
entitled parents

family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 24052741

Guy wants someone to pay him to come and remove his dilapidated shed: 'It will need some attention'

We'd all like to think that we have something to offer to this world. If we didn't, what would be the point? While this is kind of a baited question, the easy answer is that there's more to life than your monetizable value, despite what society might otherwise try and tell you... So, go outside and smell a flower, for gosh sake, and stop overcomplicating a life that is already overcomplicated enough. Still, because of our obsession with our own value and the value of things in our possession, i…
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'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

It takes a certain kind of person to be a difficult customer at a restaurant; it takes another kind of person to go out of their way to write a completely off-base one-star review. These three reviews may all be referring to different kinds of restaurants: a taco place, a dog-friendly café, and a fancy restaurant. However, they also have a few characteristics in common: 1) they are poorly written, with grammatical errors all over the place; 2) it is clear from the get-go that the writers of the…
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customer service karens entitled parents electric vehicle karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled tesla leopardsatemyface karen entitled people - 23940869

Entitled neighbor regrets blocking electric vehicle charging installation after buying his own electric vehicle: 'The council is now refusing to install the charging point'

We should all strive to leave the world a better place than we entered it—unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be a very high priority on a lot of people's to-do lists. There are quite a few people who seek to selfishly maximize their own position without a care for anyone else or a regard for the effects of their reckless need for self-aggrandizement and wanton urge for wealth and power.
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'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

Some people in this world have nothing better to do than spy on their neighbors, gossip about them, and start pointless conflicts with them. Whatever happened to leaving one another alone? Ah, who am I kidding? I love the gossip part, but I would never go so far as to buy a camera to spy on someone or to report them every time they grilled food. That's just creepy and/or annoying. Get a life, people! That being said, there is some satisfaction that comes with reading about these neighbor wars.…
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'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party and get free stuff

'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party, demanding free stuff

It takes a whole lot of audacity and nerve to crash a kid's birthday party just so you can get some free vouchers. However, I suppose if you are truly committed to leaning into all the facets of your personality that might make you a Karen, you don't have room for second-guessing. After all, all the space in your brain is taken up by your Karen attributes. Personally speaking, I have never possessed the confidence to be able to crash a birthday party. Instead of this Karen's audacity, I cannot…
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'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

Now that the year has come to a close, let's look back at some of the most memorable stories of entitled people and their ridiculous tantrums. From a neighbor who claimed someone else's parking spot indefinitely to a sister-in-law's outlandish demand… from a former landlord's unnecessary request to a guy who ran off with his brother's ex … let's just say that 2023 was not short on entitled behavior. Hopefully, people remember what it is to be generous, or at the very least decent , next year. T…
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'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

It sounds like this person's aunt smelled some competition. She was making pie filling for an upcoming Holiday market, while her niece planned to bake a flan. It's always hard sharing space with family members during this time of the year, so the niece tried to get around any potential problems by requesting use of the kitchen for one day that week well in advance. Of course, everyone said yes, but at the last minute, this woman's aunt decided to unleash the Karen inside of her. This thread was…
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'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

What would the Holidays be without a Grinch? In this case, we have a Karen who simply could not stand her neighbor's Holiday decorations. Look, the truth is this neighbor might have overdone it a bit, but unless their decorations are aggressive or hostile, there is absolutely nothing this Grinch can do about it. It's the neighbor's property, not Karen's. It doesn't matter if she has been living in the neighborhood for five minutes or five years, nor does it matter if she is older. Thankfully, p…
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'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

Some customers will look at a sign that says “Don't climb on this” and then let their kid crawl all over it anyway. It's not that they can't read the sign, it's not that they didn't see it. They just don't care. Lots of customers are entitled, and they think that any mess they make in a store is not theirs to clean up. They believe that since they're the prized customer, all employees need to bend to their will, and bring out a broom to clean up any mess they make.
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'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

'People don't know how to read': Karen refuses to listen to theme park worker's warning about swimming near alligators at her own peril

Sometimes, rules are in place for your actual safety… In these instances, challenging the rules out of entitlement could come at a major price. Thankfully, in this story, no one got hurt but that very well could have happened to this Karen, who insisted that she and her two kids play in the water at a theme park in Florida known for having alligators and snakes. The theme park worker and his manager had to repeatedly warn this woman, and she of course interpreted their warnings as bossing her a…
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'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

Many people say that working in retail builds resilience and character, but perhaps it just exposes you to the worst kind of people in this world. I guess in some sense, that builds resilience and character, but that has to be the only silver lining that comes with having to deal with entitled Karen customers on a daily basis. Otherwise, these workers deserve the kind of prizes and medals that heroes and soldiers receive because I'm sure it feels like every shift is an almost Sisyphean fight fo…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents hotel job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 23564037

'Sold out means sold out': Entitled hotel guests refuse to check out of their room, staff forcibly remove them

"You can't always get what you want..." Mick Jagger and the 'Stones famously taught us, before then going on to elaborate that “If you try sometimes, you'll find you get what you need.” While that's all well and good, and while this serves as a great message of inspiration about how one should never give up when the going gets tough… There are actually plenty of times in life when you might want something from someone else, and upon being told “No,” you should just take the “No” at face value a…
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Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

It comes as no surprise that the entitled Karens of the world even find a way to take issue with the Christmas carol choices that a local choir plans to sing. There always has to be something, right? This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/wa_geng , who pointed out that the same woman threw the same exact tantrum last Christmas. So OP and her friends got a kick out of the fact that this Karen had been stewing for over a year because she didn't get what she wanted. And…
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'This lady filmed me': Karen accuses hotel housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

'This lady filmed me': Hotel guest falsely accuses housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

It takes a special kind of hotel guest to misplace important items and then immediately go on the offensive and accuse housekeeping of theft. Perhaps it's generational, perhaps it's having experience being on the other side of these kinds of accusations, or perhaps it's just being a decent human, but I consider myself to be someone who is far more likely to blame himself for a lost item. Hypothetically speaking, if I were convinced that for once it was not my fault this time, I would at the ver…
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landscaper revenge homeowner petty revenge lawn care customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23232005

'He was going to know that I hit every inch of his yard...': Lawn care worker gets back at a petty pedantic homeowner

The problem with working in a job where you're providing a professional service is that your clients will constantly tell you how to do your job even when they have no idea what they're talking about—no, especially when they have no idea what they're talking about. This intensifies when it comes to anything people regard themselves to be an expert in just because they've done it at the lowest level a few times in an everyday, unprofessional sense.
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