
entitled people

'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

The characteristics we recognize in ourselves but decide not to express are often the characteristics that irritate us most in others. But what would happen if you had no control over the object of your gaze? Do you convey all that's on your mind, or do you treat them in the same manner you would treat yourself—ignore the negative and concentrate on the positive? This is the account of a disgruntled marathon worker. The original poster (OP) was employed for the local marathon. At first, everyth…
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‘Is this a joke?’: Micromanager demands to be notified whenever work-from-home employees step away from their desks

‘Is this a joke?’: Micromanager demands to be notified whenever work-from-home employees step away from their desks

Every day, after getting ready and making the short journey, we head to the dark, gloomy, and sad office where we are supposed to spend almost eight hours doing some of our best work. The quality of your work is determined by the individual overseeing you, not by your title. It is up to them whether you will enjoy or resent your time spent working for the company. The boss is the one who rides to tremendous heights, sets rules, and keeps things under control. That being said, if, like us, you t…
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Entitled Karen Bride pressures Instagram user with same name to change her handle: 'I actually don't believe that [is] your name'

Entitled Karen Bride pressures Instagram user with same name to change her handle: 'I actually don't believe that [is] your name'

There is a strange thing that happens to people when they get engaged. They seem to develop a strong case of main character syndrome almost as soon as a ring appears on their finger. This entitled bride tried to pressure an Instagram user with the same name to give up her handle, which the user refused to do because she heard she could get banned by doing that (a totally fair reason). What's particularly entertaining about this Karen is how quickly she went from being slightly audacious to biza…
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entitled people parent parents parenting reddit father dad dads daddy college university student kid college-girl daughter bribe morality morals justice epic outsmarts

'You have to work for it': Incorruptible professor outsmarts an entitled dad when he tries to buy straight A's for his daughter

Welcome to the real world, Dad, where your grades are a reflection of your work ethic.
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Entitled neighbor won't let woman's dogs play in her own backyard, sparking feud: 'If you want something from me climb over this fence yourself'

Entitled neighbor won't let woman's dogs play in her own backyard, sparking feud: 'If you want something from me climb over this fence yourself'

Neighbors can get particularly testy with one another when it comes to their dogs. Let's be honest: people tend to go above and beyond for their own pets. If they break something, it's fine. If they go to the bathroom where they're not supposed to, they get a free pass. If they act out in public, all is forgiven and it's probably someone else's fault. However, we simply do not extend the same courtesy to other people's dogs. If they break something, they're out of control. If they go to the bat…
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‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

‘Enjoy your long walk home’: Resident blocks man's car after he parks it in their private spot, forcing man to abandon his car and find another way home

When one looks for a place to live, they have to consider all kinds of different elements that would allow them to have the best experience living there. Some of those may be - The size of the house, the cost, the neighborhood, and how close it is to a supermarket, a mall, or even a school. Those are all different elements that people have to think about when they are in the process of looking. Another extremely important element is the parking situation in the area and making sure you have you…
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'I deal with people like you all the time': Pompous landlord claims tenant only deserves 1/3 of security deposit, tenant sues and wins

'I deal with people like you all the time': Pompous landlord claims tenant only deserves 1/3 of security deposit, tenant sues and wins

It's rare to see a tenant win one over his landlord. All matters of negotiations and disputes may feel stacked against the tenant, but every so often, justice decides to show up and be useful. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/LandlordLove subreddit by u/LS-CRX , who shared the story of how he broke his lease and was almost given just one-third of his security deposit despite a prior agreement. His landlord thought he could get away with claiming that the conditions of the apartment were les…
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'Who do you think you are to be here?': Top Karens of the Week (May 9, 2024)

'Who do you think you are to be here?': Top Karens of the Week (May 9, 2024)

The sun may be coming out this week, but the Karens of the world seem to be shining even brighter. This week, we have a plethora of Karens to dissect, analyze, and fear. The first is the spouse of someone serving in the military, who is demanding free stuff everywhere she goes. Then, we have a Karen who tried to make a customer service representative try on her sweaty earbuds. Next, we have a Danish Karen with the hair and everything who accused innocent tenants hanging around in their own apar…
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 'Are you joking?!': Challenging neighbor demands garden shed color suit her tastes claiming she's the one forced to look at it

'Are you joking?!': Challenging neighbor demands garden shed color suit her tastes claiming she's the one forced to look at it

Your neighbors might make you very happy or quite uncomfortable. In light of this, how would you respond if you had just moved into a new home and your primary goal was to keep everyone in your surrounding area happy? Would you cave into their obnoxious demands, or would you stand your ground no matter what? The story that follows tells the tale of a newlywed couple who are disappointed with their newly purchased home. The original poster (OP) recently moved to a stunning house with a sizable g…
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‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

Indeed, family is precious, and you should make every effort to love and support them during good times and bad. But when will you be able to acknowledge that your family members might be taking advantage of you with their constant barrage of absurd demands? The story that follows is written from the viewpoint of an angry sibling. The original poster (OP) and his brother did not share a close bond. Perhaps they were tight as children, but since OP embarked on his journey to adulthood, they’ve g…
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Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

“We laughed about it but it really was the craziest encounter with entitled people…”
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Entitled Karen blocks dude's driveway during school pickup, he blocks her right back: 'Ma'am I live here and I'd like to get into my garage'

Entitled Karen blocks dude's driveway during school pickup, he blocks her right back: 'Ma'am I live here and I'd like to get into my garage'

This lady was asking for trouble. She was picking up her kid from school and decided to park on a neighbor's driveway. Now according to the neighbor, who shared this thread on the r/pettyrevenge subreddit, it is quite common for parents to back into his driveway during pickup as it can get especially crowded at that time. He is normally ok with this, as it seems to come with the territory of living across the street from a school. However, this time, the Original Poster was on his way home when…
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'My sugar free soda has sugar in it': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 4, 2024)

'My sugar free soda has sugar in it': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 6, 2024)

It's hard not to be affected by the many inconveniences life can throw in your general direction. It's not easy to go with the flow and to move on from something that totally thwarted your plans. Whether it's learning the subway has been delayed a fully 20 minutes or finding out that the gift you ordered for your Mom's birthday arrived with imperfections, these mildly infuriating moments can only be overcome with humor and commiseration. Otherwise, your head might explode from frustration alone…
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'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

It's not easy for the Karens of the world to follow rules. They tend to operate according to their own flawed and delusional sense of reality and ethics. So when this Karen employee was told to follow a specific set of rules when setting up her new work email and she didn't like the fact that she couldn't name her password after her generic dog's name, she decided to do away with the rules entirely and do what she wanted instead. Unfortunately for her, she would learn the consequences of those…
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Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

If you're going to be a Karen, you better be able to face the consequences of your actions.
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'Take it up with HR': Employee confronts coworker after she monitors their bathroom breaks and claims they are taking too long

'Take it up with HR': Employee confronts coworker after she monitors their bathroom breaks and claims they are taking too long

Anyone who ever took a class in Communication and talked about the concept of reality TV shows knows how much the need to know what is going on in other people's lives is set in human nature. In social studies, they call it ‘Peep Culture’, and the name is pretty self-explanatory. But even after sitting through those classes, the amount of energy and time people waste in being unnecessarily invested in other people's businesses can still boggle my mind, and even more so when they feel the need t…
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