
customer service employee drama job malicious compliance retail work customers tales from the front desk petty revenge baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 35367941

'Nothing slowed this man down but other customers putting him in his place': Entitled Boomer claims he has a medical condition and can't wait in line, waiting customers stand up for employees

opinion ask reddit karens workplace-stories jobs job funny stories karen-customer work customers askreddit karens in the wild workplace pet peeves funny opinions - 35363589

'Do I look like I set the prices?': 20+ Customer complaints that retail workers never want to hear again

customer service workplace discussion pro revenge karens workplace-stories entitled parents jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers revenge-stories petty revenge karens in the wild workplace entitled revenge-stories-reddit karen workplace malicious compliance entitled people employment in the workplace - 35356933

Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

seafood allergy allergies allergen allergens restaurant server servers waiter waitress tales-from-your-server kitchen debate reddit interesting customer

Seafood restaurant server baffled by customers who dine in despite their severe seafood allergies, sparking debate in the comments: 'I don't understand the logic'

'I decide to go full loophole': Bank branch worker helps customer stuck in phone call loop

'I decide to go full loophole': Bank branch worker helps customer stuck in phone call loop

'Send a Virgo': 20+ Funny food delivery instructions that had nothing to do with food

'Send a Virgo': 20+ Funny food delivery instructions that had nothing to do with food

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

'Stop laughing at me': Man mistaken for employee by furious customer tries to satisfy her demands he be ‘fired’ by calling his manager

'I wasn't going to be giving [a tip] based on the service': Theme park visitor is told by staffer at self service restaurant that they needed to tip

'I wasn't going to be giving [a tip] based on the service': Theme park visitor is told by staffer at self service restaurant that they needed to tip

Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers entitled customers entitled people karma karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 26161669

Frustrated customer reveals entitled family's plan to exploit home improvement store and steal product: 'I made sure a pricing error did not occur'

'I want my $7!': Guy shorts pizza delivery driver, driver prank calls him incessantly until he gets his money

'I want my $7!': Guy shorts pizza delivery driver, driver prank calls him incessantly until he gets his money

customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance retail work customers karen-customers customer entitled customers workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25895685

'You want to put how much concrete in your Civic?': Customer insists on loading 1000 lbs. of concrete into the back of their small car despite employee's warnings

'You're done': Security guard comes to retail employee's rescue when customer demands a video game console that's out of stock

'You're done': Security guard comes to retail employee's rescue when customer demands a video game console that's out of stock

'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches