

'My dough turned into a monster': 20 Baking mistakes fresh out of the oven

'My dough turned into a monster': 20 Baking mistakes fresh out of the oven

How often do you accidentally ruin your meals? No matter how skilled you are as a chef or baker, there are going to be times that you totally mess up your recipe. For example, one person here forgot to label their flour and powdered sugar (although they taste and smell very different!). Their recipe got completely sabotaged because of this… and they aren't the only ones! Up next, these bosses had some utterly ridiculous requests for their employees, like one manager who “asked me if he could bo…
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'Out of touch with reality': Customer tries to order 800 pieces of chicken and 5 sheet cakes with zero advance notice

Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my end, as a wise person once said. That won't stop some people from doing that anyway, as this bakery worker was surprised to discover. While event planning, there's a lot to consider. Who should be invited? Where will the venue be? What kinds of decorations will we need? And of course, what will everyone be eating? That last one is pretty important. Having quality food can make or break an event. I'm sure we all remember a wedding…
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Expectation vs. Reality: 25+ Botched products that didn't meet expectations

Expectation vs. Reality: 25+ Botched products that didn't meet expectations

Things don't always turn out exactly as you'd hoped. Sometimes things are a little better than you thought it would be, and that's a lovely surprise. Other times, the circumstances are a bit worse than you anticipated, which is a bit of a letdown. There's nowhere that's more obvious than online shopping , where people are constantly finding the coolest clothing or toys of their dreams, only to have their hopes dashed when the item actually arrives. Ordering clothes on the internet consistently…
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20 Cooking Mishaps for Wannabe Chefs Who Can’t Catch a Break

20 Cooking Mishaps for Wannabe Chefs Who Can’t Catch a Break

Nice going there, chef! If you're a viewer of The Bear but you can't cook to save your life, you may have found yourself pretending to be Carmy in your tiny kitchen as you boil a pot of pasta to complete imperfection. The truth is that no matter how many times you choose to mumble “yes, chef or ”no, chef" while you're cooking, some hopeless wannabe cooks simply are not capable of improvement. It's the same for folks who can't exercise via running. Some people are just not meant for it. After al…
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'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husbands watch to pay for his birthday cake

'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husband's watch to pay for his birthday cake, infuriates entire family

The dynamics in this family are a big mess. U/F54tughi556 can tell you all about it, because they had an interesting question for r/AmItheA******. The tale revolves around a birthday cake . Some people don't care at all about their birthday cake, and just bring out a package of cupcakes from the grocery store. But to others, especially those who love to share their lives online, having a pretty cake is a major part of a birthday celebration . It's a nice way to remember your special day. This p…
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'I legit thought I was in elementary school lunch': 20+ Memorably bad wedding-day meals

No couple wants to have the wedding that people remember as “the one with the terrible food.”
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'She will straight up ignore you': New sister in law gets called out for avoiding everyone in group setting

'She will straight up ignore you': New sister in law gets called out for avoiding everyone in group setting

This person is baffled by her SIL's decision to attend family events— and then refuse to say a word to anyone. Maybe there's at least one person like this in every family. Sometimes there are underlying reasons why people aren't talkative at the function. If you go to a party and one person just won't chat with anyone, they tend to get ignored. If that's what they want, that's what they'll get. This person wasn't about to ignore the non-speaker at this family party, though. It seems like this w…
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'Business owner doesn't know math': Coffee shop owner bans cakes, loses money

'Business owner doesn't know math': Coffee shop owner bans cakes, loses money

One business owner is getting fleeced, and she doesn't even realize it. Local coffee shops are a great place to get some work done on your laptop, meet up with friends to talk, or grab a quick bite to eat. While some locations only carry coffee and tea , a lot of them carry food products---and they aren't afraid to mark up prices quite a bit. The new owner of one coffee shop is still trying to figure out her profit margins. The owner of the baked goods shop she's buying from noticed that she's…
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30+ Funny but Scary Cake Fails That Prove Baking Isn’t For Everyone

30+ Funny but Scary Cake Fails That Prove Baking Isn’t For Everyone

They did not nail it.
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'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

Making a custom order can be the perfect gift, but only if the creator actually writes what you want! There are seemingly quite a few sellers out there who have taken some liberties with what they'll write on a shirt or a cake. Getting a custom birthday cake for someone is usually a sweet surprise. The birthday celebrator gets to have a professional-looking cake to take photos with and commemorate the occasion. But as you can see from the numerous examples below, sometimes a simple request for…
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work workplace coworkers coworker employee employees manager management boss bosses boss's supervisors c-level ceo toxic cake anniversary corporate

'I nearly choked trying to eat it so quickly': Disgruntled employee devours his boss's cake as revenge for enduring years in a toxic work environment

They say you can't have your cake and eat it too– and when you're working in a corporate wasteland of business casual dress codes, a haughty sales team, and pushy supervisors, it's tough to secure your own slice. Sometimes employees will crumble under the pressure of toxic positivity, but others will go to great lengths to get their revenge against C-level management.
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'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

A birthday cake is dividing this workplace. That's because of two coworkers who can't see eye to eye about food. People eat all sorts of diets for all sorts of reasons. For example, if you go to the doctor and your cholesterol is high, they might tell you to stop eating eggs. Or if you want to have more vegetables and less red meat, you might start eating fish in place of burgers. Everyone eats in their own unique ways, and has their own specific likes and dislikes. But for some reason, people…
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'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

After purchasing the last cake on the shelf for his pregnant wife, this guy swiftly served up a slice of real life– with a side of frosting.
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'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 Funny food and cringe cake mishaps

Here's the deal with all baked goods: as long as it tastes good, it shouldn't matter what it looks like. Ok, maybe that's not true, but that's what I tell myself every time I attempt to bake something for my family, which I have done on only one or two occasions. Trust me. They do not want to eat whatever I bake. It's always too sugary, too bland, or somehow too salty even if there's next to no salt in there. Fortunately for them, this is why I rarely bake anything. Whenever I do decide to take…
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'The legs are like four feet long': 25 Shoppers who didn't get the products they wanted

'The legs are like four feet long': 25 Startled shoppers who didn't get the products they really wanted

While online shopping , you can't believe everything you see. Sometimes you have to read between the lines a little bit, and know when a deal is too good to be true.
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'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

We get distracted by the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts. That's especially true with cakes, which can look stunning on the outside (thanks to fondant or other technically-edible decorations) but taste bland and dry on the inside. In my book, no matter how unfortunate the cake turns out , if it tastes good, it's still a win. Everyone has had a few baking mishaps . There was that time when we were all stuck indoors for a while back in 2020, and a lot of us got into baking brea…
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