
customer service

'You trippin bro...': Guest ignores hotel policy, demanding nonexistent membership points from fed up employee

'You trippin bro...': Guest ignores hotel policy, demanding nonexistent membership points from fed up employee

It's just not possible to reason with some folks. Certain conversations might be beneficial to have because they might result in a productive dialogue, however, others might not. But are arguments and conflicts in the customer service sector worth engaging in? Or are we fighting an unwinnable war? The story that follows tells the tale of a hotel front desk employee. The Original Poster (OP) is rarely surprised by privileged clientele because of his vast experience as a customer care representat…
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'No refunds, no exceptions': Restaurant refuses to reimburse customer for food they never delivered

'No refunds, no exceptions': Restaurant refuses to reimburse customer for food they never delivered

‘I never got the food’, said the customer, perplexed, and continued ‘I'd like a refund'. Fair enough, right? Wrong. The restaurant manager's response was astounding, as made it clear that it didn't matter… They were not going to reimburse the customer for the food, regardless of whether they received it or not. If that sounds crazy, that's because it is. But wait, let's pause for a second and rewind. The customer in question took to r/pettyrevenge to share their order gone wrong story. Let's ca…
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‘You should have waited’: Server gracefully leaves customer's table a note explaining card was declined, returns only to face a service dispute

‘You should have waited’: Server gracefully leaves customer's table a note explaining card was declined, returns only to face a service dispute

One customer was absolutely livid when his server did him a 'graceful favor' when his card was declined. The situation evoked quite a discussion on Reddit, where people either completely agreed with the original poster (OP), or totally disagreed and thought that they were in the wrong. So what happened? Well, a very rude customer showed up to eat at OP's workplace, and after serving them, OP came to give them the check. Unfortunately, their card was declined. OP didn't want to embarrass the cus…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace karen story karen - 24127237

'I hung up': Caller learns an important lesson after impolite words to service rep

We should have the expectation as a society that it's ok to deny someone service for being impolite to staff. This might actually teach people to be respectful and treat other people with common decency rather than with abject entitlement. Of course, as with anything else, there are grey areas and blurred lines and you might just end up talking to some egotistical service manager who is having a bad day. Still, professional courtesy should prevail even if they're not giving you the same. This c…
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'You put zero tip and I can see that upfront': Customer's order gets held up for hours after shopper decides to teach them a lesson about tipping

'You put zero tip and I can see that upfront': Customer's order gets held up for hours after shopper decides to teach them a lesson about tipping

One customer was ‘held responsible for their actions’ by a full-service shopper who felt it was their mission in life to teach them a lesson. What was this lesson about? Well, tipping. Look, people are awful, I get it. I was a waitress once for many, many years, where I met people from all walks of life. Some were kind, some were petty, and some were downright entitled human beings. Working in the service industry really gets your hatred for humanity going, but still, by law, you don't need to…
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'Sorry, that's your job': Employee reacts to demanding manager who orders them to find someone to cover their shift despite having followed protocol

'Sorry, that's your job': Employee reacts to demanding manager who orders them to find someone to cover their shift despite having followed protocol

Working at a gas station is quite the experience. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Let's just say, it's not the end of the world if you get fired. There are plenty of other jobs out there. This person was working at a gas station and had to take a day off following a family emergency. They followed protocol and let their manager know 4 hours prior. The manager's response was somewhat confusing, considering that this employee had followed the rules. First, the manager told them they were go…
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40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

Those working in customer service know what it feels like to work a lot for a little.
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories work stories job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers petty revenge workplace company - 24484869

'Well at least he pays his bill': Karen customer throws tantrum at employee over cell phone disconnection after not paying her bill

Is it ever acceptable for a customer to exhibit entitled behavior, also known as "Karen" behavior? You can argue different ways on this one, but in this story, the customer's behavior was unwarranted. When you pay for a service, such as electricity, Wi-Fi, dry cleaning, or any other service for that matter, you are obligated to pay in return. If you stop paying the company, you cannot expect them to continue catering to your needs, which is what the entitled customer in this story believes.
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'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

Some managers need to learn to have some patience. Not every issue is worth the time and energy to throw a tantrum and get on a high horse. There are often far more important things to be done and far more productive ways to channel any frustrations. But when has a manager ever listened to what we have to say over here at FAIL Blog? This manager certainly did not take our advice. She also clearly had some major anger management issues, considering that when she confronted a server about a hash…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 24475909

'Not my problem, now leave': Retail manager puts Karen in her place when she blames him for her cancelled and unpaid cell service

At certain times in your life—particularly when things have gone sideways—it's important to take ownership of the fact that your own actions and decisions are the things that got you there. Unfortunately, most of us struggle with this and, as a matter of self-preservation, will seek to displace blame towards anyone or anything that we can point a finger at. Sometimes, this displacement is plausible, reasonable even, but at other times, it can get unreasonably ridiculous… Tell me again, Carl, ab…
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customer support customer service feud drama karen-customer malicious-compliance-reddit petty revenge entitled Reddit karen kevin oddly satisfying - 24409349

'I hope his common cards were worth it': Entitled customer gets lifetime ban and loses $150 for stealing Pokémon cards, unaware they were worth just a penny

An entitled customer, who the OP claims was a total Kevin, got instant karma when he tried to make the innocent retail employees' lives miserable over a return. In the following story, 'Kevin' would not accept the store's policy of in-store credit refund for his item. So, he decided to cause a scene for the poor employees on shift who don't even have a say in the store's policy. So, whether Kevin blew up or not, there wasn't anything they could do about it.
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job snow day malicious compliance snow retail work customers delivery guy delivery driver petty revenge customer food delivery ice package delivery workplace snow shovel delivery karen customer - 24452869

Entitled Karen demands delivery driver shovel her snow-laden driveway: 'I left her a message in the snow'

While all customer service is tough due to the challenging task of dealing with the unpredictable members of the public, delivery drivers have it particularly rough, owing to the fact that they have to consistently interact with these same people whose absurd entitlement is amplified by the proximity of their homes. If you thought that Karen was a doozy to deal with at the customer service desk at Home Depot, just wait until you see how she treats the poor bloke who has to deliver something rig…
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customer support customer service supermarket workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23971845

Karen chases customer out of store, employees lock her out with her stuff still inside: 'They just closed and locked the doors'

If there's one person you don't want to mess with, it's an EMT who has just finished their shift… EMTs are some of the hardest working individuals with a job that necessitates sleep deprivation, self-sacrifice, and trauma that reaches far, far above their pay grade. Even a shift for them that is “not bad” would be enough to send the rest of us looking for another line of work. While they're some of the nicest people, every EMT I've ever known personally gets through their job by being partially…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents job malicious compliance retail work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 24248069

Entitled dude wants to cut a 150 person line, gets shut down: 'A middle-aged man [had] a screaming, crying tantrum'

Some people weren't ever taught that they can't always have things their way—and it shows… These days, being a preferred platinum, premium, premier, or bumbercrum-level customer really doesn't mean much of anything. Companies don't even really go through much to disguise this, either. Back in the day, if you did enough business with a company to achieve bundersnoot-level status, they'd give you actual upgrades and treatment that meant something. These days, you'll be lucky to get a pen, but it'…
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'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

There are a few general rules to be aware of as a self-sufficient adult prepared to take on the world. First is that you should never, ever irritate the person working at the front desk. This covers lodging facilities, dining establishments, nightclubs, the grocery store, and—above all—the representative handling your airline seat. The story that follows is an account of a resourceful small airline representative. At that point, having worked in the field for years, OP was acquainted with a few…
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‘I will have you fired’: Demanding guest orders manager to fire employee after being put ‘on hold’ due to hotel being short-staffed

‘I will have you fired’: Demanding guest orders manager to fire employee after being put ‘on hold’ due to hotel being short-staffed

It's not that getting put on hold is fun, but it's also not the end of the world. Wait a few minutes, or ask the person on the other end to call you back, simple as that. But there are Kens and Karens in the world who would beg to differ. They think that others would worship the ground they stomp on. On that note… One demanding guest was absolutely furious after they were told by an employee to wait a moment. The reason the employee (OP) couldn't talk was because they were working a short-staff…
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