it with zero expectations. You are not entitled to that seat switch. And if you are considering asking someone to switch seats with you, then you have to come to them with an upgrade, not a window seat for a middle, or ask for a front seat with more legroom and offer a middle seat by the bathrooms. Li…
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landlord tenant landlords askreddit neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories psycho roommate entitled people karma reddit thread Reddit roommates entitled people apartment - 24048389

'Needless to say, they didn't get their deposits back': 30+ terrible tenants, according to their landlords

It's customary to blame the landlord in most rental apartment disputes, but every so often, you come across a story where the tenant is so outrageous and so out-of-line that you find yourself shockingly siding with the landlord. This is a rare phenomenon, one that I have rarely come across in my own life. Occasionally, you hear stories of people who impulsively paint their walls against their landlord's wishes, but you rarely hear about the tenants who cause $80K in property damage because they…
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'After 20 minutes of him talking... I put in my two weeks': Employee quits during his yearly meeting, gets reprimanded for not cutting his boss off sooner

Sure, we all know the basic societal niceties—say please and thank you, don't interrupt someone when they're talking, chew with your mouth closed, let pregnant women and senior citizens have the seat on the bus, etc. But when is it appropriate to stand your ground and overstep those normal “niceties?" Well, according to Reddit , it's when you're quitting. This employee made the decision to himself that he was going to quit months ago. The job was all kids of messed up internally, and he was get…
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boss forklift employee satisfying malicious compliance revenge factory petty Reddit blue collar entitled people - 24016133

'I put the BMW on a stack of pallets': Entitled man refuses to move his car, forklift driver maliciously takes matters into his own hands

If there's anything to learn from this story (and the comments), it's not to mess with a forklift driver. The OP was doing his usual day-to-day job of stacking pallets with a forklift. In enters an entitled sales rep, who parked his BMW on the loading dock. It was the OP's job to make sure that the dock was clear, so he chased down the representative to politely ask him to move his car to the car park. But the entitled guy was not having it. He made a snarky comment, essentially saying he was...
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guests aita hotel malicious compliance upcharge tales from the front desk petty hotel room entitled Reddit entitled people - 24004869

'I forcefully upsold them and made them pay double': Entitled guests demand refund from hotel manager for rooms booked at hotel next door

People who work at the hotel front desk see a lot of interesting stuff. On a subreddit, hotel receptionists and managers alike have shared stories about entitled customers making all sorts of weird requests. But one story might take the cake. This one guest not only booked more people than allowed for 'single rooms' but he actually booked at the hotel next door. When he couldn't check in at the right time (because check-in wasn't for another few hours), he got upset and went to the OP's hotel...
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