
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Massage therapists share their craziest client stories on Askreddit and these will make you cringe.

Massage Therapists' Craziest Stories Will Give You Cringe-Induced Cramps

Women share things that men write on their online dating profiles that are instant deal breakers.

53 Women Share Things Men Write On Their Dating Profiles That Are INSANT Deal-Breakers

funny roasts

10 Brutal Roasts That Left Their Victim's Torched

People reveal the stupid shit they've done while high - Cover graphic about someone who waited for a stop sign to turn green.

20 People Reveal the Dumbest Things They've Ever Done While High

People share the douchiest things they've ever seen other people do.

25 People Share The Douchiest Things They've Ever Seen People Do

Parents share the most WTF things that their kids have ever done.

35 Parents Share The Most WTF Things Their Kids Have Ever Done

Walmart employees share some of the craziest and dumbest things they've ever seen customers do while shopping.

29 Walmart Employees Share The Dumbest And Craziest Things They've Seen Customers Do

Moments That Made People Realize They Were Old

16 Moments That Made People Realize They Were Old

Awesome subtle ways to toy with your coworkers subtly until you drive them insane.

33 Ways People Drove Their Coworkers Crazy By Subtly Toying With Them

People share crazy excuses they've gotten from their cheating significant others.

46 Crazy Excuses People Have Gotten From Cheating SO's

Askreddit of women sharing the things that guys do to creep them out.

37 Women Share The Cringeworthy Things Guys Do To Creep Them Out

People Share the Horrifying 'Incidents' That Occurred At Their School

43 People Share the Horrifying 'Incidents' That Occurred At Their School

Laziest Things People Have Ever Seen

15 of the Laziest Things People Have Ever Seen

Married people share things they found on their spouses phones that ended up being totally innocent.

34 Married People Share Suspicious Things They Found On Spouses Phones That Ended Up Being Innocent

Ridiculous Things People Have Called Objects When They Couldn't Remember Their Names

19 Ridiculous Things People Have Called Objects When They Couldn't Remember Their Names

People Share the Biggest Failures of the Human Body That They'd Change

10 People Share the Biggest Failures of the Human Body That They'd Change