
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

People Share Their Sweetest Revenge Stories

15 People Share Their Sweetest Revenge Stories

Women share the things they do to show guys they like them in interesting Askreddit.

29 Women Share What They Do To Show Guys They Like Them

Lyft drivers share their craziest passenger stories on Askreddit.

18 Lyft Drivers Share Their Craziest Passenger Stories

Guys share cringeworthy stories about the creepiest ways that women have hit on them.

You'll Cringe Just Reading These Stories From Guys About Creepiest Ways Women Have Hit On Them

10 people share the worst ways that they've gone and messed up a date on Askreddit.

10 People Share The Worst Ways They've Messed Up A Date

People Who Got the Last Laugh On Their Highschool Bullies

15 People Who Got the Last Laugh On Their Highschool Bullies

People Share the Worse Examples of Parenting They've Ever Seen

25 People Share the Worse Examples of Parenting They've Ever Seen

Women share the first date dealbreakers that men make all too often.

31 Women Share First Date Mistakes Men Make All Too Often

People share their Homeowner Association horror stories that'll make you grimace.

29 People Share Their Home Owners Association Horror Stories

People share their craziest bridezilla moments on Askreddit.

45 People Share Their Craziest Bridezilla Moments

reddit roasts

11 Brutal Roasts That Scorched People to the Core

Massage therapists share their craziest client stories on Askreddit and these will make you cringe.

Massage Therapists' Craziest Stories Will Give You Cringe-Induced Cramps

Women share things that men write on their online dating profiles that are instant deal breakers.

53 Women Share Things Men Write On Their Dating Profiles That Are INSANT Deal-Breakers

funny roasts

10 Brutal Roasts That Left Their Victim's Torched

People reveal the stupid shit they've done while high - Cover graphic about someone who waited for a stop sign to turn green.

20 People Reveal the Dumbest Things They've Ever Done While High

People share the douchiest things they've ever seen other people do.

25 People Share The Douchiest Things They've Ever Seen People Do