

'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

Everyone knows that there are just as many disastrous Valentine's Day dinners as great ones. Something about the commercialism of the fake holiday creates a bizarre mix of emotions, unrealistic expectations, and a weird amount of stakes despite, you know, the meaning of the holiday to be virtually empty. However, instead of hearing about all the Valentine's Day fails from the perspective of the couples themselves, let's looks at these dinners gone wrong from a more objective viewpoint. These se…
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My Ex Kept the Power Bill in My Name for a Decade...Until Today

'A true hero amongst us divorced ladies': Woman discovers ex-husband still has power bill in her name, she plans glorious petty revenge

As it turns out, this lady had the power the whole time.
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'We were on a break!': 15 newly single people share their ex's version of the breakup

'We were on a break!': 15 newly single people share their ex's version of the breakup

Everyone wonders what their ex is saying about them to their group of friends, so it's not uncommon to imagine what those conversations might sound like. Sometimes, your ex was so “in the wrong” that it will take a tremendous amount of creativity to fabricate another reason why things fell apart. Other times, the reasons behind the split remained nuanced, and both parties may still have wildly different perspectives years after all the drama went down. These newly single folks shared what they…
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‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

You can divide the people of the world into two groups. The first group is people who see their pets as actual family members. People who think twice before they adopt an animal, and seriously consider all the factors of bringing in a pet inside their household. Once they do, that pet gets treated like any other family member, and is loved equally. The second group of people, and I'm sure you can see where I am going with this, are the people who see pets as just another piece of furniture in t…
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'They made an offer to buy it. I refused': Guy purchases ex-fiancé's dream house, she finds out and loses it

'They made an offer to buy it. I refused': Guy purchases ex-fiancé's dream house, she finds out and loses it

Imagine finding out that your former fiancé is now living in the house you always hoped to buy one day. Well, that's what happens when you turn down the wrong guy. This woman cheated on her future husband at her bachelorette party, panicked, and called off the engagement right before the ceremony. She ended up marrying her high school boyfriend (who just happened to be at that bachelorette party… not suspicious at all). Unfortunately, this left her ex with an unrevealed wedding gift: the dream…
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'Quit being such a big baby': Woman gets even with ex-fiancé by pranking him with a box of mice

'Quit being such a big baby': Woman gets even with ex-fiancé by pranking him with a box of mice

Who doesn't love an epic revenge tale 32 years in the making? This woman got back at her ex-fiancé, who once took advantage of her fear of mice. Well, as it turns out, he was not exactly immune to the same fear. Now, there are far too many people I wish I could get even with, but I simply do not have the pettiness or energy to follow through. In fact, it took me several hours of talking myself up just to convince myself to confront an ex about him using my family's cable subscription. If I had…
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'Never threaten to take away my cats': Rich trust fund baby forced to dish over $87k after treating ex like trash and attempting to take everything during the breakup

This one's a doozy, but well worth the read! In short, it is an epic story of justice being brought upon an affluent villainous ex. Couples thinking they'll be at least civil with each other forever no matter, but then it turning toxic at the end is a tale as old as time. When you're in the thralls of love and romance, you never think that one day you two will end up hating each other. It's heartbreaking, but that's why it's called… Well, heartbreak. In this case, this couple bought a house tog…
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'I'm stuck on one teeny tiny detail': Internet sleuths scrutinize dude's breakup message after his ex questions if he used AI to pen the note

'I'm stuck on one teeny tiny detail': Internet sleuths scrutinize dude's breakup message after his ex questions if he used A.I. to pen the note

“I think A.I. just dumped me ,” confessed one confused person. As artificial intelligence, commonly known as A.I., becomes larger and more integrated with everyday life, things are going to get weird. At this point in the internet, we know A.I. is here to stay, but we aren't quite sure how to properly integrate it into businesses or our personal lives. Teachers are reading A.I.-written papers that their students have turned in, and some business people have resorted to letting an A.I. do their…
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'OK, keep the deposit and do it all by yourself': Guy dumps girlfriend, moves out and maliciously complies with ex's ultimatum so she has to clean for once

'OK, keep the deposit and do it all by yourself': Guy dumps girlfriend, moves out and maliciously complies with ex's ultimatum so she has to clean for once

It's important to be careful with your wording over text, especially if you're delivering an ultimatum to your ex. This woman was trying to threaten that if her ex didn't come to clean their apartment before he moved out, she would keep all of their security deposit. The trouble was that he had no interest in doing all of the work and was pleased to let her take the money. She did not anticipate that he might maliciously comply with her demands in a way that would make her have to clean the apa…
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'Ex-wife told me to remove all my stuff from her storage unit. So I did': Guy takes washer, dryer, and car from cheating ex after she demands they take all their belongings out of storage

'Ex-wife told me to remove all my stuff from her storage unit. So I did': Guy takes washer, dryer, and car from cheating ex after she demands they take all their belongings out of storage

Breakups are the worst —just ask this person. Falling in love is magical, that's why it's called the honeymoon phase. Couples get to know each other and discover endless things to love about each other. The honeymoon phase doesn't last forever, though. Life goes on and things get complicated and the next thing you know, the relationship is on the rocks. Not every romance is meant to last forever---some only last for a few seasons. This guy also had the unfortunate revelation that his wife was c…
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'I have about 100+ pictures of a wedding proposal gone wrong': 15+ dating disasters as told by the servers who witnessed the drama unfold

'I have about 100+ pictures of a wedding proposal gone wrong': 15+ dating disasters as told by the servers who witnessed the drama unfold

Servers have to deal with a ton of unwanted nonsense on the job, but one perk of the job is that they get a front row seat to a wide variety of date nights gone wrong. From awkward first dates that turn out to be full of red flags to full-on marriage proposals that turn out to be complete failures, it seems like servers have seen the full range of possibilities that can occur on a date. Not to persuade people not to go out to dinner, but when someone says, “Just go out with them! What's the wor…
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'I'm a lion and a king': Guy gets rejected after three dates, goes on unhinged text rant

'I'm a lion and a king': Guy gets rejected after three dates, goes on unhinged text rant

Bad breakups may come with the territory when we're talking about dating, but no one could have been prepared for this dude's reaction. He really goes through the full range of human emotion, calling himself a loser one second and then calling himself a lion and a king the next. First of all, a lion and a king? Who is he, Simba?! It's hard to read this cringe exchange without thinking of your own similar experience because everyone has had one. Heck, I've been on both sides of a breakup, but I'…
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'I made a five minute video': Woman creates video of friends telling off her cheating ex, posts it online, he sends her money

'I made a five minute video': Woman creates video of friends telling off her cheating ex, posts it online, he sends her money

There are subtle ways to get back at your cheating ex who owes you money, and then there's this . This Redditor took things up several notches by filming a five-minute video in which she and her friends told off her ex-boyfriend who had recently reached back out after breaking things off three years ago. For some context, the two had been living together for several years and he owed her $600 when he decided to leave her for someone else. It turns out that the other relationship ended up not wo…
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'Her fiancé had no idea we were together': Man's ex-girlfriend gets engaged to another person just one week after their breakup

Imagine you're in what seems like a perfect relationship, thinking you've found "the one." Then, out of the blue, your partner drops a bombshell… they want to find someone who shares their faith, so they break up with you . No hard feelings, right? Well, not quite. How would you feel if, less than a week later, your ex is not just dating someone new but is ENGAGED? That's precisely what happened to this Reddit user. But wait, there's more. When U/ MoreRespect20 confronts his ex, she denies ever…
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Woman outsmarts her cat-napping ex for the purrfect revenge

'Moral of the story, microchip your pets': Woman outsmarts her cat-napping ex for the purrfect revenge

Have you ever had a nasty breakup where your ex tried to take something that was rightfully yours? Maybe it was a car, a TV, or even a pet. Well, one Reddit user had to deal with a cat-napping ex who thought he could hold their beloved kitty hostage, but she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. The story involves a toxic relationship, a fake death, a tattoo that went too far, and an orange cat named Tigger (also referred to as Dinglebumb). It’s a story of deception, drama, and determinatio…
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'She blocked him everywhere': Boyfriend gets thrown out of his apartment, begs girlfriend to pay all his expenses, finally gets told off

'She blocked him everywhere': Boyfriend gets thrown out of his apartment, begs girlfriend to pay all his expenses, finally gets told off

There are people in this world who manage to convince themselves that everything happening to them is someone else's fault. These aren't the people you want to be working with, living with, or dating. Rather, these are the people you want to avoid at all costs, but sometimes, you don't know that you're dealing with this kind of person until it's too late. That seems to be the case for Emma, the best friend of this Redditor . OP shared Emma's story via this thread on Reddit's r/EntitledPeople su…
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