
entitled people

'It was the sweetest revenge I had ever seen': Sandwich shop employee quits on the spot, delivers uniform back to manager with "no excuses"

'It was the sweetest revenge I had ever seen': Sandwich shop employee quits on the spot, delivers uniform back to manager with "no excuses"

At some jobs, there is no winning solution to the boss's problems . It's often an issue that management has, then insists on passing down to their workers. This malicious compliance story is a great example of that dynamic. This person shared that as a college student, they needed a new gig, and found one with a manager who was “ one of the biggest Karens you have ever met .” Off to a great start! As a new employee, this person was swamped. While Karen was changing the procedures, it meant that…
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neighbors neighborhood work homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge baby boomers Reddit payback karma Renters entitled people oddly satisfying - 25737477

Entitled Boomer calls neighbor 'lazy renter,' not knowing he's owned the house for 3 years: 'I told her to find the nearest retirement home'

When you purchase a home, unfortunately, the neighbors come with it. And you never know what to expect. Are they going to be extremely friendly neighbors who bring over a welcome basket when you first move in, or are you going to get the neighbor who keeps to themselves, leading you to think they could be a possible secret spy but you'll never find out because they never come out of their house? Either way, either other is better than getting stuck next to an entitled Karen who will call the co…
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'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

'[She] gives me the most infuriating little wave': Guy waits in line to refill his tires, entitled Karen cuts him off, cue payback

Cutting in line is always a dangerous game. Not only are you showing that you lack any sort of moral code, but also you are likely making enemies out of the other people in line, and their retaliation may be far more intense than just an eye roll. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/turtlesh0es , who was waiting to refill his tires at his local Wawa when an entitled Karen asked if she could go before him. The Redditor had already been waiting for some time and polit…
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groceries supermarket entitlement epic win kroger petty revenge cashier karens in the wild boomers clever comebacks check out karen entitled people grocery store - 25740293

Guy puts in headphones to tune out grocery store Karen who's demanding to cut in line: 'Probably the greatest reaction to an entitled boomer I've seen in years'

Going to the grocery store around rush hour is a universally dreadful experience. You have to maneuver your cart around the tens of people rushing in every which way direction, tired from a long day at work and just trying to get home for dinner. No one is having a pleasant experience. And then you get to the checkout lines. The lanes are never all open at once, with lines piled up at each open register. You think about going to the self-checkout, but those lines are even longer. So, imagine yo…
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Hotel guest demands full refund after positive experience, boasting 'I always get my way'

Hotel guest demands full refund after positive experience, boasting 'I always get my way'

It can't be simple to work in the hospitality sector. There's something about the entitled vacationers that never fails to stun the dedicated crew. Having said that, how would you respond if a haughty client barged into your establishment expecting to be taken advantage of and let down? Would you face the hard truth that this isn't a conflict worth waging, or would you try to prove him wrong and give him the trip of a lifetime? The story that follows is the story of a confused hotel worker. The…
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'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

When you marry someone, you also marry their family. However, because you are now, in effect, friends with them as well, no one warns you about the lengthy list of unwelcome acquaintances you make along the way. The story that follows describes the frustrations of a spouse dealing with his wife's ‘friends’. The original poster (OP) finds himself in an extremely challenging predicament. His wife's friends are now just as much of a concern to him as his own, so he must entertain them in addition…
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Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

We prepare, we carry out, and we want the finest result. But what would you do if an associate decided they didn't feel like dealing with you after months of preparation for one of the most important events of your life? The story below is an account of a frustrated individual. The original poster (OP) thought of a way to contribute to his brother's wedding, making it special and unforgettable. To ensure the bride and groom arrived at the venue with style and swagger, he had planned to charter…
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‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

The general conception of a 'successful life' consists of a few things a person should achieve in their life, with the main ones unsurprisingly being – starting a family, having a successful career, and owning a home. While we can argue about all three of these concepts and their actual value to someone's life, let's take a moment to focus on the idea of owning a home. Surely we can all understand the benefits of owning your own house – you don't have anyone to answer to, you can do whatever yo…
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'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

'I paid good money for these tickets': Karen throws tantrum at "disruptive" audience members, usher sides against her, karma ensues

Let's be real: very few audience members know how to behave at live events anymore. Perhaps it's partially our ever-dependence on technological devices, or perhaps it's just that we have set such low standards for ourselves and our attention spans. Here, we have a comedy show that had just started. This Redditor and her husband just got to their seats, and her husband took out his phone for ten seconds to send a quick text to his brother. He made sure to do this swiftly and with low brightness,…
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Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Sometimes you need to seek out karma, sometimes karma is thurst upon you.
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'[Neighbor] put a camera facing into my backyard': Resident deals with years-long feud with nosy neighbor

'[Neighbor] put a camera facing into my backyard': Resident stuck in years-long feud with nosy neighbor

Whatever happened to minding your own business? Sure, we may stalk celebrities and acquaintances on social media, but that's entirely separate from legitimately spying on the people in your life. In this instance, we have a nosy neighbor who had been feuding with this Redditor for years. It all started when the neighbor built a fence that went two feet into the Redditor's property, and after they were forced to correct their mistake, they never forgave the Redditor. The Redditor subsequently bu…
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'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

Customers with specific food demands should reconsider whether or not it's worth it to dine out. This customer clearly has a lot of anxiety around food ordering, which can be completely understandable if said customer were to have strict dietary restrictions. Still, to have the audacity to walk into a pizza spot with a typed list of instructions that includes no cheese or tomatoes is something else entirely. Yes, you read that right. No cheese or tomatoes at your average pizza spot. What did th…
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'I'm not cleaning this up...': Customer demands restaurant staff let her in before opening time, then leaves a mess in bathroom when they refuse

'I'm not cleaning this up...': Customer demands restaurant staff let her in before opening time, then leaves a mess in bathroom when they refuse

There are numerous challenges in the customer service sector, as we have all stated at some point. The obstacles could vary from challenging to exceedingly challenging, depending on the client in front of you. The irony of it all is that if you want to advance in your line of work, you need to be able to handle any situation with poise and maturity. The story below is of a dumbfounded restaurant employee. Given that the original poster (OP) has worked in the food sector for a significant period…
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'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

Rarely has favoritism been so blatantly obvious. This father can try to rationalize his logic as much as he wants, but the truth of the matter is that he does not value his artistic daughter's talents and sensibilities as much as he values his more STEM-leaning daughter's gifts. In the case of the latter, he and his wife made sure to invest in their eldest's academic prospects by sending her to a private school. Meanwhile, their younger daughter had been secretly hoping that she could attend th…
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entitled roommate revenge roommates petty revenge malicious compliance entitled people psycho roommate entitled roommate - 25596933

Entitled roommate uses student's dishes without permission, refuses to clean them because they're "not her's": 'Those are your dishes'

Living with roommates isn't easy. We, especially as grown adults, simply were never meant to be sharing living spaces and close quarters with other grown human beings. This is especially true when you're young and move out of your parent's house for the first time. It turns out many of us at that point have yet to learn the essential basic skills that make a functioning human and half-decent roommate. It's generally appealing how many people don't understand the basics of being respectful of ot…
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'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflates his tires

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflate his tires

For better or for worse, parks attract a wide range of outsized personalities. There are the folks who want to keep to themselves, the ones who are actively trying to draw attention, and the ones who whether they know it or not are making everyone else's experience at the park miserable. Most of the time, we do not have the courage to confront these individuals, but every so often, the opportunity for some much-needed petty revenge arises. With this particular scenario, which was shared by u/No…
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