
entitled people

'He changed everything that made the business successful': New game store owner prevents regulars from renting gaming room, resulting in massive customer loss

'He changed everything that made the business successful': New game store owner prevents regulars from renting gaming room, resulting in massive customer loss

Many people who take over a business like to make drastic changes to it in order to assert their new ownership over it. Mostly those changes come with the claim that they want customers to notice that the ownership has changed and that ‘there is a new sheriff in town’. The main problem occurs when they make massive changes to an already successful business, without taking into account the thoughts and feelings of all the regular customers who already loved the business as it was. Then those own…
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'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

Customer support agents are frequently treated like private-sector workers, as though they must get the blessing of the client before proceeding with their day. This makes the job extremely unpleasant. However, what would you do if an aggressive customer visited your establishment with the express intent of disobeying the safety rules that were set in place to protect the public? Would you rather they learned their lesson the hard way or would you try to stop them from doing something that coul…
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'You get out when it's your turn': Passenger gets back at entitled line cutters on flight, makes deplaning last longer

'You get out when it's your turn': Passenger gets back at entitled line cutters on flight, makes deplaning last longer

Common courtesy is not exactly something that strangers on airplanes seem to exhibit anymore. These days, people are taking their shoes off and parading around in their bare feet. They're hogging the shared arm rests. They're extending their legs beyond their own personal space. Whatever happened to even the slightest sliver of respect people used to show for one another on flights? This passenger had it with one particular phenomenon, and it was at the end of the travel experience. Yes, we're…
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'The three [Karens] were banned': Trio of entitled customers try to get sandwiches for free, guy behind them in line gets them thrown out for good

'The three [Karens] were banned': Trio of entitled customers try to get sandwiches for free, guy behind them in line gets them thrown out for good

Most folks have had the unfortunate experience of waiting in line behind a Karen customer, but believe it or not, it could be worse. Just ask this dude, who ended up waiting in line behind three Karens. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/jarjarmullet , who silently watched as this trio of entitled older ladies kept giving modification upon modification to their order. This, of course, frustrated the sole employee making sandwiches as well as the long line of custom…
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‘You do you, I’m happy to split': Friendship ends after double date turns awkward when one friend offers to split the check and the other insists 'it's always the gentlemen who pay'

‘You do you, I’m happy to split': Friendship ends after double date turns awkward when one friend offers to split the check and the other insists 'It's always the gentlemen who pay'

“I’m now not a ‘girls girl' because I didn’t back her, without being told I should or given any kind of heads up. I responded that if I want to pay for myself (especially because I didn’t see myself and the blind date friend having a second date) was happy to put in for my portion. Friendship is effectively over, and I am looking to move out.”
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‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

You're never too young to stand up for yourself.
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'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe

'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe

Every restaurant or store has to deal with people attempting to leave without paying. In stores, it is easier to prevent people from doing it, because they have to leave the premises with a physical item at hand, and it is pretty simple to track the items and make sure they are not stolen. In restaurants, is it a bit more complicated, since a customer consumes the food before they actually pay for it, so they can just up and leave when no one is looking, and never pay a dime. Surely every resta…
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'Thou shalt not cut in line': Line-cutting Male Karen gets his comeuppance in the Drive-Thru pharmacy line

'Thou shalt not cut in line': Line-cutting Male Karen gets his comeuppance in the Drive-Thru pharmacy line

Karma can rear its head just about anywhere, even if it's in a long line at the local drive-thru pharmacy. Here, we have a customer who was patiently waiting third in line at a drive-thru in order to pick up a prescription. Because of the structural layout on the street, there had to be a small gap between the third and fourth positions in line so that regular drivers could pass. Well, one SUV line-cutting male Karen thought that gap could be an opportunity to sneak in and completely cut the li…
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'I finally found the kind of sport I can do... Dwelling in the petty': Woman struggling to lose weight finally loses 40lbs all because she wanted to get back at her ex-best friend

'I finally found the kind of sport I can do... Dwelling in the petty': Woman struggling to lose weight finally loses 40lbs all because she wanted to get back at her ex-best friend

Don't underestimate the power of pettiness…
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'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

This manager may have been irritated, but the rest of us can applaud this customer's success at bending the rules for his own gain. Sure, finding loopholes and using them to one's advantage can sometimes lead to unruly behavior, but this time, the customer achieved something most shoppers can only dream of: a loophole within a store's strict return policy. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/dubilendar , who shared that he had just bought a series of items fr…
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Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

Fast food Karen throws back-to-back tantrums, gets herself arrested: 'Karen [ended up] sitting in the backseat of the police car'

It turns out that entitled customers are willing to go far for their extra ketchup! This Karen had the audacity to throw two ridiculous tantrums at the same McDonald's establishment within a short amount of time, as if the people who witnessed the first outburst would have suddenly forgotten. The result? She ended up in the back of a police car and wound up getting into way more trouble than she anticipated. The first temper tantrum involved not having the right amount of change to pay for her…
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'$1,000 in water has literally gone down the drain': New landlord refuses to do repairs, so tenant refuses to fix leaky sink even though he's a plumber

'$1,000 in water has literally gone down the drain': New landlord refuses to do repairs, so tenant refuses to fix leaky sink even though he's a plumber

“My lease clearly states that all water-related issues are management’s problem. I don’t pay for water or gas utility, it’s included in my rent... I’m perfectly capable of fixing the issue, but out of spite, I refuse to. I had a small leak at my house once, and it drove my bill almost $100 for the month over normal. I figure at least $1000 in water has literally gone down the drain, not to mention, the water is also being heated by the gas water heater.”
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'You can't stay here': Hotel guest demands to sleep in the lobby after she arrives a day early, front desk refuses and cancels her reservation

'You can't stay here': Hotel guest demands to sleep in the lobby after she arrives a day early, front desk refuses and cancels her reservation

Some people think that feigning ignorance and waving their entitlement around would get them far when in reality, it just makes them look bad, or even worse, it simply encourages people to write stories about them on Reddit. Much like this hotel guest, who tried getting her way even when she absolutely knew she was in the wrong. The hotel's front desk clerk was working a night shift when a woman approached and asked to check-in. When the clerk tried to do so, they saw that the woman's reservati…
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'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

Your time in college can be the best of your life. That said, a lot of it relies on how well you get along with your roommates because living in peace in an apartment is essential to the experience. The roommate who has been driven to the point of no return is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) is a student who shares an apartment with multiple other people. Since everyone tried their best not to step on each other's toes, everything went smoothly at first. But as time passe…
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‘They left huffing and puffing’: Customers get kicked out of restaurant after refusing to get up from reserved table

‘They left huffing and puffing’: Customers get kicked out of restaurant after refusing to get up from reserved table

There is nothing more satisfying than to watch entitled people get what they deserve, even if it is as small as watching them get up from a table that isn't theirs at a restaurant. Let us give you more context. This person on Reddit shared a story that happened to her while she was on vacation with her parents. While traveling, they got hungry and decided to book a table at a nice restaurant, but when they got there, they saw that all of the tables were occupied, even though they made sure they…
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'I quit. Karen reported me to HR for it': Sales ops director leaves after HR sides with lazy Karen, now Karen is furious that she has to work

'I quit. Karen reported me to HR for it': Sales ops director leaves after HR sides with lazy Karen, now Karen is furious that she has to work

There is no positive trajectory for a company that caters to a Karen employee. This time, the Karen in question did not even have any real power. She had been shirking her responsibilities at work long after a minor neck injury from which she had fully recovered. Her coworkers had even seen that she was partying on the weekends, but she managed to find a doctor who could get her out of coming to work as much as she wanted. Finally, her boss, who ran the sales operations team, convinced HR to fi…
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