
customer service

'Are you trying to play a trick on me?': Karen guest demands front desk manager 'change his name' after finding out multiple employees have same name

'Are you trying to play a trick on me?': Karen guest demands front desk manager 'change his name' after finding out multiple employees have same name

Names are tough. How do our parents pick our names? I've heard that some parents choose the names of their children before they are even born. How does that work? I mean, I can like a name, and I can even believe that it is the perfect name for my unborn child… However, what happens if the child is born, and the name we have been daydreaming about for the past nine months simply doesn't seem as perfect anymore? Do I stick to the name just because I announced it in a grandiose name reveal to all…
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‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

Imagine you are sitting in an uncomfortable, old desk chair that needed to be replaced about 10 years ago, and instead of staring at the empty hotel lobby in front of you, you opt instead to play some Solitaire on your as equally old computer. You are just about stumped when your game is interrupted by a Karen who is on her way to interrupt your peace. She enters the lobby with a dramatic air about her, shouting words that you can't quite make out yet until she gets a bit closer. Anddddd, you h…
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customer support customer service malicious compliance retail retail worker customer - 23365637

'I still got [it] for a cheaper price': Cashier refuses to honor "online only" price, dude orders it online right in front of them

Working retail is the experience of permanently being wedged between a rock and a very angry place. The rock is the obstinate management structure above you that is setting and enforcing policies that make no sense—but that they refuse to change. On the other side are the perpetually angry customers who are often upset about those exact same policies. Unfortunately, you, the lowest-level employee, take the brunt of the customer's dissatisfaction, which then becomes management dissatisfaction as…
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‘My boss kept cutting my hours’: Employee trains new hire who ends up taking their job, so employee quits, leading to boss taking every last one of their shifts away

‘My boss kept cutting my hours’: Employee trains new hire who ends up taking their job, so employee quits, leading to boss taking every last one of their shifts away

Quitting is like a game of peekaboo. Now you see me, now you don't… and once you see me less, or rather, when I hand in my two-week notice, it's all fair game. Unless your employer is decent, which, if you work at a food franchise in customer service, is rare, you are bound to hit a few obstacles. So, in this case, OP's boss hired a new worker, whom OP was told to train. That was all dandy until OP's boss began giving the new hire all of OP's hours. Then, afterwards, OP got super annoyed, becau…
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customer service workplace-stories call center jobs job phone call call lies work customers phone lying tales-from-call-centers workplace - 23314437

'[I] called someone out for their lie': Couple calls agency with bogus claim, call center rep shuts down their lies

This woman told a whopper of a lie, but she wasn't expecting to be called out . Customers learn their behaviors by reinforcement. While it might seem obvious to you to be pleasant to the person on the other end of a phone call , not everyone acts that way. Some folks have been conditioned to believe that the louder and more demanding they act towards customer service reps, the faster their problem will be solved. In reality, as call center workers will tell you, this is almost never the case. M…
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'It was like a clown car': Bullheaded Karen expects a free upgrade after booking a tiny hotel room for her whole family, finds out the hotel is completely booked

Imagine how audacious you'd have to be to expect a free upgrade everywhere you go? Like if you were heading to the mechanic for a tire rotation and expected a full new set of tires. Or if you had coach tickets for your flight home for the holidays and Jeff Bezos just showed up to the tarmac insisting you take his private jet instead. Feels silly, huh?
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'I was laughing': Lazy DIY customer complains to management about an exemplary hardware store employee after ignoring 80% of his advice on a project, gets called out

Internet tutorials make DIY projects look like a walk in the park. Watching a sped-up video of a professional woodworker dismantling, staining, and rebuilding a piece of street furniture makes upcyclers green with envy, but whenever an amateur grabs the same set of tools, most people realize they're all thumbs.
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'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

This pool salesman has been on the job long enough to know that some customers can't be convinced to buy the products they need. Customers often like to think they know everything about a product just because they own it. In this case, the owner of a pool was pretty sure he knew everything he needed to know about his swimming pool. How hard could it be to maintain one little pool? All you have to do is fill it and empty it seasonally, and put in some chlorine or salt. Right? Surely there's noth…
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'She was holding the folder and looking confused and scared': Customer insists the DMV's 'grumpiest, most difficult employee' be fired on the spot

'She was holding the folder and looking confused and scared': Customer insists the DMV's 'grumpiest, most difficult employee' be fired on the spot

This story is a peek into the a life of a DMV manager and her least friendly employee. If you've ever been to the DMV before, I'm so sorry. They're usually one giant room full of chairs and workers behind numbered desks. As a customer, you show up ready to renew a license or passport, and then it's time to wait. It's best to bring a book or a crossword puzzle and just expect that you may spend several hours there.
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Top 32 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

Top 32 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

Is that you, Karen?
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'It cost his parents £50... [so] he was in trouble': Fast food employee gets payback against a band of disrespectful teens by 'accidentally' throwing away a prized possession

Usually once you've worked in the service industry, you learn how to be a good customer. Oftentimes, you'll learn how to respect your server, clean up after yourself, and generally be a half-decent human being while you're enjoying food at a restaurant. You'd think that it would be a natural reflex to be polite to the person handling your food supply, but for the disrespectful types, tormenting your server is a prize-winning sport.
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reviews customer service karens entitled parents amazon reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23154949

'Replaced them with shredded kale': Karen leaves 2-star review for "nasty" carrot cake recipe after replacing carrot with kale

You've probably heard about the “Ship of Theseus,” a paradoxical thought experiment that challenges you to question whether or not an object that has had all of its parts replaced is actually the same object anymore. Another variant of this is the "grandfather’s axe," which seeks to challenge whether or not an axe that has had its handle replaced and then later its head is really the same axe as it was before. Although not really quite the same philosophical question, I can't help but wonder… I…
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'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

Sometimes, the only way to deal with a Karen customer is to give them a taste of their own medicine. Here, we have a rare instance of a revenge tale that ends up having more of a wholesome ending. Who knew that getting payback could actually lead to positive change in your adversary's behavior? That's what this Redditor learned after they refused to let this regular customer get away with nonsense at the fast food restaurant where OP worked.
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karen karens hospitality tales-from-the-front-desk reddit customer-service room-service service motel hotel

'[She was] talking to me like I'm the idiot': Karen goes berserk when the hotel receptionist explains how room service works, realizes her misunderstanding and stalks off defeated

Everyone's stayed at a hotel or motel at least once in their life. The magical wonders of continental breakfasts, freshly made beds, and clean white towels get cemented in your memory, making your hotel experience (even the non-luxurious kind), memorable simply because it may be the one time in your life that you're pampered with room service. Your hotel experience is designed to go quite smoothly, that is, unless you're a poor listener and a tyrannical Karen...
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'I can't do ANYTHING if you're both YELLING AT ME': Karen customers messed up their own payment, accuse front desk agent of fraud, she claps back

'I can't do ANYTHING if you're both YELLING AT ME': Karen hotel guests messed up their own payment, accuse front desk agent of fraud, she claps back

Accusing a hotel front desk agent of fraud is probably not the best way to get them to help you. Remember: these are the people that can make your stay exponentially easier or exponentially more difficult. It's also worth noting that so much of this drama can be easily resolved if people remember to book their hotel stays directly on the hotel website rather than through a third-party site. The number of instances in which we have seen irate customers make this mistake through Internet stories…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories call center jobs job malicious compliance work customers workplace employment in the workplace - 23069957

'I got paid for doing absolutely nothing': Call center worker unable to do their job due to technical error enjoys a paid day at home

Working in a call center is a pretty thankless gig. Constantly dealing with less-than-kind customers who are frustrated at your company's refusal to help them with their problem with your product—which to be fair, is a known issue that the company has deemed to be too expensive to resolve. So, now you're bearing the brunt of that frustration on a daily basis because your wage for 20 years still costs far less than paying R&D to fix the issue.
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