
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

Bride's father rips her dress during wedding ceremony - People share stories about the worst things they've ever witnessed at weddings

35 Horrendous Stories About the Worst Things People Ever Witnessed at Weddings

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Nervous Climber Accidentally Gives Cute Girl the Wrong Number After They Hit-It-Off at the Gym

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Tinder Lady Demands Dinner Date And Gets Hostile, Guy Dodges Bullet

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People Share Blindly Obvious Signs They Missed That Someone Was Into Them

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Insane Guy Plays Cruel Game With Waitress During First Date, Displays Real-Time Tip Reduction

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Jerk Husband Allows Abusive Mother-In-Law to Secretly Visit Newborn Against Wife's Wishes

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Husband Insists Wife Loses Weight, Lets His Friend Gives Unsolicited Advice, Tells Her She's the Jerk

Boyfriend destroys girlfriend's priceless heirloom ring to propose

Clueless Boyfriend Destroys Girlfriend’s Recently-Deceased Grandmother’s Heirloom Wedding Ring to Propose, Doesn’t See the Issue With His Actions

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Exasperated Girlfriend Calls Out Immature Boyfriend When Her Interrupts Her During An Interview

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Insane Woman Dates Sister’s Cheating Ex-Husband, Wants to Bring Him On Their Family Vacation, Doesn't See the Issue

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Titillating Top Tinder Moments That Arouse Suggestive Seduction

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Guy Harasses Girl on Tinder With "Negging", Has Brutal and Humiliating Meltdown When Confronted

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Out of Control Waitress Hits Aggressively on Woman's Husband, Gets Fired, Woman is Blamed

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Tinderella Claims to Love "The Powerpuff Girls", Gets Mad at Extremely Obvious Reference

AITA for being "ungrateful" of the cake my boyfriend made me?

Boyfriend and His Daughter Bake Ungrateful Girlfriend A Cake For Her Birthday, She Throws it Back in Their Face

Guy tells his twin sister to never contact him again after he catches her with hanging out with his ex.

Betrayed Twin Disowns His Twin Sister When She Stays Close Friends With His Cheating Ex-Fiancée