entitled parents

choosing beggars choosing beggar aita entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers influencer influencers

Artist exposes "influencer" demanded the artist pay her for the privilege of working for her

Kids discover 7-year-old neighbor stole their toys, they exposer her thievery to the whole neighborhood: 'She lost all her toys and all her friends"

Kids discover 7-year-old neighbor stole their toys, they exposer her thievery to the whole neighborhood: 'She lost all her toys and all her friends"

19-year-old inherits $8 million from estranged grandpa, entitled family members sue her: 'The money doesn't belong to [her]'

19-year-old inherits $8 million from estranged grandpa, entitled family members sue her: 'The money doesn't belong to [her]'

aita AITAH influencer influencers entitled people entitled entitled people karma entitled parents real estate

Couple sues "mommy influencer" after she secretly films them and posts the video online: 'Our faces are clearly visible in the videos I might add'

60-year-old Mom forbids daughter from cutting her hair her whole childhood, daughter gets even by chopping it all off: 'I honestly felt like Rapunzel'

60-year-old Mom forbids daughter from cutting her hair her whole childhood, daughter gets even by chopping it all off: 'I honestly felt like Rapunzel'

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers

Entitled parent tries to get woman fired from a daycare where she doesn't even work: 'Fire this person or else'

Retail worker forced to deal with entitled mom and her 4 screaming children: '[She] let them loose to play tag/Marco Polo in the aisles'

Retail worker forced to deal with entitled mom and her 4 screaming children: '[She] let them loose to play tag/Marco Polo in the aisles'

Step-father steals money from 13-year-old's piggy bank, kid gets even by "borrowing" $200: 'I hid it in my sock drawer'

Step-father steals money from 13-year-old's piggy bank, kid gets even by "borrowing" $200: 'I hid it in my sock drawer'

customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people Life in Retail - 38755333

Entitled mother confronts tech retail worker at the supermarket who helped her and her son earlier: 'This happened about a week ago and I still think about it because of how absurd this lady was...'

Roommate calls out 30-year-old single mom and 6-year-old kid for eating her food, starts putting vegetables in everything: 'I just simply want to be able to eat my food'

Roommate calls out 30-year-old single mom and 6-year-old kid for eating her food, starts putting vegetables in everything: 'I just simply want to be able to eat my food'

16-year-old joins friend's family for Costa Rica vacation, her parents get billed without warning: 'You don't invite someone and then stick an invoice in the mail'

16-year-old joins friend's family for Costa Rica vacation, her parents get billed without warning: 'You don't invite someone and then stick an invoice in the mail'

Entitled family starts trash-talking 28-year-old woman in the elevator in French, not knowing she's fluent: 'I could understand everything they were saying'

Entitled family starts trash-talking 28-year-old woman in the elevator in French, not knowing she's fluent: 'I could understand everything they were saying'

'You will never be allowed near my family': 34-year-old parent goes no contact with relentless stepmother who won't stop getting involved

'You will never be allowed near my family': 34-year-old parent goes no contact with relentless stepmother who won't stop getting involved

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild customer service customers theme park

Entitled mom and her family cut long amusement park line before bystanders shut her down: 'They were eventually escorted out'

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

Aunt Karen sends strongly worded letter after never receiving a Thank You card for her $100 wedding gift: 'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you, think again'

Aunt Karen sends strongly worded letter after never receiving a Thank You card for her $100 wedding gift: 'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you, think again'

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