entitled people

family drama entitled parents drama job work finance reddit story family feud parenting finances entitled people karma financial workplace entitled family paycheck reddit thread parent Reddit money Parenting Fail parents entitled people Parenting FAILS - 37804037

Daughter refuses to share hefty work bonus with financially incompetent parents, teaching them a lesson on financial literacy: ‘Now they want me to bail them out’

34-year-old wife checks 37-year-old husband's dashcam footage, discovers he dumped their "missing" 13-year-old dog: '[He] drove off without her'

34-year-old wife checks 37-year-old husband's dashcam footage, discovers he dumped their "missing" 13-year-old dog: '[He] drove off without her'

Controlling parents demand 20-year-old daughter give them the inheritance her grandmother left her, seeks advice: ‘I want to make my grandmother happy and fulfill her wish’

Controlling parents demand 20-year-old daughter give them the inheritance her grandmother left her, seeks advice: ‘I want to make my grandmother happy and fulfill her wish’

 Bowling children kids Party karen aita karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story family

Bowling group scolds group of 4 to 6-year-old children who refuse to bowl safely, parents step in: 'My friends called me a Karen and said kids will be kids'

reddit reddit story aita entitled work workplace workplace-stories hotel employee guest karen tantrum payback revenge petty revenge

‘That’s ENOUGH’: Karen customer slams credit card machine when asked to pay a pet fee for her hotel stay, employee says she can get lost if she can't be civil

Man accuses friends of micromanaging the expenses on their vacation, they claim they shouldn't pay for what he overly spends, he refuses to go on future trips as a result: ‘I can't do this’

Man accuses friends of micromanaging the expenses on their vacation, they claim they shouldn't pay for what he overly spends, he refuses to go on future trips as a result: ‘I can't do this’

'I hope you're ready to lose your job': Hungry guest throws tantrum at hotel concierge for not providing free Thanksgiving meal

'I hope you're ready to lose your job': Hungry guest throws tantrum at hotel concierge for not providing free Thanksgiving meal

Man gets a lawyer on retainer after ‘grinch’ neighbor decides to call zoning office multiple times to investigate man's legal construction

‘Grinch neighbor’ spies on man doing legal construction on his property and repeatedly calls zoning to investigate, man has a lawyer on retainer to fight back

Wife demands husband stops paying child support to his ex and starts covering more of her expenses, he refuses: ‘I told her to call her lawyer’

Wife demands husband stops paying child support to his ex and starts covering more of her expenses, he refuses: ‘I told her to call her lawyer’

'Don't be THAT person!': 15+ public library stories where entitled Karens, parents, and kids ruined everyone else's experience

'Don't be THAT person!': 15+ public library stories where entitled Karens, parents, and kids ruined everyone else's experience

After years of carrying the company on his back, employee reaches breaking point when his boss informs him he needs more ‘coaching’: ‘Do you even know how to do the work?’

After years of carrying the company on his back, employee reaches breaking point when his boss informs him he needs more ‘coaching’: ‘Do you even know how to do the work?’

'What exactly do you want from my husband?': Entitled Karen shopper grabs tall guy at grocery store to help her, tall guy's wife intervenes and calls her out

'What exactly do you want from my husband?': Entitled Karen shopper grabs tall guy at grocery store to help her, tall guy's wife intervenes and calls her out

Boss gets fed up with neighboring store's customers parking in his lot, he places boulders between the stores to block them, leading to a dispute with next-door owner: ‘A solid solution’

Boss gets fed up with neighboring store's customers parking in his lot, he places boulders between the stores to block them, leading to a dispute with next-door owner: ‘A solid solution’

Cat owner refuses to ‘loan’ their cat to entitled mother's daughter's birthday, they show up on their doorstep the day of the party anyway

‘I’m not giving you my cat’: Entitled mom asks cat owner to ‘loan’ her their cat for her daughter's birthday party, owner refuses but mom shows up on their doorstep the day of the party

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens family family drama Family feud wedding Weddings wedding drama brother siblings childcare aita kids moms parenting dad reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

Mother appoints her brother to be her 3 under 10-year-old children's unpaid personal chef: '[She] expect[s] me to make something every day for the kids'

Tenants at a loss when sneaky landlord steals items from their residence and refuses to fess up, seeking legal recourse to get revenge

Sneaky landlord enters residence without tenant's approval and steals some items, demands another month's rent after tenants accuse him: ‘What are our rights?’