
Update: 'By the end of the day, they will not have an IT company': Client requests IT company should deliver 'any email addressed to me'

Update: 'By the end of the day, they will not have an IT company': Nightmare client orders IT company to deliver 'any email addressed to me'

‘She never planned to pay me’: Woman places a $250 order for same-day pick up, then flips the script when presented with products

‘She never planned to pay me’: Woman places a $250 order for same-day pick up, then flips the script when presented with products

'Have fun working overtime': Manager denies senior employee a promotion after completing project, so employee quits, leaving manager to meet deadlines on their own

'Have fun working overtime': Manager denies senior employee a promotion after completing project, so employee quits, leaving manager to meet deadlines on their own

'We don't need to check the design': Builder tries to warn fuel company that their blueprints were flawed, they tell him to 'get building'

'We don't need to check the design': Builder tries to warn fuel company that their blueprints were flawed, they tell him to 'get building'

Update: 'The place was already in chaos': Health professional promised raise, bosses change their minds after she has already taken on more responsibilities

Update: 'The place was already in chaos': Health professional promised raise, bosses change their minds after she has already taken on more responsibilities

‘I need you here now’: Client demands technicians come in without extra pay on weekend

‘I need you here now’: Client demands technicians come in without extra pay on weekend

corporate malicious compliance karen-customer client petty revenge reddit thread spam Reddit company payback oddly satisfying - 23527429

'The phone has been ringing every 5 to 10 minutes': Corporate imposes unexpected fees, clientele strikes back by enrolling the company in spam calls

'It took just 2 days for the client to... reach out to me': Chat support team manager writes honest analyses of their employees and sends it to their client

'It took just 2 days for the client to... reach out to me': Chat support team manager writes honest analyses of their employees and sends it to their client

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'I'll make you watch me work': Auto shop employee demonstrates how slow their computer is to their bosses

'I'll make you watch me work': Auto shop employee demonstrates how slow their computer is to their bosses

'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients' new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge workplace employment in the workplace client contract contractor - 23232773

'You should fire us!.. Ok': Freight company calls client's bluff and fires them as a client

'He is bug eyed and asked me how many tickets I was planning on submitting': Data analyst is denied access to their database, sends IT team help desk tickets for each of their 400+ clients

'He is bug eyed and asked me how many tickets I was planning on submitting': Data analyst is denied access to their database, sends IT team help desk tickets for each of their 400+ clients

reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance work workplace employee coworker workers company phone company boss manager supervisor employer clients client

‘GREAT! I don't want to work after hours': Beancounters nearly lose $100,000+ after abandoning clients after hours because they corners on company phones for tech support staff to save $50/month

‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

Update: New hire pushes employees out of their job responsibilities, employees agree to 'not interfere with her work at all'

Update: 'Within a week I was getting complaints': New hire forces employees out of their job responsibilities, employees agree to 'not interfere with her work at all'