entitled parents

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

employee jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee customer service customers customer customer support entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer

Customer complains about internet speed, but it turns out they were getting faster speeds than they were paying for, gets slower internet than they started with: 'It's even worse than it was before!'

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers

Entitled family takes already claimed theatre seats and refuses to give them up, gets karmic reward for their actions: 'They're not giving the seats up.'

'The participation rate has been zero': Teacher pressured by helicopter parents to provide extra credit, she gets even by giving lengthy assignments involving parental participation

'The participation rate has been zero': Teacher pressured by helicopter parents to provide extra credit, she gets even by giving lengthy assignments involving parental participation

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at night': Entitled neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at 3:00am, tenant accidentally gets payback

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at night': Entitled neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at 3:00am, tenant accidentally gets payback

'If they had just been a little kinder I would have let them know': Impatient Karens push passenger at security, then forget their laptop

'If they had just been a little kinder I would have let them know': Impatient Karens push passenger at security, then forget their laptop

relationship advice dogs aita entitled parents pets ex girlfriend relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend entitled online dating dating entitled people - 37026821

Boyfriend insists on receiving 2/3 of woman's lottery winnings for his dog, demanding an additional $10k: 'My boyfriend is now dead serious about wanting me to give [him] "Baxter’s share" of the money'

'Not the best way to get great customer service': 18 one-star reviews from Karen customers, plus responses from restaurant owners

'Not the best way to get great customer service': 18 one-star reviews from Karen customers, plus responses from restaurant owners

'Put your own groceries in your own car!': Young man helps older woman with her groceries, Karen assumes he works there and treats him poorly, older woman comes to his defense

'Put your own groceries in your own car!': Young man helps older woman with her groceries, Karen assumes he works there and treats him poorly, older woman comes to his defense

Entitled mom texts and drives into a man's new car, sparking a traffic dispute and resulting in her speeding off without taking the blame

Texting driver with no license plates strikes man's new car and falsely accuses him of running a red light, speeds off without exchanging insurance information

Entitled parents threaten to sue daughter despite her years of generosity and free housing over $3 rent increase, sparking a fierce family conflict

Entitled parents threaten to sue daughter despite her years of generosity and free housing over $3 rent increase, sparking a fierce family conflict

'Some people can't control their own kids': Passenger gets blamed for annoying kids next to her while their actual parents sitting behind them do nothing

'Some people can't control their own kids': Passenger gets blamed for annoying kids next to her while their actual parents sitting behind them do nothing

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

Male Karen in economy pretends he's a vegetarian to get first class meal, flight attendant maliciously complies: 'I'll just have the chicken then'

Male Karen in economy pretends he's a vegetarian to get first class meal, flight attendant maliciously complies: 'I'll just have the chicken then'

'[He threw] his burger at the wall': Top ridiculous outbursts from entitled Karens and Kevins

'[He threw] his burger at the wall': Top ridiculous outbursts from entitled Karens and Kevins