
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

Super horny guy on Tinder gets trolled.

Insanely Horny Guy Gets The Trolling He Deserves On Tinder

10 times women dodged guys that were being total creeps, super smoothly.

10 Times Women Dodged Creeps Masterfully

Women share the things they do to show guys they like them in interesting Askreddit.

29 Women Share What They Do To Show Guys They Like Them

Alt-right Nazi conspiracy theorist gets exposed trying to cheat using a dating app.

Alt-Right Nazi Conspiracy Theorist Exposed Trying To Cheat Using Dating App

Woman ghosts boyfriend she's been dating for five years after finding him cheating on her.

Woman Ghosts Heartless Cheating Boyfriend In Ice Cold Fashion

People share their worst dates they've ever had.

12 People Share Their Traumatizing Dates From Hell


23 Hilarious Tinder Bios From People Who've Got Game

People tweet stupid things that couples fight about on Twitter, and the results are hilarious.

42 Mindlessly Stupid Things Couples Fight About

Guys share cringeworthy stories about the creepiest ways that women have hit on them.

You'll Cringe Just Reading These Stories From Guys About Creepiest Ways Women Have Hit On Them

People Share Secrets That Forever Changed the Way They Looked at Someone

28 People Share Secrets That Forever Changed the Way They Looked at Someone

10 people share the worst ways that they've gone and messed up a date on Askreddit.

10 People Share The Worst Ways They've Messed Up A Date

People Who Got the Last Laugh On Their Highschool Bullies

15 People Who Got the Last Laugh On Their Highschool Bullies

Women share the first date dealbreakers that men make all too often.

31 Women Share First Date Mistakes Men Make All Too Often

Super Likes Tinder

Girl Accidentally Super Likes Guy on Tinder and Gets Hit With a Sh*t Storm of Cringe

Guy gets rejected in terribly brutal manner, and goes viral after the conversation is shared on Twitter.

Guy Goes Viral After Getting Rejected In Most Savage Way Possible

Guy's Twitter story about his psycho ex is the dating story to end all stories.

Guy's Twitter Story About Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Is The Insane Dating Story To End All Stories