
'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

reddit thread bakery cake pregnant entitled entitled-people parents parenting toddler tantrum last aita

'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 Funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'The legs are like four feet long': 25 Shoppers who didn't get the products they wanted

'The legs are like four feet long': 25 Startled shoppers who didn't get the products they really wanted

'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

'They [were] using the cake and ice cream as a diversion': Waiter stops would-be dine and dashers in their tracks by putting all the attention on them

'They [were] using the cake and ice cream as a diversion': Waiter stops would-be dine and dashers in their tracks by putting all the attention on them

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

'Here's something sweet to remember me': Employee quits, announces departure on cake, internet drags him

'Here's something sweet to remember me': Employee quits, announces departure on cake, internet drags him

cake FAILS imgur graduation birthday funny memes wedding dessert funny - 19764741

25+ Cake Fails That Ruined Graduations, Birthdays, and Weddings

"Some idiot put this cake's writing in cursive!"

'Some idiot put this cake's writing in cursive!': Upset parent roasted by employee over dumb birthday cake dispute

AITA for not wanting to accept my "birthday gift" from my boss?

'[My boss] sent me home for being rude': Employee rejects workplace birthday party, but boss insists

I ruined my stepmom's 50th birthday party over cake

'Stepmom was livid': Woman bakes deliciously petty revenge for her entitled stepmom's 50th birthday

Update! 'My mom was horrified': 'Upscale bakery' allegedly run by teens botches birthday cake, refuses to apologize

Update! 'My mom was horrified': 'Upscale bakery' allegedly run by teens botches birthday cake, refuses to apologize

'The fondant was so thick you could only eat the center of the cake': 30+ Cakes that looked great but tasted like plastic

'The fondant was so thick you could only eat the center of the cake': 30+ Cakes that looked great but tasted like plastic

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Ambitious Fan Attempts to Decorate a Cake in Honor of Drake's Album, But the Results Are Haunting AF

Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Rotten Wood by Slicing it Like it's a Piece of Cake

Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Rotten Wood by Slicing it Like it's a Piece of Cake