
entitled people

'Justice is served': Dude singles out customer who tries cutting in line by paying for everyone's drink but theirs

'Justice is served': Dude singles out customer who tries cutting in line by paying for everyone's drink but theirs

Not everything in life goes as planned. There are moments when you just have to go with the flow and hope for the best. Having said that, how would you feel if you intended to do a kind deed but were distracted by the arrogance of one individual? In the story that follows, a man who is waiting in line to pay for his coffee expresses his frustration. As the original poster (OP) put it, he had earned a great cup of coffee after receiving the raise that he had been chasing for what seemed like a l…
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family drama entitlement saving money absurd family feud 401k father in law baby boomers in laws mother in law ridiculous boomers entitled daughter retirement son entitled people - 25959173

Boomer mother-in-law demands son doesn't go out to eat so he can save for her retirement: 'Brian save your money, we have no 401k'

This family seems like they might need to clear some things up before their next dinner party. After marrying his wife, the Original Poster (OP) noticed his mother-in-law was always urging him to save his money. At first, he thought she was just looking out for him. It turns out that she actually plans to have her son-in-law fund her and her husband's retirement since they have no savings themselves. The entitled Boomer mother-in-law accidentally let this information slip when the family was al…
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'Ma'am, what do you want me to do?': Karen accuses passenger on flight of shaking the seat and interrupting her sleep, cue petty payback

'Ma'am, what do you want me to do?': Karen accuses passenger on flight of shaking the seat and interrupting her sleep, cue petty payback

There are certain recurring characters on flights that you cannot escape no matter how hard you try. These characters range from the crying babies to the perpetual coughers to the entitled Karens. Here, we've got a Karen who was attempting to use her tray table as a pillow (already a strange choice). She started to throw a tantrum after accusing the passenger in front of her of intentionally shaking the seat too much, thereby preventing her from getting her much-needed beauty rest. The passenge…
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neighbors teenagers mowing the lawn grass entitled Grandpa grandparents horses Bad Neighbor horse entitled people - 25962757

'Entitled grandpa... refuses to pay': Teen gets enlisted into doing unpaid chores by pushy neighbor

One man's trash is another man's treasure--- just ask this neighbor. Or any neighbor, for that matter. Almost all of us have had the experience of walking by our neighbor's house and spotting a box marked “free.” These boxes can be filled with any number of “treasures,” ranging from old DVDs to books to clothing or shoes. Some of it is certainly still destined for the trash, but to find a great book or a barely-used bag is a cool way to recycle. Up next,
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'Privacy isn't necessary': Top Mildly Infuriating Parenting Moments of the Week (May 16, 2024)

'Privacy isn't necessary': Top Mildly Infuriating Parenting Moments of the Week (May 16, 2024)

There is a specific dynamic that emerges when you spend time at your parents' place as an adult. You start to notice all the crazy house rules, patterns, and habits that make absolutely zero sense. However, no matter how many times you try to explain a more efficient way of doing something, there is nothing you can do to change their minds. Living with my parents during that time back in 2020 resulted in a clash of personalities that thankfully did not lead to complete and total combustion. Sti…
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‘Hundreds of pies… Stopped [by me]’: Pizza place manager forced to apologize and then fired after snubbing customer responsible for corporate's largest yearly order

‘Hundreds of pies… Stopped [by me]’: Pizza place manager forced to apologize and then fired after snubbing customer responsible for corporate's largest yearly order

Rule number one: Never come between someone and their pizza order.
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Karen customer gets a taste of her own medicine at the burger drive thru: 'Hold on a second PLEASE!'

Karen customer gets a taste of her own medicine at the burger drive thru: 'Hold on a second PLEASE!'

Many entitled people walk through life thinking they're the main character of the universe without a single person calling them out on their nonsense. Sure, dealing with entitled people is a difficult endeavor. Why would you want to put yourself through that? Well, the truth of the matter is that it's better for humanity at large to knock these folks down a peg and remind them that they are in no way better than the rest of us. So with that in mind, it comes as no surprise to us that the local…
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Entitled older generation of neighbors decide to hang up U.S. military flags on younger couple's property to ‘support the troops’, property owners stop them in their tracks

Entitled older generation of neighbors decide to hang up U.S. military flags on younger couple's property to ‘support the troops’, property owners stop them in their tracks

Older generation of neighbors decide to hang up U.S. military flags on younger couple's property, ‘I could see the smoke rising from his ears’
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'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

You are accountable for your child. Stated simply, you will be liable for the cost of replacing any products that your child breaks while you are shopping. Given this perspective, what would you do, therefore, if two well-to-do parents allowed their child to run wild and then declined to pay for the hundreds of dollars in damages? The story below is an account of a frustrated pet store employee. The original poster (OP) worked at the pet store for an extended period of time. Everything went wel…
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'You better have all 30 bags on my car before I get back': Teenager mistaken for hardware store employee gets back at impatient DIYer

'You better have all 30 bags on my car before I get back': Teenager mistaken for hardware store employee gets back at impatient DIYer

This DIYer got schooled by a teenager on how to treat employees. That's because this dude really thought that employee worked for the store he was at. Even though the kid literally told this guy, a random stranger, that he wasn't an employee, this guy just wouldn't take not for an answer. And in that case, as u/wing_nut_101 puts it, “be careful what you wish for.”
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'I said no and ended the call': School principal demands mom work for free to help with school play, she refuses, principal blames her for production failure

'I said no and ended the call': School principal demands mom work for free to help with school play, she refuses, principal blames her for production failure

It comes to no one's surprise that schools care much more about the sports programs than the arts. For some reason, it is assumed that the arts are not as important for kids' education as doing sports, and so the art programs get much less budget and attention in an unfortunate amount of schools. The situation is no different in the school from this Reddit story, and the main problem might be with the school's principal. OP (original poster) is a mom who got a call from a school principal askin…
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‘Customers like you pay extra’: Hair salon owner chargers demanding woman double after she arrived four hours late to her appointment and complained about the service

‘Customers like you pay extra’: Hair salon owner chargers demanding woman double after she arrived four hours late to her appointment and complained about the service

Some people think and act like the world revolves around them, and something must be done to get them off the pedestal they have put themselves on. Just because you act like you are better than everyone else, does not mean you actually are. The Karen in this Reddit story has a main character syndrome that should seriously be addressed, because how she acted in a hair salon was simply unacceptable. OP (original poster) was getting her hair done when a woman walked into the salon, 4 hours late to…
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Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Entitled driver blocks accessible ramp, guy gets petty payback and blocks his BMW: '90% of BMW owners give the rest a bad name'

Sometimes, being a good samaritan and getting petty revenge go hand in hand. Yes, one would think that this would be a strange juxtaposition. However, when an entitled person takes advantage of a vulnerable one, the hero of the story is the guy who gives that entitled dude a taste of his own medicine. Here, we have a BMW driver who parked right in front of the accessible ramp that a frequent churchgoer named Kyle uses to get inside the building. The good samaritan of this story noticed the BMW…
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Entitled office worker insists that coworker conform to her dress code: '[My manager] told me to drop it'

Entitled office worker insists that coworker conform to her dress code: '[My manager] told me to drop it'

This nosy worker seriously asked for advice about another employee's attire . Why would that be any of her business? Good question! Many office places have become way less strict about their dress code in recent decades. Instead of donning a white shirt and a tie, or a dress and tights, lots of folks just show up in jeans and a tee shirt every day. If you're not customer-facing in your role, what's the harm in that? The employees get to be comfortable during their eight-hour workday. And let's…
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'I decided to head over to Big Bill's condo and talk to him man to man': Top HOA Stories of the Week (May 13, 2024)

'I decided to head over to Big Bill's condo and talk to him man to man': Top HOA Stories of the Week (May 13, 2024)

It's time for a weekly venting session about everyone's favorite topic: their local homeowner's association. A friend of mine recently recounted a story to me about how the previous owner of her modest condominium had his air conditioner incorrectly installed in a way that violated HOA bylaws. The problem is that no one ever noticed the issue while he was living there. When my friend moved in, she was relieved that she didn't have to install her own AC for once. Well, she would end up wishing t…
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‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

The patience that front desk employees possess is truly admirable and is definitely not talked about enough. They have to deal with an unbelievable amount of people who simply cannot understand the smallest of things, and overlook everything for their own benefit, and they do that on a daily basis. I tried being a front desk employee in a local hotel in my town, and I managed to do it for about a month. I just couldn't handle the guests' endless complaints and demands, and after a month of non-…
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