

How I screwed over a racist, horrible, bigoted business owner and likely resulted in him going out of business faster.| This occurred in a southern state (I won't mention the state...cause, well, you'll see :))

'I'm charging him full rate': Account manager screws over bigoted client and runs them out of business

Some people don't deserve to be in business, unfortunately, these jerks' and bigots' ruthless business practices often make them more successful instead of causing them to fail. That is unless they're incredibly stupid or someone intervenes to put an end to them. Both of those things happened in this story as shared by an account manager, u/redditadmindumb87, to the r/prorevenge subreddit. In their story, they describe a terrible client of theirs who “was a royal PITA." He was racist and bigote…
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client hates video and gets refund but still tries to use it

Unhinged Client Gets Refund For Video, Still Thinks They Can Use It, Gets Shut Down

Dude, give it a rest.
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customer won't respond to water guy, gets 800 gallons of water in living room

Customer Refuses To Acknowledge Water Guy's Concerns, Gets House Flooded

"As per my email."
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12 text based reddit images dog sitter debacle advice | thumbnail image of dog with laundry in mouth "dog sitter doing oodles of laundry,

Dog Sitter Does Oodles Of Laundry, Conflicted Client Seeks Advice On How To Respond

9 loads?!
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late mom gets reported to police by babysitter

Babysitter Reports No-Show Mom To Police, Wonders If She's In The Wrong

Quality parenting.
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twitter thread about work boundaries

Twitter Thread: Notes On Customers Not Being Right

The customer is wrong.
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Client demands to have all spam sent to his email | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by TheNerdyMupton want every email addressed arrive at inbox got pal. Just happened, my bosses and are still laughing are small company manage quite few clients

Client Demands Unblocked Spam Filter, Regrets His Decision

Some people don't listen.
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Customer disputes charge over old painting, lies and is horrible | didn't like Yes did said so cute exactly like asked thx so much babe can send screenshot 's literally right up there

Dirtbag Customer Tries Returning Painting After 4 Months

What a wonderful customer.
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Business owner breaks his arm and tries dealing with a belligerent customer | Hi unfortunately won't be able build unit by 12th Jan have fracture my second favourite arm. There's couple guys do good work can arrange something with if like. Cheers Hi is this joke not sure whether being serious or not. As discussed this 40th birthday. Hi unfortunately no joke mate fractured playing football over weekend already discussed project with and and they can do by set date same

Client Refuses to Understand What Broken Arm Entails

They've almost got it.
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Response to client who wanted discount for one cent of water | Hi Just wanted let know loved cleaning last week and wondering if could come back every month Also wondering if could give us discount next time saw refilling water bottle our sink seems not big deal but our water bill is high specially with our new pool looking forward seeing again! Thank

Cleaner Has Classy Response for "Water Discount" Client

Who among us.
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Client sends angry threatening emails to contractor who breaks arm and says they'll turn in project late | Custom unit unfortunately won't be able build Hi unit by 12th Jan have fracture my second favourite arm. There's couple guys do good work can arrange something with if like. Cheers

Contractor Breaks Arm, Client Sends Threats Cause Of Late Project

What a nightmare.
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revenge on sexist client

A Deeply Satisfying Story About A Sexist Client Not Being Right

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Clients From Hell

40 Moronic Clients From Hell That'll Make You Want To Rage Punch Your Computer Screen

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Ask Reddit has a great story from people who enter other people's home for work

Man's Story About Most Bizarre Find At Client's House Is Extremely Hard To Not Laugh At

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customer service cringe client ridiculous funny stupid - 6354949

7 Clients From Hell That'll Give You A Stress-Induced Migraine

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