
entitled parents

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23-year-old woman scolded by entitled mother for not "teaching" young child to swim who was left alone in deep end of swimming pool: 'She told me that it wasn't nice that I wasn't helping her'

It takes a village to raise a child, though some people have taken this too literally apparently and have taken it to mean that they need not raise their child themselves. Or at least that's how it seems with the number of feral children that are allowed to run rampant in public spaces while their parents either sit idly by… or are nowhere to be seen at all. Some parents expect bystanders to raise their children for them, demanding a “teachable moment” from the stranger who dares call into ques…
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'Get a hobby': Mom berates 13-year-old for always being on her phone, teenager maliciously complies and starts playing the flute loudly and horribly every morning

'Get a hobby': Mom berates 13-year-old for always being on her phone, teenager maliciously complies and starts playing the flute loudly and horribly every morning

Parents should be careful when lecturing their kids. Teenagers , in particular, are likely to twist their words and expose the parenting flaws at play, and honestly, who can blame them? Especially in this instance where we have a young 13-year-old whose mother couldn't stand the fact that her kid was constantly on her phone… as so many kids are in this day and age. It goes beyond the technology dependence, though. The entitled mom was infuriated that her daughter wouldn't clean the house and ba…
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family family drama Family feud brother siblings sibling rivalry parents entitled parents parenting step father step brother teenagers

Mom and Stepdad insist 17-year-old spend late father's inheritance on step-siblings' education: 'I said no and I told them I wouldn't change my mind'

Money between family and friends is a tricky thing, but giving money to help out can be a huge blessing when times are tough. Still, it's often said in these situations that you should never lend money that you expect to see back, essentially considering it to be a gift. When that money comes from the loss of not one but two close and important family members, it really shouldn't be treated like a bonus that needs to be burned, and it's not an “easy come, easy go” type of situation. That money…
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'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

Living in a co-op certainly has its advantages, but it also means that you may or may not be at the mercy of a building Karen. Here , we have a new tenant who just moved into her co-op in noisy midtown Manhattan two weeks prior. She threw a small housewarming get-together with ten people on a Friday night. These are all folks in their late twenties or early thirties who knew that this was a quiet, low-key event rather than some kind of rager. Unfortunately for the Redditor who hosted the event,…
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entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers aita public transportation public transport bus reddit thread reddit story etiquette

23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

What is the etiquette these days when it comes to public transport? Not to sound like an "old man shouting at clouds," but it really does seem like etiquette—along with mutual unspoken respect and other social decorum—has gone completely out the window. Still, along with that, and theoretically causal of the previous issue is that people just seem generally more entitled and individualistic, it's all about “me me me” and “what can be done that benefits me” rather than partaking in the upholding…
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'She was just expecting me to move': Karen tries to force passenger to give up seat for entitled 8-year-old kid, passenger won't budge

'She was just expecting me to move': Karen tries to force passenger to give up seat for entitled 8-year-old kid, passenger won't budge

Karens seem to go out of their way to make themselves known on public transportation. Whether it's starting an argument over an invasion of their personal space (they're usually in the wrong here) or talking loudly on the phone, these are people who feel compelled to make a scene wherever they go. Here , we have a parent who has clearly raised her perfectly healthy but endlessly annoying 8-year-old son to be just as entitled as she is. A passenger, the person who shared this Reddit thread, saw…
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30+ Amusing Parenting Tips for Folks Who Are at Their Wit’s End

30+ Amusing Parenting Tips for Folks Who Are at Their Wit’s End

For all the parents out there, we understand that sometimes you need a break, even if it's just a nap. Of course, when you have a bunch of little kids screaming, running around, and making messes, it's hard to unwind and get a moment of peace. You probably tell yourself to power through the day, that you'll get some sleep once you put the kids to bed (if that ever ends up happening). Let's be honest, folks. Sometimes you have to get creative in order to take care of yourself and recharge. Somet…
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'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

Karens exist in all industries, so it makes sense that they might not pop up in an army reserve unit. These male Karens insisted that the folks who managed processing logistics requests were taking too long with a specific order they made. They even tried to embarrass the reserve unit team at a big meeting with several higher-ranked individuals present. Well, that plan backfired as one of the members of this team, who shared this Reddit thread , looked up their processing request during the mee…
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Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Dealing with kids is one obstacle, but dealing with their parents is almost always more challenging. Teachers can attest to this, and parents themselves are likely to agree. This dynamic becomes particularly transparent during gatherings and events, and Halloween is no exception. Here, we have a neighbor who was, for better or for worse, known by everyone to be a good baker. News travels fast in the suburbs, so it did not take long for the entitled Karen Mom who just moved to the neighborhood t…
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Selfish brother thinks he's entitled to all of his sister's time despite babysitting his children at no cost for years, decides to put her foot down and win in the end

Family is split after woman refuses to babysit for selfish brother after giving him three years of free childcare, decides to puts her studies and free time first: ‘I stood my ground’

Entitlement runs deep.
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Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

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'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

This story brings a whole new meaning to “eat your vegetables!” Here, we have a young woman who had the unique experience of rooming with not just one stranger but two: a mother and her kid. The good news is that the two parties generally stay out of one another's way and are respectful of their physical boundaries. The bad news is that all this started to change when the Redditor began to notice her leftovers were always missing. Now, the original poster (OP) makes a point to address her sympa…
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employee jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee customer service customers customer customer support entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer

Customer complains about internet speed, but it turns out they were getting faster speeds than they were paying for, gets slower internet than they started with: 'It's even worse than it was before!'

Getting slower internet speeds than you're paying for is quite a gear-grinding, to say the least—especially when you're paying through the nose for the highest possible speeds and still just receiving the lower speed 80% of the time. The internet service providers (ISPs) basically figure that we won't notice the difference, and to be fair, most of us wouldn't. That or they don't actually have the infrastructure to support and deliver the speeds they're selling, so they throttle speeds, especial…
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entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers

Entitled family takes already claimed theatre seats and refuses to give them up, gets karmic reward for their actions: 'They're not giving the seats up.'

There's a certain etiquette involved when it comes to enjoying public entertainment… even if you'd paid to view it, and no matter how much you have paid to view it, you should not do anything that detracts from others' enjoyment of the event. Not only has it become commonplace for concertgoers to eclipse the view of those behind them with cell phones and signs, but it has also become far more commonplace for concertgoers to shriek lyrics passionately at the top of their lungs, drowning out the…
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'The participation rate has been zero': Teacher pressured by helicopter parents to provide extra credit, she gets even by giving lengthy assignments involving parental participation

'The participation rate has been zero': Teacher pressured by helicopter parents to provide extra credit, she gets even by giving lengthy assignments involving parental participation

Overbearing parents can make school a miserable existence for teachers and students alike. Thankfully for these overworked kids, their helicopter parents have met their match with their history teacher. This teacher was pressured by the parents to assign more extra credit so their kids could have a greater chance at getting A+ final grades. After receiving enough pressure from the board and the administration, the teacher acquiesced but devised a plan to maliciously comply. She decided to give…
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'Neighbors suddenly became silent at night': Entitled neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at 3:00am, tenant accidentally gets payback

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at night': Entitled neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at 3:00am, tenant accidentally gets payback

Sometimes, the sweetest revenge is accidental. Sure, perhaps you've been fantasizing about the different ways in which you can get even with your unapologetically noisy next-door neighbor, but the conflict-avoidant part of you has kept you from acting upon those fantasies. All you can do in these situations is to hope for karma to rear its ugly head, and in this case, it didn't even have to. This tenant tried numerous times to keep both his adjacent and upstairs neighbors quiet. These were a gr…
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