
customer support

'They did what every company would with recorded lines: they pulled the calls': Call center worker hangs up on caller repeatedly, bosses back them up

'They did what every company would with recorded lines: they pulled the calls': Call center worker hangs up on caller repeatedly, bosses back them up

This dude clearly didn't listen to the automated message telling customers they'll be recorded during the phone call . He paid the price for that mishap! Working in a call center is a grueling job for lots of people. Just look in the comments, or at some of the many posts to r/talesfromcallcenters, and you can get a peek into the life of a call center rep. Basically, these employees clock in and take dozens or even hundreds of calls per day. Depending on their place of business, they're probabl…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers workplace tales-from-retail employment in the workplace - 22380549

'We only do deliveries over the phone': Cashier refuses to take delivery order in person, customer calls from the lobby

Rules usually exist for a reason. Generally, they come into being because someone did something and learned the hard way that the way they chose wasn't the way that it should be done, so it's decided that this way should never be attempted again by either them—or those surviving them—depending on how poorly their attempt went. There is another type of rule, though, and these rules are generally made up by a bored busybody middle manager on a random Wednesday afternoon because they need somethin…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail malicious compliance retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 22328837

'[It] makes me happy': Cashier shares their brilliant strategy for dealing with phone-talking customers at checkout

It's no secret that working in customer service exposes you to all kinds of bizarre behavior that wouldn't be acceptable in any other place in society. What is it that makes people think it's okay to treat someone any differently just because they happen to be wearing an apron or a name badge? Unfortunately, the act of being served gives petty tyrants the opportunity to feel as if they are better than the person serving them, with some individuals exhibiting levels of malice and cruelty that ma…
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customer support customer service call center malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work karen-customers petty revenge workplace employment - 22065669

'He told me to turn [his TV] back on': Cable customer service rep gets even with customer by complying to their demand that they cancel their service

The original poster of this thread points out that working in customer service at a call center isn't quite the enjoyable gig one might imagine… But really, it's hard to imagine anyone holding the belief that working in a customer service call center is a thrilling job… rather, quite the opposite. The images that a call center evokes are synonymous with the most bland and beige of existences. Anyone who has worked in customer service is already all too familiar with how difficult people can be…
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customer support customer service hotel malicious compliance front desk talesfromthefrontdesk karen-customer customers - 21789701

'I told you to give me a different room': Front desk worker maliciously complies with rude guest's room request

Traveling can take its toll on the senses. After twelve hours cramped into a flying tube net to a snoring odorant stranger, you arrive at your hotel only to discover that you've been booked into a room next to a family of unruly children whose shouting and banging on the shared wall threatens to sever your last thread of sanity. To make matters worse, you're right across the hall from the ice and vending machines, and each time either is dispensed, it's as if each cube of ice, each soda, is dro…
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customer support customer service call center customers workplace - 21691141

'I will not lie to the customers': Honest worker gets back at company after they refuse to honor their lifetime warranties

Sometimes, working in a company or industry is a great way to ruin that brand or product for yourself completely… Almost always, looking behind the curtain reveals that there is no great and powerful Wizard of Oz, but rather just an old scammer defrauding their customers. The cynical and downright illegal ways in which some major companies service their customers is astounding. You might see this attitude presenting outwardly as policies designed to drown customer complaints and warranties with…
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'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

Working in any kind of customer service, you're constantly exposed to the worst sorts of people. When you're still fresh and green into a customer service job, you approach it with a certain sense of optimism, telling yourself and anyone who asks how excited you are to help people and make a difference in their life with your incredible service. With bright eyes, you look around you, wondering why your seasoned coworkers are so haggard and embittered, approaching the day with a thousand-yard st…
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customer support customer service karens funny story retail retail worker karen-customer customers karen-customers story retail-stories tales-from-retail - 21108741

'The grin slid off his face': Employee outsmarts customer trying to exploit returns loophole

Navigating some companies' return policies can be an unnecessarily difficult experience that may drive you to look for ways you can circumvent their requirements and get a fair go at returning your unwanted item. At times it can feel like these policies are unnecessarily specific and cryptic: “Customer must return an item only when the thrush knocks on the last light of the third day of the second new moon—whilst wearing a hat made of cabbages." After a while of wondering what in the Tolkien yo…
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customer support customer service karens talesfromthefrontdesk customers karen-customers customer service Reddit - 20767237

'She straight up called a tow company to tow seven cars': Karen tries to tow other hotel guest's cars

What would you do to get your preferred parking space? Some might say that towing seven cars is a little extreme—whether or not those cars are technically supposed to be parked there. This is especially the case when you're just a guest staying at a hotel and in no way have a stake in said hotel. This Karen took issue with the fact that there were a bunch of non-electric cars parked in the electric car parking spaces, but parking at the location was extremely limited, so it was essential that a…
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customer support customer service public-servant karens workplace-stories revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer workplace public service karen - 20676613

'[Now] she can't check out anything until the fine is paid': Karen messes with the wrong librarian, who rediscovers $450 in old unpaid fines

It's always important to be polite to the customer service worker who is handling your request, even if that request involves negotiating a tricky situation, chances are you'll get a better result if you treat that person like an actual human being. Usually, the sheer bureaucratic inertia of a large corporation or a government entity will mean that if you're rude to the wrong worker, you're going to be stuck in bureaucratic purgatory for a frustratingly long period of time. Or, worse, they may…
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'You can't do that': Customer loses thousands of dollars after filing a chargeback despite being offered full refund for purchase

'You can't do that': Customer loses thousands of dollars after filing a chargeback despite being offered full refund for purchase

Customers often play a dangerous game in terms of refunds, and this game can ultimately result in some bitter consequences. In this case, a customer bought a designer item online, and when it arrived she sent a rude message to the seller, OP, demanding a full refund, threatening OP with filing a chargeback. The catch was Karen wanted OP to Venmo her the money, which is a huge, blaring red flag. OP said they would refund the money if the item was returned, per company guidelines. Karen discarded…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance retail revenge customers customer workplace - 20444165

'They must have been crying at the computer': Customer frantically withdraws their complaint when worker gets fired because of it

The ability to admit fault and regret one's actions is, unfortunately, not one everyone possesses. Those people's ego eclipses their ability to feel remorse, and accepting fault would be accepting the possibility that they are fallible. For everything you can say about this customer, at least they were willing to feel immediate regret once their demands were met… There are a lot of instances of this same thing happening where the customer would be celebrating the fact that their complaint cause…
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customer support reviews customer service karens amazon reviews funny reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers - 20488965

'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

If you buy something that's specific purpose is to look like something else but not actually work, you shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't work. That's literally what it's for. I don't know what you'd actually want to buy one of these for—unless you were a retailer looking for a risk-free display dummy. Maybe as a prop for a film or stage set? Anyways—the point is that leaving this product a 1-star review for not working is mind-boggling. You should be leaving it a 1-star review if you were…
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karens entitled customer talesfromretail bike shop 1-star-reviews retail customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers entitled karen customer support customer service karen-customer retail-stories - 20459269

Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

This is precisely the type of thing you encounter while working in a bike shop. Of all the customer service roles you could ever work, working in a bike shop will confront you with some uniquely bewilderingly entitled experiences. The idea of “you haven't done enough for me for free” will somehow recur time and time again as 1-star reviews bombard you for going out of your way to help someone who doesn't understand how much they don't understand about their bike. Bonus points here for being bla…
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customer support customer service barista malicious compliance retail revenge karen-customer customers customer-story customer talesfromyourserver service industry - 20261637

'Did I stutter': Biker dude wants a coffee with no coffee, gets his wish

If you're going to be this confidently incorrect about something and then be rude when the person who knows what they're talking about tries to correct your mistake—you deserve whatever is coming to you. In this case, what's coming to you is a horrifically inconsumable sugary drink of the likes your tastebuds have never encountered before. When working in customer service, you end up dealing with these people quite often. Over time, instead of bending over backward to correct their mistakes (ge…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace entitled retail-stories entitled people - 20196101

'We've decided we can't meet your expectations': Dealership deals with an entitled customer

Dealing with a demanding customer can be a nightmare—ask anyone in customer service. It's not as straightforward as you might think either—the more you bend and break for them, giving in to their demands, the more they will ask for in return. It's like a lion attacking a herd of wildebeest; the hunter can sense the weakness, and showing any will make you a greater target. Plus, if you actually manage to close a sale with these people, there is an infinitely greater chance that they will become…
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