
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

What’s one thing your partner doesn’t know?

20 People Share the Secret That Their Partner Doesn't Know

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Deranged Husband Roasted After He Secretly Records His Wife and Her Friends at "Girls Night In"

AITA for confirming for my daughter why my ex and I divorced? (March 2nd, 2022)

Mother Leaks Her Polyamorous Lifestyle on Facebook Group, Mad at Ex-Husband For Discussing it With Their Children

AITA for refusing to ''see other options'' for a girl and pressing charges for what she did to my son's car?

Ex-Girlfriend Defaces Boyfriend's Car With Her Brother, Brother Arrested, Ex Charged

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Dingbat Boyfriend Insists on Eating Peanuts Despite His Girlfriend's Serious Allergy, Won't Listen to Her

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First Dates That Made People Go "Screw This I'm Out"

People describe the dumbest reasons that they ever got dumped.

Dumbest Reasons People Got Dumped

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Baby-Talking Husband Abandoned at Grocery Store, Exasperated Wife Has Had Enough

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Insane Brother Puts a Hidden Tracking App on His Fiancée's Phone, Sister Wants to Tell Her

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Cruel Mother Allows Boyfriend to Punish Her 16-Year-Old Son, Forces Him to Babysit Boyfriends Kids When He’s Supposed to Be at Work

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Sister Reveals Brother's Four Illegitimate Children to Fiancé, Ruins Engagement

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People Share the Craziest Things Their Exes Did After Breakups

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“Hot Young” Girlfriend Discovers That She Might be the Other Woman After Posting About Older Boyfriend’s Intolerant Noise Complaints

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Jerk Boyfriend Plays "Keep Away" With Girlfriend's $3500 Heirloom Model Ship, Breaks it, Refuses to Pay a Cent

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Insecure Short King Hides Girlfriend's Shoes Before Wedding, Forces Her to Wear Sandals

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Guy’s ‘Nuts’ Cut Tinder Date Tragically Short and Send Date to Emergency Room