

'You should not drink fountain drinks': 20+ restaurant secrets from servers and kitchen workers

'You should not drink fountain drinks': 20+ restaurant secrets from servers and kitchen workers

Working in a kitchen is an eye-opening experience that will forever change how one eats at a restaurant. Not only does one gain further appreciation for what servers and restaurant workers have to put up with, but also one has a greater sense of the pandemonium that occurs behind the scenes. Yes, television shows like The Bear provide some insight into this visceral world, but hearing from actual restaurant workers directly is the best window into that experience. These restaurant secrets, whic…
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'I said her roasted chicken tasted like cardboard': Woman shocks husband by refusing to cook for him after he tries to look cool in front of his friends

'I said her roasted chicken tasted like cardboard': Woman shocks husband by refusing to cook for him after he tries to look cool in front of his friends

This couple's relationship is on the rocks after the husband insulted his wife to seem cool. They say that the things you treasure most in your loved one, like the way they joke around or the way they put their family members first, might one day become the traits that annoy you the most. Maybe your significant other is close with their parents, and someday that may put you in the middle of all their disputes. This husband clearly has a jokey sense of humor that his wife probably loved when the…
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college college-kids dorm dorm-room roommate entitled entitled-people funny university cooking fail burning burnt kitchen cooking-fail chef petty malicious-compliance reddit rice

'He put the 3 minute rice in the pan and left [for] 1 hour': Entitled man-child nearly burns down the college dorm kitchen, learns the hard way how to cook

College kids learn life lessons the hard way. They learn that the metro stops running at a certain point of the night and that keeping up with your laundry is a full time job, but the hardest lessons college kids are forced to learn are in the kitchen.
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'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

You can't expect everyone around you to do things your way! Look, there are many compromises people need to make as roommates. All parties need to agree to certain rules, like tidying up in shared spaces, doing your dishes, etc. These are all necessary conversations roommates need to have in order to coexist peacefully. Of course, roommates also need to acknowledge and recognize that people have different ways of doing things, and not everyone is going to align on everything all the time. You w…
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competition cookoff workplace-stories chili cooking the office revenge spicy work spicy food Office workplace Reddit funny - 22579717

'I'm reasonably sure it was out of fear': Man scares away the competition in an office chili cookoff for a spicy revenge

When I found this story about a workplace chili cookoff, my mind immediately jumped to the unforgettable scene from “The Office” where Kevin accidentally spilled his massive pot of chili in the office – iconic. But as it turns out, some real-life workplaces also embrace the chili cookoff spirit. When u/mndsm79 first faced defeat in his work chili cookoff, even though he knowingly deserved the crown, he hatched a plan for the ultimate chili redemption for the next competition.
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'I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak "dry"': 20+ Chefs and waiters tell all about odd dishes their customers ordered

'I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak "dry"': 20+ Chefs and waiters share the most ridiculous dishes their customers ever ordered

Who actually orders food like this? In a prompt to r/AskReddit, u/Graceful_Swan_Ronson asked waitstaff about the most ridiculous things their customers have ever wanted to eat. The resulting answers are hilarious and strange — and some are even a little bit wholesome. I have a few friends who order weirdly at restaurants, and dining with them is a delight. Sometimes I'll order a burger and fries, while my friend orders a slice of ham, a fruit smoothie, and a bowl of tater tots. It's like food r…
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family drama meals chicken cooking malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit husband dinner mother in law family food eating - 21881093

Update: 'I told you that in confidence': Woman critiques daughter in law's cooking, receives plain meal in return

If this mother in law won't eat this delicious chicken dish, we volunteer instead. Picky eaters transcend culture and time; every family has at least one person who can't stand spicy foods or dislikes a common ingredient like beans. Cooking for another person is a kind and thoughtful thing to do, and it's especially meaningful when it's your family. Speaking as a picky eater, it was a wonderful feeling when someone left my portion of a meal plain for me. Everyone else could eat their regular ch…
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'I've already filled the divorce papers': Husband wants wife to make him sushi, she divorces him, then learns to make him jealous

'I've already filed the divorce papers': Husband wants wife to make him sushi, she divorces him, then learns just to make him jealous

Apparently, revenge is a dish best served cold, raw, and wrapped in rice. This woman was taking a week-long sushi cooking class and neglected to eat what she made at the end of the day, which made some of her classmates curious. When they asked why she hadn't eaten her sushi (and probably wanted to eat some of it themselves), they were not prepared for this lady's story. The Redditor recounted how this woman never enjoyed sushi and was merely taking the course because her husband is obsessed wi…
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cooking chef customers funny stories food service service restaurant service industry karen-customers funny-workplace-story - 21564421

'Extra extra extra pickles': Chef shares his stories of petty malicious compliance to absurd customer requests

Restaurants see no shortage of demands for customization and demanding customers, with the latter uttering the former with surprising frequency. Dealing with these demands from the demanding is no picnic, but learning to handle them can be. Not in the literal sense in that you're going to sit down in a nice grassy spot with a blanket, basket, some nice cheeses, a bottle of prosecco, some ripe fruit, and your favorite pal—more so in the sense that like a picnic is a pleasing and relaxing experie…
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Wing shop worker baffles coworkers

'He messed up pretty much every order he got': Wing shop worker baffles coworkers with inability to learn simple tasks

Everyone has that one coworker who can't do anything right. Messing things up because they're new is one thing. But then there are people like this guy Andy, whose coworkers are sick and tired of him messing up food orders over and over again. This dude doesn't seem to grasp even the most basic of restaurant rules, such as “don't eat raw chicken, even if it's only a little bit raw," and “always wash your hands before preparing food.” These are things one should know even if they're not working…
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'Don't tell me that is mashed potatoes': 20 Amateur chefs who cooked with creativity

'Don't tell me that is mashed potatoes': 20 Amateur chefs who cooked with creativity

Recipes are great for some, but some chefs prefer to freestyle their meals. I'm fully on team recipe, mainly because when I try to cook without one, my dish turns out just awful . I trust the random cooks of the internet when I make my meals — mostly because I actually had a physical cookbook, and everything I made with it turned out wrong. This cookbook had me making soggy and inedible french toast, and another time, it steered me into making the most watery pancakes I've ever witnessed. They…
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Dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

'It's really pretentious of you': Oblivious entitled dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

This guy is unbelievable — he doesn't even know his neighbor's name , yet he wants her to cook for him? On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, there are dozens of posts each day where people try to ascertain if they're a jerk or not. While there's usually some nuance to these scenarios, this guy is just a massive jerk, and he ended up getting told as much by a bajillion commenters. As u/AwayPerformer wrote, he's a single 31 year old living in an apartment complex, and he recently got a new neighbor…
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'There [were] no instructions for how to use this tablecloth': 20+ People who were incompetent at basic everyday tasks

'There [were] no instructions for how to use this tablecloth': 20+ People who were hilariously incompetent at basic everyday tasks

They say if you mess something up badly enough, no one will ask you to do it again. That can definitely be true in many areas of life, whether it's the workplace or a relationship . One person burns a dinner so badly that they're never asked to cook again, making life easy for them, but harder for their partner. Discussions around weaponized incompetence, which is doing something badly intentionally to avoid it or not doing it at all, became a viral talking point of the day on Twitter . @Cooper…
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cook cooking funny stories malicious compliance spicy malicious-compliance-reddit spicy food chef chefs - 20911877

'He delivered': Dudes request ultra-spicy wings, chef gives them their wish

Taunting a chef to make your food as hot as humanly possible is always going to end the same way… and at the end of the day, you literally asked for it. Sure, you might have underestimated just how spicy it could be, but the limits of your imagination are not the chef's responsibility. But that's part of the draw for people who desire diabolically hot dishes. Mopping your brow constantly with a napkin while trying to smother the flames bursting from inside your mouth is some people's idea of a…
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FAILS cooking Memes food funny fast food - 20657669

25+ Food-Related Memes for Fast Food Consumers

There's nothing like a meme to make you reconsider your relationship with food. Keep scrolling below for this collection of food-related memes and fails. When you're finished, check out these server memes.
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customer service cook cooking funny stories malicious compliance revenge customers funny-revenge-story restaurant chef food service restaurants service industry - 20676869

'Tell the chef to make this for me like he [hates] me': Customer asks for extreme spice, lives to regret it

Everyone knows that person who treats their tolerance for spice like it's a personality trait. I used to work with a friend who was practically immune to spice and would always throw out taunting requests like this to wait-staff, insinuating that there was no way their chef could placate his lust for the fieriest of infernos. We had a Thai place near the office that we would frequent for lunch, the pair of us would always order the same dish (pad thai), and my friend would submit his usual requ…
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