entitled people

Entitled in-laws demand couple to pay back a $1k cash gift despite the couple housing them for 6 months expense-free, sparks family feud

Couple houses wife's parents expense-free for 6 months, but the parents then demand to be paid back $1k they gifted the couple months before: ‘I was a bit blindsided’

'HOA fined me $1500': Guy gets back at HOA by planting sound emitters in communal elevator, costing them a fortune to fix

'HOA fined me $1500': Guy gets back at HOA by planting sound emitters in communal elevator, costing them a fortune to fix

‘Cool, right?’: Employee goes on a 2-week vacation after working 24-7 for 4 months and only making $15 per hour, gets fired over email due to small miscommunication

‘Cool, right?’: Employee goes on a 2-week vacation after working 7-days a week for 4 months and only makes $15 per hour, gets fired over email due to small miscommunication

Picked-on employee resigns and gives boss piece of his mind, tapes a tuna sandwich under his desk in return for years of torment

Boss gets handed revenge that reeks when scorned employee tapes a tuna sandwich under his desk, never to be found again: ‘Well played, Petty Crocker’

'If she's still on her phone when you come back, you're done': Single guy ditches non-stop texter on first date for ignoring him, now she has to pay the bill

'If she's still on her phone when you come back, you're done': Single guy ditches non-stop texter on first date for ignoring him, now she has to pay the bill

'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

‘Sorry this is an inconvenience for you’: Entitled resident refuses to remove bike from narrow communal hallway, neighbor forces her hand by turning to property manager

‘Sorry this is an inconvenience for you’: Entitled resident refuses to remove bike from narrow communal hallway, neighbor forces her hand by turning to property manager

18-year-old gets cut off by older sister, only for her to come back into his life 10 years later for some of his inheritance: 'I told her outright that I wasn’t [...] sharing my inheritance'

18-year-old gets cut off by older sister, only for her to come back into his life 10 years later for some of his inheritance: 'I told her outright that I wasn’t [...] sharing my inheritance'

Karen refuses to lend neighbor a helping hand, then gets offended when they return the favor, leading to a neighborhood dispute: 'What goes around comes around'

Karen refuses to lend neighbor a helping hand, then gets offended when they return the favor, leading to a neighborhood dispute: 'What goes around comes around'

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers aita public transportation public transport bus reddit thread reddit story etiquette

23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

'She was just expecting me to move': Karen tries to force passenger to give up seat for entitled 8-year-old kid, passenger won't budge

'She was just expecting me to move': Karen tries to force passenger to give up seat for entitled 8-year-old kid, passenger won't budge

CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call mid-6AM flight, refuses to use headphones and passenger wonders if this is tolerable behavior

Fortune 25 CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call on a 6 AM flight, passenger claims he refused to use headphones and spoke with an ‘I'm the eldest boy’ level of volume: ‘Is this okay?’

feud neighbors lawn entitlement drama neighborhood yard neighborhood-drama petty entitled Reddit karen entitled people - 37377285

Karen attempts to cut down neighbor's large oak tree because it blocks her view of the sunset: 'She got annoyed and said it's a reasonable request'

Entitled boss expects server to get back to work when she faints on the job, so the server gives her two week notice

‘She didn’t even see me as a person’: Server gives her two week notice after entitled boss expects her to get back to work when she faints on the job

Promoted employee asks colleague for his work and ideas after he didn't get the promotion, colleague refuses to transfer them because he's salty

Employee is passed up on a promotion but is expected to transfer all of his work and ideas to colleague who landed the position: ‘Higher-ups didn't want my ideas in the first place’

haha neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama petty revenge baby boomers entitled Reddit karma entitled people - 37361157

They were trying to take tens of feet of our land': Entitled couple harasses new neighbors over property line, threatens legal action only to discover they're the ones invading