
entitled people

'My partner and I were in absolute shock': After owning home for 3 years, entitled realtor still lets herself in unannouced

'My partner and I were in absolute shock': After owning home for 3 years, entitled realtor still lets herself in unannounced

If my roommate and I are both at home and someone started to walk in, I'd immediately think it's a burglar. I mean seriously, who just lets themselves in someone's house nowadays? If it's a family member or a close friend, we typically get a quick text that they're stopping over. Or at least a knock! In this OP's case, it's not even family or friends that are barging in unannounced. It's their realtor. From three years ago.
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'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces instant karma as firefighters are forced to break car windows for hose access

'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces karma when firefighters are forced to break her car windows for hose access

We all know the agony of circling around multiple blocks in desperate search of a spot to parallel park on the street. You suddenly see your opening and do a little fist bump in relief, only to pull up and see a fire hydrant. A little part of me always wants just to snag the spot anyways and hope not to get a ticket. Well after reading this story, I think I'd rather circle the block for hours instead of risking parking next to a fire hydrant.
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'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

What would the Holidays be without a Grinch? In this case, we have a Karen who simply could not stand her neighbor's Holiday decorations. Look, the truth is this neighbor might have overdone it a bit, but unless their decorations are aggressive or hostile, there is absolutely nothing this Grinch can do about it. It's the neighbor's property, not Karen's. It doesn't matter if she has been living in the neighborhood for five minutes or five years, nor does it matter if she is older. Thankfully, p…
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'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead asked them to babysit their kids

'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead ask them to babysit

What does 'being neighborly' mean to you? Does it mean you actually become friends with your neighbors, or is it just a pretend friendship to keep things cordial, as you're forced to live next to each other for the unforeseeable future? I guess it depends on the kind of neighbors you get stuck with. Well, this couple thought they were actually becoming close friends with their new neighbors until they received this unexpected blow right before their annual Christmas party.
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christmas-break, holiday-break, calling-out-sick, out-of-office, coworkers-plot, karma, entitled-coworker

'[A] good lesson for him:' Entire team calls out ‘sick’ after one coworker is forced to come in unwell, now the boss is covering the entire senior staff the week before Christmas

Did you ever think that maybe something that is not a big deal to you is a big deal to someone else? Maybe that's something you should respect. That's kind of an obvious train of thought to most people. However, to most upper management, it must seem like gibberish because, apparently, they are the masters of the universe and whatever they say must be the end-all-say-all… Why are so many managers and bosses like this? An instance of upper management gaslighting something that is a big deal to o…
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'[What] do you mean you don't have tartar sauce?': Top 'Tales From Your Server' of the Year (2023)

'[What] do you mean you don't have tartar sauce?': Top 'Tales From Your Server' of the Year (2023)

Before we wrap up the dysfunctional year that was 2023, let's do a recap of the most dysfunctional customers servers were forced to encounter on the job. Being a server requires a certain bandwidth to be able to withstand a lot of unfair treatment from managers, Karens, etc. That being said, every so often, that bandwidth is tested no matter how much experience one may have in this field. Sometimes, customers demand something so outrageous (like seriously, dude? you can't live without tartar sa…
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reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people

'I almost lost my job over an entitled Karen': Theme park photographer encounters insensitive mother who yells at a Make-A-Wish kid's family, sees red

Nobody is safe from a Karen. If you are unaware of what a Karen is, lucky you. This is the kind of person who is so entitled that they would rather throw a 2-year-old-style tantrum to the police and any upper management that will listen than actually act like an adult and show some empathy. In fact, a Karen doesn't have an empathetic bone in their body. And a Karen can be any gender, age, whatever! It's about what they demand and how. This time a Karen reared her ugly head to a suffering family…
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'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

Some customers will look at a sign that says “Don't climb on this” and then let their kid crawl all over it anyway. It's not that they can't read the sign, it's not that they didn't see it. They just don't care. Lots of customers are entitled, and they think that any mess they make in a store is not theirs to clean up. They believe that since they're the prized customer, all employees need to bend to their will, and bring out a broom to clean up any mess they make.
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'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

Sometimes, rules are in place for your actual safety… In these instances, challenging the rules out of entitlement could come at a major price. Thankfully, in this story, no one got hurt but that very well could have happened to this Karen, who insisted that she and her two kids play in the water at a theme park in Florida known for having alligators and snakes. The theme park worker and his manager had to repeatedly warn this woman, and she of course interpreted their warnings as bossing her a…
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'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

Many people say that working in retail builds resilience and character, but perhaps it just exposes you to the worst kind of people in this world. I guess in some sense, that builds resilience and character, but that has to be the only silver lining that comes with having to deal with entitled Karen customers on a daily basis. Otherwise, these workers deserve the kind of prizes and medals that heroes and soldiers receive because I'm sure it feels like every shift is an almost Sisyphean fight fo…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents hotel job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 23564037

'Sold out means sold out': Entitled hotel guests refuse to check out of their room, staff forcibly remove them

"You can't always get what you want..." Mick Jagger and the 'Stones famously taught us, before then going on to elaborate that “If you try sometimes, you'll find you get what you need.” While that's all well and good, and while this serves as a great message of inspiration about how one should never give up when the going gets tough… There are actually plenty of times in life when you might want something from someone else, and upon being told “No,” you should just take the “No” at face value a…
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Karen yells at workers

'I now have her phone number, address, socials...': Christmas order mixup causes Karen meltdown, employee recognizes the name and begins plotting

Sometimes it's just the idea of revenge that gets the blood pumping. The sheer possibility that you could retaliate if you wanted to. But alas, when it comes to Karens in the wild –it's best to be the bigger person. Especially when said Karen is shouting and turning heads for no good reason. In this case, OP works at a sandwich store; everything is fine and dandy until a Karen demands for her order to be delivered a different day. Chaos ensues when she finds out that isn't a possibility. And by…
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'I do not want to give my bike to your spoiled child': Entitled Karen demands a teen to give his bike to her kid; teen holds his ground even when Karen tries to steal it

'I do not want to give my bike to your spoiled child': Entitled Karen demands teen give his bike to her kid; teen holds his ground when Karen tries stealing it

In a busy apartment complex, a 14-year-old boy who loved riding his bike found himself in a weird situation. As he was cruising through the buildings, another kid spotted his bike and immediately wanted it. The other kid started with an innocent compliment, but things got worse when his entitled mom, who we'll call Karen (of course), showed up and demanded the teen give up his bike because her kid was younger.
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epic-breakup-revenge, ex-boyfriend-drama, rich-ex-boyfriend, nepo-baby-boyfriend, trust-fund-baby-boyfriend

'Never threaten to take away my cats': Rich trust fund baby forced to dish over $87k after treating ex like trash and attempting to take everything during the breakup

This one's a doozy, but well worth the read! In short, it is an epic story of justice being brought upon an affluent villainous ex. Couples thinking they'll be at least civil with each other forever no matter, but then it turning toxic at the end is a tale as old as time. When you're in the thralls of love and romance, you never think that one day you two will end up hating each other. It's heartbreaking, but that's why it's called… Well, heartbreak. In this case, this couple bought a house tog…
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Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

It comes as no surprise that the entitled Karens of the world even find a way to take issue with the Christmas carol choices that a local choir plans to sing. There always has to be something, right? This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/wa_geng , who pointed out that the same woman threw the same exact tantrum last Christmas. So OP and her friends got a kick out of the fact that this Karen had been stewing for over a year because she didn't get what she wanted. And…
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'See, that wasn't so hard!': Restaurant patron proceeds to count every single table after being told by the hostess that the place is fully booked, then demands to be seated

'See, that wasn't so hard!': Restaurant patron proceeds to count every single table after being told by the hostess that the place is fully booked, then demands to be seated

Working in the service industry will put you within arm's reach of some of the most irrational people on the face of the planet, and after the initial grinding your teeth and crossing your eyes phase, you get used to dealing with them. A hostess told her story on u/entitledpeople, where she relayed a frustrating story with an even more frustrating outcome. She had an encounter with one of those Karens you always dread who are about to walk in the door and change the entire menu… You know the ty…
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