
entitled people

'There is NO we. You don't live with me!': 15+ public meltdowns from entitled IKEA customers

'There is NO we. You don't live with me!': 15+ public meltdowns from entitled IKEA customers

Going to an IKEA is the kind of experience where if you yourself don't get into an argument with your roommate, partner, or family member, then someone else is bound to do it. With this in mind, let's all take a moment to acknowledge the amount of nonsensical garbage that IKEA employees around the world have to put up with when it comes to disgruntled couples, entitled Karens, and misbehaving kids. If the following list of anecdotes from this r/AskReddit thread serve as any indication, then it'…
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Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

“I blacked out,” she wrote. “As a business owner, you do all you can to not let them get you emotional. However, I do match the vibe, and being an entrepreneur doesn’t make any of us a doormat.”
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'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

Watching karma in action.
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‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

There are many ways to calmly deal with an annoying roommate. What most people do, presumable, is just try and ignore that roommate as much as they can, and live as separately as they can. If that does not work, some people might try and work out their issues with their roommates, but knowing people, that is hardly ever the case. The last option is to find a way to get the roommate to move out, without causing much of a scene, and this Reddit story is the perfect example of such an option. This…
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Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Landlords could end up being your best friend or, in contrast, your biggest enemy. However, how would you respond if your landlord attempted to profit from the fruits of your labor? Would you silently submit or fight for what's right? The story that follows is the story of a clever tenant. After residing in his apartment for some time, the Original Poster (OP) decided to remodel his yard in an effort to make his house feel more like a home. The garden was finally finished, with stunning foliage…
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Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Imagine being a teenager and having your Mom shame you for not planning an adequate 40th birthday for her… This kid was 16 years old! What exactly did she expect? We understand that this lady wanted something special after always planning birthday extravaganzas for her spouse and kids. That being said, as she herself acknowledged, not everyone is good at planning parties. Therefore, if she felt that she was more capable of throwing her own 40th birthday celebration rather than handing the dutie…
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‘Sweet sweet victory’: Housemate settles score with cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire house with bubbles

‘Sweet sweet victory’: Housemate settles score with cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire house with bubbles

Sometimes the best retaliation comes from the need for playful bantering, not from anger. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated roommate. The Original Poster (OP) lives in an apartment with two housemates. Since OP and the other tenants are all students, they occasionally have to live on a tight budget. That being said, OP was more than happy to shoulder the responsibility when needed, having recognized that each tenant had a unique capacity to contribute. The tenants got along,…
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Customer blames car wash for car damage, demands compensation but refuses to let employee check the security cameras: ‘I know a liar when I see one’

Customer blames car wash for car damage, demands compensation but refuses to let employee check the security cameras: ‘I know a liar when I see one’

No one loves to admit they are at fault when they make a mistake. It's an uncomfortable feeling, and if the mistake costs money, that is even worse. But, as we are all adults, sometimes you have to own up to your mistakes and pay for what you caused. Not this customer though, he absolutely refused to admit to the damage he caused. In this Reddit story, two customers approached a car wash employee and accused the car wash of causing their cars to crash into each other. The employee, who had to d…
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'It's not my fault': Client pays IT specialist $1000 after sharing the administrator password with entire team, leading to major technical issues

'It's not my fault': Client pays IT specialist $1000 after sharing the administrator password with entire team, leading to major technical issues

Workplace politics can be just as challenging and taxing as your actual job. Workplace politics can sometimes make your job harder than it needs to be. Just imagine how much easier life would be if we could speak our minds without fear and conquer every obstacle as it comes along. A cynical IT worker describes a client interaction he had in the story that follows. The Original Poster (OP) has been working in the IT industry for a while now. His experience enables him to distinguish between genu…
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‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

In the realm of business, there will always be those at the top and bottom of the corporate ladder. It's your responsibility to gradually establish your position at the top. But let us not fool ourselves; the only reason they are there instead of you is because they had the audacity to be born ten years ahead of you. The employee who was left speechless and booted from her office as it was 'above her pay grade' is recounted in the story below. To put things in perspective, the Original Poster (…
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‘Just go…’: Employee kicks entitled customer out after they refuse to leave at closing time

‘Just go…’: Employee kicks entitled customer out after they refuse to leave at closing time

It takes an absurd amount of patience and tenacity to work in customer service as at times it really seems like the clients are out to get you. However, as any seasoned customer service professional will tell you (from experience, of course), there is no one in the world worth jeopardizing your job for. The next story comes from a frustrated worker who is eager to get home. The Original Poster (OP) is a convenience shop employee who closes shop at precisely ten o'clock every night. But on this…
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'I have every right': resident refuses to remove security camera from front door after demanding neighbors complain it overlooks their property

'I have every right': resident refuses to remove security camera from front door after demanding neighbors complain it overlooks their property

Have you ever heard the famous phrase 'Patience is a virtue'? Even if you haven't, it is not that hard of a sentence to understand–having patience is a good trait to have. You would think that it also would not be so hard to act accordingly and have patience in your day-to-day life. But that is often not the case. Especially when it comes to the neighbors in this Reddit story. OP (original poster), has a ring camera that records the front of their house, to make sure no one steals their package…
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‘The head of the HOA was fuming’: Guy drives HOA board members crazy over the color of his house

‘The head of the HOA was fuming’: Guy drives HOA board members crazy over the color of his house

If HOAs want to enforce pointless rules, then they better be prepared for people to expose just how pointless said rules are. Here, we have a guy who just wanted to paint his house a light green color but did not realize that the HOA had to approve the color. When the head of the HOA came by to discuss the paint job, he purposely left out this reminder so that the resident could later be fined for not complying. That’s when the resident decided to get petty in return. He proceeded to submit doz…
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'Do you know who my wife is?': Entitled bowler starts wrecking bowling alley, name-drops wife as he gets kicked out

Funny enough, this bowling alley has a three-strike rule for their worst-behaved customers. Bowling is a great way to pass the time for people of all ages. This person, u/Emmisbaby, works at a bowling alley in a college town, so at times, their customers get a little rowdy. It seems like every time you go bowling, there's at least one lane that can't act right. They're hooting and hollering at the top of their lungs; they're rolling the bowling baIIs way too hard into the guard rails as the lan…
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Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 31, 2024)

Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 31, 2024)

It could be said that a large portion of one's life is consumed with the full range of unwanted inconveniences. These situations can vary from the minor to the major, from the temporary to the permanent, and from the eye-roll-inducing to the screaming-in-your-pillow reactions. For the sake of our collective amusement, we will be focusing on life's mildly infuriating moments today. You know, the kinds of situations that are intensely frustrating but not life-altering. In fact, at most, these mom…
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'Unless he's [next in line], it really doesn't matter': Entitled wife tries to pull her husband's rank to cut the line, gets shut down by a sassy desk attendant

You're not just 'somebody's wife'–you're a nobody who refused to take a number and wait your turn...
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