
entitled people

‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

‘Nice try’: Resident claims public neighborhood area as her personal parking space, leading neighbor to a clever payback

This might sound completely ridiculous, but before anyone thinks of buying a car, they should really consider whether or not they have a space to park it where they live. If they don't, then they simply should not buy a car. Another thing they should absolutely not do is assign a random public area in their neighborhood to be their own personal parking space because A. It's illegal, and B. It is just going to create an uncomfortable situation with the neighbors. But still, some people buy cars…
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25 tell-tale signs a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

25 tell-tale signs that a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

When you know, you know . This is, of course, what everyone says when they find the partner with whom they may want to share the rest of their lives. However, this sentiment very much applies to couples who are on the verge of falling apart. As a third party, you can often see the signs that two people are not meant to be. Sure, there are the obvious signs: fighting, infidelity, etc, but when it comes to the subtle red flags, that's when side remarks, body language, and social media posting bec…
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'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

It's always a risk when you're buying something from Marketplace. Like anything you purchase, you have to do your due diligence and assess the product carefully before going for it and making the purchase. Sometimes, we're overwhelmed and we forget to be careful when we buy products that appear to be perfectly fine. This Redditor certainly acknowledges his own part in that when he bought a broken ottoman. That being said, when he tried to return said item, it became clear that the previous owne…
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Top 15+ unhinged customer reviews: 'I ate the whole bar of soap and I don't feel any different'

Top 15+ unhinged customer reviews: 'I ate the whole bar of soap and I don't feel any different'

You can learn more about people's lives from their online customer reviews than anywhere else. When people review products online, they are less concerned with how they are personally coming across and, if it's a negative review, are more concerned with airing out their grievances, thereby allowing their true personas to shine through. You can't get that level of unfiltered, uninhibited opinions from someone's personal social media profile. That's obviously curated in a very specific way. The o…
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Group project slackers shocked to receive failing grade, while their hard-working teammates performed well:  'I got an A in the class'

Group project slackers shocked to receive failing grade, while their hard-working teammates performed well: 'I got an A in the class'

Everyone's greatest fear when it comes to working on a group project is the group of people with whom you'll be working. If you're a type A person, you will likely fear having to do all of the work yourself. If you're a slacker, you will likely wonder how much you can get away with based on the work ethic of your partners. The unfortunate reality is that no matter where you fall on the scale of teacher's pet to slacker, group projects are not exactly thrilling for you no matter what. Here, we h…
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'Karma eventually caught a Karen': Top Karens of the Week (April 15, 2024)

'Karma eventually caught a Karen': Top Karens of the Week (April 15, 2024)

Maturity and growth seem to be inconceivable concepts to the Karens of the world. These strange birds lack the self-awareness and the learning skills for serious self-improvement. Instead, they walk among us looking to project their frustrations and their entitlement onto their surroundings. This unfortunately means that the sane people among us are often on the receiving end of this unnecessary wrath. This week, we've got Karens throwing tantrums in the office, at a Gamestop, at a cosmetics st…
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'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

This is your captain speaking… get out of that seat! Working as an airline pilot does have that fun perk: the pilot gets to say, “This is your captain speaking,” and then they tell you about the weather and how long it'll take to get to your destination.
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Karen shames passenger for sitting in the wrong seat, he ends up with enviable leg room: '[I] don't really feel like offering anyone the space'

Karen shames passenger for sitting in the wrong seat, he ends up with enviable leg room: '[I] don't really feel like offering anyone the space'

There are some people in this world who seem to gain fulfillment from pointing out the mistakes of others. Most of the time, we find these individuals among various authority figures in our lifetime: teachers, bosses, etc. However, every so often, you will come across a stranger who will make it known to anyone who will listen that you made a mistake. This flight passenge r accidentally got his seat number wrong when he came across an entitled Karen, who subsequently made a scene when she found…
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dogs neighbors entitlement neighborhood-drama veterinarian neighborhood-stories vet bill entitled Bad Neighbor pet owners entitled people - 25457925

Entitled neighbors try to make women pay vet bill after their dog escapes and eats all her flowers: 'They want me to pay half since I "poisoned" their dog'

Who's right in the situation? This neighbor thinks that because their neighbor has poisonous flowers, it's her fault that their dog got sick. Before we go any further, just know that the doggo is okay. He just has a habit of digging under his owner's fence and escaping. His owners claim he's just exploring. However, the Original Poster (OP) has been weary from the start. She even tried to offer multiple solutions to her neighbors to prevent their dog from escaping, but they wouldn't get on boar…
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Retail employee forced to work 20 hours unpaid due to daytime managers incompetence, ends up taking matters into her own hands next time: ‘[They're] not ready to play nice’

Retail employee forced to work 20 hours unpaid due to daytime managers incompetence, ends up taking matters into her own hands next time: ‘[They're] not ready to play nice’

When your upper management keeps ignoring you, what do you do? That's when you ask for forgiveness, not permission…
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 25457157

'Anyone want to donate a $15k Rolex?': 20+ Choosing beggars who are making the world a place

There are a whole lotta people in this world and plenty of winding paths down which you can walk. While some choose the long and winding paths toward making the world a better place… or at least being a decent contributing member of society… a bunch of them are walking the short path of entitlement instead. At a certain point, you might expect that grifting would be more work than learning or earning an honest means of getting what you need, but that would defeat the purpose, which somewhere al…
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'I'm just doing my job...': Hotel clerk pushed to the brink after wife demands access to husband’s hotel room despite not being listed on the booking confirmation and refusing to verify her marital status

'I'm just doing my job...': Hotel clerk pushed to the brink after wife demands access to husband’s hotel room despite not being listed on the booking confirmation and refusing to verify her marital status

Serving customers is never an easy job, but working long hours and meeting high standards of service in the hotel industry makes it particularly difficult. The following story comes from an unhappy front desk employee at a hotel. The Original Poster (OP) has extensive experience working in the hotel industry, thus he is aware of security regulations and protocols. But when a particularly demanding visitor stormed into the hotel demanding access to her partner's room, OP's wits were put to the t…
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 'I couldn't care less about what you have to say': Restaurant owner refuses to accept customers' complaints about service, leading to the restaurant shutting down

'I couldn't care less about what you have to say': Restaurant owner refuses to accept customers' complaints about service, leading to the restaurant shutting down

Any business owner who wants to be respected should learn how to accept criticism. If they are unable to listen to what their customers have to say, they will probably not get far. It is unbelievable that many people tend to completely forget that a business is a two-way street and that the business needs the customer just as much as the customer needs the business. The restaurant owner that is shown in this Reddit post was completely out of line when handling customers. It seems that the owner…
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'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

People will stop at nothing to climb the corporate ladder and achieve success in the competitive field of business. Having said that, how would you react if an individual in a position of power attempted to coerce you into following their instructions? Would you let your fear overcome you, or would you outsmart their sly tactics and advance toward your goal? The story below is an account of a hard-working individual. The Original Poster (OP) has spent a considerable amount of time employed by t…
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karens aita entitled parents kids karen-customer friends parenting karens in the wild entitled mom karen parents children entitled people - 25414149

Kid wants a doughnut that isn't his, entitled parents won't tell him no: 'I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out'

You know… kids are dumb; it's really an undeniable and certifiable fact. In fact, it's not even a programming error rather it's actually one of the features of being a kid; you don't have to know everything or be responsible and can romp around; it's up to your parents, other guardians, or mining foreman to manage that for you and teach it to you in constructive ways. “You can't always get what you want” is one of those first lessons that you're taught in life, and has been an essential part of…
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Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Family is family, but sometimes family doesn't act so family…
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