customer support

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'Look it up': Customer talks himself out of a price-match and has to pay more when retail associate looks it up and realizes it's against their policy

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Restaurant boss says all leave requests will be denied going forward, staff asks him if he's making an April Fool's joke: 'He was not'

'You made your bed...': Company sends random dude a client's information via email, dude responds by clicking 'cancel' on important appointment

'You made your bed...': Company sends random dude a client's information via email, dude responds by clicking 'cancel' on important appointment

customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace karen story karen - 24127237

'I hung up': Caller learns an important lesson after impolite words to service rep

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'Well at least he pays his bill': Karen customer throws tantrum at employee over cell phone disconnection after not paying her bill

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'Not my problem, now leave': Retail manager puts Karen in her place when she blames him for her cancelled and unpaid cell service

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'I hope his common cards were worth it': Entitled customer gets lifetime ban and loses $150 for stealing Pokémon cards, unaware they were worth just a penny

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Entitled Karen demands delivery driver shovel her snow-laden driveway: 'I left her a message in the snow'

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Karen chases customer out of store, employees lock her out with her stuff still inside: 'They just closed and locked the doors'

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Entitled dude wants to cut a 150 person line, gets shut down: 'A middle-aged man [had] a screaming, crying tantrum'

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

'You did this to yourself...': Client locks alarm company installer outside of building without notice to ensure they stop showing up unexpectedly

'You did this to yourself...': Client locks alarm company installer outside of building without notice to ensure they stop showing up unexpectedly

customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23972101

Karen tells shopper they're dressed too casually for a job that isn't even theirs: 'I'm not at my job right now'

customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23969285

Off duty retail worker plays along when Karen mistakes him for an employee: 'Stop harassing other shoppers'

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'She avoided eye contact with me': Customer gets back at presumptive sales associate for judging them based on appearance

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'Why am I not surprised you wrote this?': Karen's undeserved 1-star review gets picked apart by the restaurant's owner