

The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

'I told my girlfriend, right there at the table, that it wasn't going to work out': The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

In a shocking twist, a Reddit user recently found himself facing a challenging and unexpected situation in his relationship. After enjoying six months of happiness with his girlfriend, the couple decided to take their commitment to the next level by moving in together. He thought he had discovered the perfect match, but little did he know that she was about to drop a bombshell that would shatter the illusion of their seemingly picturesque relationship. Faced with this revelation, the boyfriend…
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'People don't [know] what they want': 25+ candid reasons behind today's breakups

'People don't [know] what they want': 25+ candid reasons behind today's breakups

People are getting candid online about why their relationships are falling apart. No, the answer is not because Mercury is in retrograde, although if you haven't noticed, there have been an unusually high number of breakups and divorces this year among public figures and celebrities. If we look closer than astrology, which is not exactly my preferred method of analysis, there seems to be a disconnect among partnerships about how to even be in a partnership anymore. Part of that is because of th…
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'He thought he could convince me I was pregnant': 20+ ridiculous attempts exes made to get back together

'He thought he could convince me I was pregnant': 25+ ridiculous attempts exes made to get back together

Trying to get back together after you've burned a bridge is a lost cause. It's kind of a Sisyphean task and a pointless one at that. If your relationship crashed and burned, you must be in an even worse place if you're trying to get back together. There's no way you could be well-adjusted. If you were, you would have recognized that the damage is done and that it's just better for everyone involved if you walk away and stay away. Some of us, however, are not this smart. When I was in my early t…
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'She went first... and I went home': Guy breaks up with a cheating girlfriend moments after she got his initials tattooed

The only names you should ever have permanently tattooed on your body are the names of your kids, your parents, and your deity– those things are never changing. However, a boyfriend or girlfriend's name permanently etched into your shoulder can prove to be a little riskier. You may think that'll you'll be in love forever, but that tattoo is a heckuvalot more permanent than most relationships.
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'She thought we'd ‘rekindle' things': Bride invites her sister's ex-boyfriend to the wedding, attempting to get them back together; sister stands up for herself and refuses to attend

Sisterly loyalties only go so far, and when one woman's sister, the bride, thought she'd play god with her own sibling's relationship, things backfired. Frankly, weddings bring out the cringe in all of us. Whether you're a sorry sap that cries during the vows (guilty as charged), the distant aunt who reminds the bride that they used to change their diapers, or you're the guest that drinks too much at the open bar, there's some social mixing that brings out the worst in everyone.
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'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 People with excuses for acting out

'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 Cheaters with absurd excuses for acting out

Cheating on your partner is a serious offense to most, but these people took it in stride.
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'When she eats her peas one at a time': 30+ silly reasons people broke up

'When she eats her peas one at a time': 30+ silly reasons people broke up

Sure, it's important to have standards, but some of you need to chill out. There's a fine line when it comes to dating between having high standards for the purposes of self-empowerment and having high standards because what you're looking for is so specific that your mystery partner simply may not be human. Knowing your worth and knowing not to compromise on certain factors is an essential part of your growth as a single adult. It's often part of what dating in your twenties is all about. Howe…
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couple relationships toxic breakup public public-breakup irony boyfriend girlfriend betterhelp couples-therapy therapy therapist

Couple Publicly Breaks Up After 6 Years of Dating Over an Argument Started By a Napkin; Redditors Point Out the Undeniable Irony

Everyone knows at least one toxic couple. They're the ones at every social gathering that find something to bicker about and they're the ones you always see on social media that are obsessively raving about each other before deleting every couple picture they have. Who can stand the whiplash? Well, some of us like to gobble up the gossip when it comes to these toxic kinds of relationships and recently, a man shared the dish...
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'I was done': Woman gets even with cheating ex, moves out and takes everything except one roll of toilet paper

'I was done': Woman gets even with cheating ex, moves out and takes everything except one roll of toilet paper

This is what happens when you take advantage of your relationship. In an ideal partnership, each partner gives their fair share. Of course, not everything under the sun can be 50/50; that's unrealistic given the state of the job market. However, a good partnership requires compromise and a fair breakdown of each individual's contributions. We know that most partnerships do not function like this and that when these ground rules are never set up, oftentimes the whole partnership ends up on uneve…
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'Watch out for all-take-no-give people': 10+ friendship breakup stories for folks who reached their 'final straw' moment

'Watch out for all-take-no-give people': 10+ friendship breakup stories for folks who reached their 'final straw' moment

There is nothing more stressful and complex than a friendship breakup.
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'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': 30 Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': Top 30 Funniest Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

Sometimes, things don't work out for bizarre reasons.
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'I covered his whole house in glitter': Woman gets glitter-infused revenge after discovering her ex was cheating

'I covered his whole house in glitter': Woman gets glitter-infused payback after discovering her ex was cheating

He'll never be rid of her after this.
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Update: 'I did all this work just for it to end up like this?': Guy files for divorce after ex-wife confesses she stalked him for years before they met

Update: 'I did all this work just for it to end up like this?': Guy files for divorce after ex-wife confesses she stalked him for years before they met

Imagine learning that the story of how you met your partner was far from the truth. This dude had been telling his friends and family that he met his then wife seven years ago and knew her as the best friend of his little brother. Little did he know, however, that his wife knew exactly who her husband was when they first met. In fact, she knew who he was over two whole years prior to that "fateful" moment. Perhaps fateful is the wrong word, as it was a highly orchestrated and calculated meet cu…
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'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

In fairness, there's certainly no easy way to break up with someone. You can try to be as prepared and as measured as possible, but in the end, it always goes down differently than expected because at the end of the day, relationships are a two-way street. Your experience of how something is or isn't working will inevitably clash with the other person's perspective. So when you're finally readying yourself for that unfortunate conversation, it's unavoidable that someone will say something surpr…
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20 worst things people have said on first dates

'You got cute feet?': 20 worst things people have said on first dates

You would think people would be on their best behavior on a first date.
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25+ Breakup Memes for Heartbroken Hopeless Romantics

30 Breakup Memes for Heartbroken Hopeless Romantics

We all know that a breakup can bring about a whirlwind of emotions.
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