

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

In this case, the support of a loving husband can only go so far. It's greatly appreciated and needed, but he has never been in your shoes. Luckily, the internet is here to connect anybody with support from others who have been exactly where you are!
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'They always say that daylight savings is such a great idea. I give it six months': Top Dad Jokes of the Week (March 17, 2024)

'They always say that daylight savings is such a great idea. I give it six months': Top Dad Jokes of the Week (March 17, 2024)

Sometimes, you have to give your dad the benefit of the doubt. Most of the time, he is just trying to get a rise out of you, so don't be too annoyed when his humor doesn't exactly land. He's trying. Much like Ken from Barbie , he's just Dad. This one goes out to all the fathers who are just trying to be more than the chauffeur who takes his kids to soccer practice. He knows his role but he wants to find a little bit of agency by cracking a corny joke he's been workshopping in his head over the…
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Dad father story reddit reddit-thread deserve patient impatient patience delivery delivery-guy relatable stories family

'You can't wait 30 seconds? You'll be waiting here for 30 minutes': Impatient dad refuses to heed a delayed delivery warning, wastes an hour dawdling for an order that's not ready yet

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it runs out. But does that sense of urgency in your old age entitle you to be a bossy know-it-all? Not exactly.
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'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers

Kids get a bad reputation in the service industry. However, anyone who has ever worked at a family restaurant know the truth—it's always the parents. Kids will be kids, we all know that, and it's up to the parents or guardians to teach their kids how to behave. So when an adult allows their tiny human to run around a restaurant like it's their personal playroom, of course everyone working there is going to be annoyed. Other than the fact that it's a real danger for your kid to be doing that whi…
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'Every single ticket was dismissed': Serial speeder discovers legal loophole, saves thousands of dollars in speeding tickets

'Every single ticket was dismissed': Serial speeder discovers legal loophole, saves thousands of dollars in speeding tickets

This dude discovered the ultimate driving loophole and has never looked back. He's like the definition of a person who's too smart for their own good. U/treize_k had a great story to share about their father's excellent malicious compliance . Dad found a way to speed without a care in the world. We've all pushed the speed limit at some point. There are places to be, and there's no one on the road, so you decide to drive a bit faster. And on highways, people routinely go 20 or 30 miles above the…
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dads funny dads fatherhood dad jokes parenting dad reddit thread Reddit Parenting Fail Father Parenting FAILS - 22891269

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (November 4, 2023)

Part of being a Dad means falling flat on your face a million times over and getting back up to do it all over again. On the other hand, part of having a Dad means getting embarrassed a million times over, only to have it happen all over again the next day. Yet somehow, Dad Jokes operate in that strange space where fathers have a chance to get away with being annoying, and, on special occasions, they may even make their kids crack a smile. Now, of course, their kids won't actually admit that th…
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college college-fund reddit reddit-thread parenting parents parent father dad dads parent-stories good-parenting bad-parenting college-money money cash bank stealing stolen theft

'Say goodbye to [your] college fund': Teenager deliberately disobeys her father, stealing $10,000 for a vacation; dad revokes her college fund

Parents with the means and foresight to set aside some money for their kiddo's education deserve a gold star in parenting. Although college funds almost never go as planned, the idea of a bank account full of cash that's devoted to your child's future well-being is a novel concept. However, entitled children who don't really know the meaning of their parent's sacrifices tend to look at their college account like it's a vault full of happy hour drinks and flashy festival outfits.
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aita reddit reddit-thread vegan mom moms mother dad dads father son parent parents parenting diet story vegans friends diet-choices flip out

‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

Vegans always have to tell everyone they're vegan and they incessantly force their vegan-ness on everyone around them. The Holy Crusade of veganism is a plague of misplaced good-intentions, which is all fun and games until we find families caught in the cross-hairs.
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'I decided right then that, no matter what, I wasn't caving': Student won't do mandatory senior project, school's administration makes it their mission to get student to comply

'I decided right then that, no matter what, I wasn't caving': Student refuses to do mandatory senior project, school's administration makes it their mission to get student to comply

This student is single-handedly tanking their school's project scores, and in typical teenage fashion, they don't care about the project at all. By senior year of high school , a lot of students are fully checked out. At that age, you probably have a car, a job, and dreams of life after high school, like attending college or moving out of your parent's place. Senior year rolls around and students find it hard to take it seriously. High school is so close to no longer mattering to you that schoo…
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'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

No one can agree if this father is doing the right thing with his vast fortune.
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'Lift the computer two inches and drop it': 25+ Creative solutions that saved the day

'Lift the computer two inches and drop it': 25+ Silly solutions that saved the day

The best solution is sometimes the simplest.
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dad dads parents parent neighbor rival neighbors petty revenge reddit story permit building planting-trees trees gardening

'They blocked out the sunlight to our neighbor's property': Determined dad plants trees to get back at his neighbor after they snub his building permit

Dads always have some kind of problem with the neighbors. Perhaps the innate dadness of living in a neighborhood and showing your dadly dominance over the other dads, but at some point, there's a natural progression from friendly competition into neighborly rivalry.
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Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Let's take a moment today to appreciate our Dads in all their "Dad Joke" glory.
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Top Dad Jokes: Father's Day Edition (June 18, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes: Father's Day Edition (June 18, 2023)

For this Father's Day, we ask that you accept your dad's corniness.
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Top Dad Jokes of the Week (June 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (June 1, 2023)

It's been a while since we took a look at a fresh batch of dad jokes. Now that it's the month of Father's Day, we'll all be hearing plenty of jokes like this in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more! When you're finished with these, check out these top tales from the front desk.
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'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

If you grew up in a certain time period, you know exactly how valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls were to children! This person had an amazing revenge story to share revolving around a few DIY Cabbage Patch Dolls . It all took place when the OP was a kid, at just seven years old . After moving to a new place, the OP and their siblings befriended the neighbors across the street. They loved the boy who lived there, but his sister was a major bully in the OP's eyes. One day, the OP and their siblings not…
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