
entitled people

guests aita hotel malicious compliance upcharge tales from the front desk petty hotel room entitled Reddit entitled people - 24004869

'I forcefully upsold them and made them pay double': Entitled guests demand refund from hotel manager for rooms booked at hotel next door

People who work at the hotel front desk see a lot of interesting stuff. On a subreddit, hotel receptionists and managers alike have shared stories about entitled customers making all sorts of weird requests. But one story might take the cake. This one guest not only booked more people than allowed for 'single rooms' but he actually booked at the hotel next door. When he couldn't check in at the right time (because check-in wasn't for another few hours), he got upset and went to the OP's hotel...
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 24052741

Guy wants someone to pay him to come and remove his dilapidated shed: 'It will need some attention'

We'd all like to think that we have something to offer to this world. If we didn't, what would be the point? While this is kind of a baited question, the easy answer is that there's more to life than your monetizable value, despite what society might otherwise try and tell you... So, go outside and smell a flower, for gosh sake, and stop overcomplicating a life that is already overcomplicated enough. Still, because of our obsession with our own value and the value of things in our possession, i…
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'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

It takes a certain kind of person to be a difficult customer at a restaurant; it takes another kind of person to go out of their way to write a completely off-base one-star review. These three reviews may all be referring to different kinds of restaurants: a taco place, a dog-friendly café, and a fancy restaurant. However, they also have a few characteristics in common: 1) they are poorly written, with grammatical errors all over the place; 2) it is clear from the get-go that the writers of the…
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customer service hotel customers hotel room viral entitled hotels crazy story entitled people - 23847429

Shocked guest experiences hotel horror story after bizarre intrusion from hotel manager: 'He does not take no for an answer'

When booking a hotel room, one typically has the expectation of privacy—that's actually kind of the whole point. You're paying a premium for the accommodating service and so that you have your “own” room for the duration of your stay—rather than booking a hostel or an Airbnb in someone else's home, where you'd get to hear a German tourist strum their acoustic guitar until early hours of the morning.
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craigslist entitlement choosing beggars online sales entitled used goods facebook marketplace entitled people choosing beggar selling - 24052229

Entitled dude messages seller wanting a free motorcycle, won't take no for an answer: 'I can file a lawsuit'

When we were kids, bratty kids on the playground would claim that their dad, uncle, or other random family member worked for Nintendo. They'd always be spouting some bogus insider information or rumors as if they were undeniable facts, all in the name of getting much-needed attention and clout. These were the days when the internet was just getting started, so it was never really possible to prove their audacious claims to be false, but there certainly were some heated 'uh-uh's' and 'yeah-huh's…
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gym petty-revenge-reddit annoying workout reddit story petty revenge influencer camera Media social media entitled Reddit rude entitled people - 23989509

‘You can’t record in here': Entitled woman storms out of gym after several people tried to stop her from recording her and other's workout

Should social media influencers still be a thing?
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karens waiters server table waiter customers karen-customers entitled customers server life chef food service chefs kitchen entitled food eating dining karen restaurant server entitled people - 24021509

'We know the manager': 25+ Greetings that waiters are tired of hearing from customers

These customers didn't let their poor social skills keep them from dining at restaurants . Instead, they showed up ready to eat food and interact with wait staff as minimally as possible. We all have days where we want to be left alone. Sometimes you just don't feel like interacting with people, and instead, you just want to curl up on your couch, order food delivery, and watch a movie. It's odd that apparently lots of people decide to go to restaurants when they're feeling antisocial. Why woul…
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customer service karens entitled parents electric vehicle karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled tesla leopardsatemyface karen entitled people - 23940869

Entitled neighbor regrets blocking electric vehicle charging installation after buying his own electric vehicle: 'The council is now refusing to install the charging point'

We should all strive to leave the world a better place than we entered it—unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be a very high priority on a lot of people's to-do lists. There are quite a few people who seek to selfishly maximize their own position without a care for anyone else or a regard for the effects of their reckless need for self-aggrandizement and wanton urge for wealth and power.
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'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

Heaven forbid they'll have the same name.
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Dad Insults Mom's Cooking, Mom Serves Dad Rotten Beans and Divorce Papers: 'Now you know what rotten [food] tastes like'

Dad Insults Mom's Cooking, Mom Serves Dad Rotten Beans and Divorce Papers: 'Now you know what rotten [food] tastes like'

Never criticize the person who makes you dinner; otherwise, you might be in for a rotten surprise. This Redditor recounted the tale of how their father relentlessly critiqued his wife's beans whenever she made them. They seemed to be perfectly fine for everyone else in the family, but for him, they were always “rotten.” So OP's mother decided it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine and to show him what rotten beans actually tasted like. The best part of the story is the subsequent r…
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‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

Do you think friends should loan each other money? Not small amounts like buying each other coffee or lunch, but pay-your-friend's-this-month's-rent kind of money. On the one hand, friends should be there for each other, and feel comfortable enough to ask for help when they need it. On the other hand, big sums of money can cause a lot of tension between two people, no matter how close they are. The thought alone of having to ask a friend for your money back can make anyone feel extremely uncomf…
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aita gym weightlifting revenge influencer in the wild petty revenge influencer weights influencers lifting entitled people - 23991045

Gym members get even with entitled "influencer" for filming them in the gym: 'I purposely walked in front'

Depending on where you live, you have every right to film in a public space—as we've learned from the dozens of videos that have gone viral in the last several years of entitled persons being a menace to the public whilst filming and loudly declaring it their right.
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'Take that unaware guy': Internet applauds customer of a local coffee shop who sneakily gets entitled customer on his phone to tip 25%

It is 2024, if you are an American and don't know how to properly tip, then shame on you. 20% is the minimum. Period. Nobody cares if you had to send your plate back multiple times, that service industry employee is working to pay their rent. The least you can do is give them $5. Like, stop being so entitled. This entitled customer got a beautiful act of petty revenge thrust upon him, and he probably never even realized it. You see, this guy was not only not going to tip, but he was also holdin…
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fine brother sibling rivalry car siblings chauffeur driving petty ticket expensive entitled people - 23935237

'He's old enough to know better': Entitled brother demands sibling chauffeur him indefinitely following $18,870 fine for driving uninsured

An $18,870 fine after a traffic stop is absolutely insane. Unfortunately, this is the harsh reality for the OP's 26-year-old brother, who now has one year to pay it off. Working extra hours seems like the obvious solution to generate the needed cash. However, this assumes the OP hasn't had to sell his car to cover some of the expenses. Regardless, his license is now suspended, meaning the entitled brother relies on others for transportation.
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'We had to charge them about $7K': Hotel workers share their worst housekeeping cleanup stories

'We had to charge them about $7K': Hotel workers share their worst housekeeping cleanup stories

From glitter to an actual bear, it's truly shocking what hotel workers have discovered in rooms after guests leave. Not only is there a ridiculous number of folks who refuse to clean up after themselves, but also there is a startling number of guests who should at the very least alert the front desk that there has been an issue. Some of these guests may have been trying to get out of being charged extra, but in many of these cases, those extra charges are bound to come so you might as well just…
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'I would be upping the stinky food game': High school secretary of 20+ years loves her job until she gets a new office mate, internet provides both helpful and petty solutions

We're humans, our species is all about evolution and embracing change. But on the other hand, we also love a routine. Why change something if it ain't broken? Unfortunately, sometimes well-meaning bosses will intervene and change something at work that they think will help, but actually does the opposite. This high school secretary loves her job and has loved it for over 20 years. She loves all the kids, parents, and her co-workers. She worked closely with one co-worker she calls Tammy. They ha…
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