
customer support

You are not a Jedi Master you are a messy traveler

Guy Tries to Talk His Way Into Unavailable Hotel Room, Won't Take No For an Answer

In contrast to the other interactions we see posted online by customer service persons, this one is pretty innocuous. It does a great job of providing insight into the sheer number of bizarre interactions you have — week in and week out — when you work in a public-facing role. Not all of them are Karens losing their marbles over the slightest inconvenience — but they will still leave you scratching your head and wondering what in gods name you have just witnessed. I used to sell bikes, and some…
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“I’m in touch with somebody else that works here, I don’t need your help” “OK” | He was just too good for me to talk to him. He thought he was better than me. So I decided not to ever look at him or deal with him again.

'I’m in touch with somebody else': Guy too good for event worker's credential help, gets to wait for ages instead

It's important not to succumb to the sweet nectar of hubris. When we begin to think too much of ourselves, we invite the certainty that we will be made fool of.
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Delivery driveer | r/idontworkherelady | "He screamed. I replied with the same statement I told the lady, but in a softer tone to attempt to de-escalate this man. As I am in mid-sentence, he pushed me back hard."

'As I am in mid-sentence, he pushed me back': Enraged customer attacks delivery driver over delivery time

It's no great secret that people tend to get worked up about things that really just aren't worth it. Sure, waiting for an unexpectedly long amount of time for your food can be frustrating, and by the time it arrives it's usually cold, but you're forced to begrudgingly eat it in the state that it's in because your hunger has reached unbearable levels. People tend to get irrational when they're hungry but going as far as to attack a delivery driver over a late delivery is downright insane, espec…
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customer support customer service pro revenge retail revenge customers rude - 17971461

Rude Hotel Guest Loses Job After It's Revealed He Works For the Company

You should probably treat your coworkers with a little respect, even if they work at a different location than they do.
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customer support customer service malicious compliance revenge customers petty revenge customer - 17873413

‘Stop wasting time and follow the job order’: Service rep tries to save rude customer from order error and complies with their arrogant response

It's only natural for a customer service rep to try and save you from a grave error. In most situations, they would have no requirement to do so, but ensuring that they have a happy customer receiving the desired product will make their job easier in the long run, no matter how altruistic they intend to be, by correcting a response. There's nothing worse than being contacted by an angry customer insisting that they didn't order exactly what they ordered and received. In this situation, people c…
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customer support customer service karens fired retail customers customer service karens in the wild karen idontworkherelady reddit thread Reddit - 17731589

Frustrated Karen Gets Customer Fired From a Store Where He Didn't Even Work

This guy was fired from a store he didn't even work at after an enraged Karen insisted on his termination. He posted to Reddit's popular r/IDontWorkHereLady in order to share his story. Thanks to retrogressive policies like “The customer is always right" we have conditioned all of these entitled people in the world to think that they can get everything their way. The sad thing is that they are often completely right and they have this worldview reinforced time and time again by constant arse ki…
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Karen receives a scathing response from the business owner when she leaves a 1-star review

'An Impressive Bit of Creative Writing': Cafe owner destroys Karen's 1-star review with scathing response

When this disgruntled customer left a 1-star review describing their poor experience at a cafe, the owner set out to put the story straight with this thorough and scathing response. "It's missing "f- you" at the end," commented user North-Ad-5058. “It’s pretty heavily implied," replied user Appropriate_Town6385. “This is a great example of telling someone to go fuck yourself in the politest way possible,” offered user Stephen501.
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customer service malicious compliance revenge reddit thread Reddit customer support retail customers - 17633285

Malicious Compliance: Receptionist Refuses to Help Patient in Person, So They Opt to Phone Her Instead

When this patient walked up to the receptionist to try and make an appointment they were told that appointments could be made over the phone only, so they whipped out their phone and called the doctor's office right in front of the receptionist. Bureaucracies are an inertant force and dealing with them can be like dredging sludge off the ocean floor. Their entire existence serves to slow penetration and discourage inquiries from advancing any further than they need to. In favor of the reception…
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customer service customer support customers customer retail workplace antiwork Reddit reddit thread - 17551621

"Secret Shopper" Spills the Tea On What Retail Evaluations Are Really Like

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by Redditor “I was once mystery-shopped at a Petsmart by someone who asked for help finding food and toys for her guinea pig," shared Rainyqueer1. "We had a great interaction, talked about guinea pig needs, nutrition, etc.” "80% on my mystery shop score because I forgot to ask the GP’s name. My bad I guess, but…wow, I’m glad my retail days are over. I just don’t care what your rodent’s name is." “I got fired from bb [Best Buy] years ago fo…
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customer support customer service malicious compliance retail customers customer karen service industry tourists reddit thread Reddit - 17529861

Customer Sure They've Been Cheated, Wants More Fish, Ends Up With Less Fish

One Fish, Two Fish, Less-Fish-For-You Fish
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customer support customer service malicious compliance retail customers food service idiots food fast food karen - 16372741

Idiot Karen Plays Herself and Demands to Talk to Manager, Already Is

While u/Snadsnek7 was working at a fast-food restaurant chain they had a “pretty strict” manager named Jay who sought to help his team keep up with company KPIs by helping and being hands-on. Jay did “not have patience for rude people” Jay tried to explain to an ornery idiot that ordering the food she wanted together as a combo would save her money. Idiot continued to insist that she didn't need the drinks and so didn't want the combo. She just wanted the separate items. So, Jay complied. Pains…
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customer support customer service malicious compliance food convenient-cop service industry police - 16364293

Unwise Guy Cries For Fresh Fries, Worker Maliciously Complies, Idiot Gets Surprise Cop Prize

There's nothing better than a conveniently placed cop for some instant justice.
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customer support customer service scammer funny texts trolling text - 16364037

Entitled Idiot Wants Their Deposit Back After Last-Minute Cancelling of Appointment, Gets Trolled

Hey, I remember that guy from school!
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customer support customer service idontworkherelady retail customers Reddit karen - 16310277

Enraged Guy Asks to See Retail Worker's Manager, They Don't Actually Work There, Guy Loses His Mind

No, I don't work here and that's not my manager.
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