
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

People Share the WTF Things That Happened When People Thought Nobody Was Watching

10 People Share the WTF Things That Happened When People Thought Nobody Was Watching

Bartenders Reveal the Craziest Things They've Seen Drunk People Do

15 Bartenders Reveal the Craziest Things They've Seen Drunk People Do

People Share the Idiotic Things Their Brain Has Done While on Autopilot

15 People Share the Idiotic Things Their Brain Has Done While on Autopilot

reddit roasts | Person - r/haast H GemJack 1225 points 29 days ago get washed H PhucYoCouch 280 points 28 days ago think she's just airing out get cat come home.

20 Brutal Roasts That are Going to Leave a Mark

roasts reddit

14 Savage Roasts That Caused Severe Burns

person admits that working retail is the most degrading thing they've ever done for money.

16 People Admit the Most Degrading Things They've Done For Money

People share stories of their nightmare coworkers.

17 People Share Their Worst Nightmare Co-Worker Stories

People Share Their Most Awkward Childhood Moments

15 People Share Their Most Awkward Childhood Moments

roommate horror stories

14 Roommate Horror Stories That Will Make Yours Look Good In Comparison

People share stories of the grossest things they've ever witnessed out in public.

20 People Share the Grossest NSFW Things They've Witnessed In Public

People reveal what they view as infidelity in a relationship.

55 People Reveal What They Label As "Infidelity" In A Relationship

Collection of dirty, X-rated history facts that were far too dirty for the classroom.

15 X-Rated History Facts Far Too Dirty For the Classroom

People share stories of the worst parenting they've ever witnessed in public.

48 of the Worst Parenting Moments People Have Witness In Public

waiters talk about the worst dates they have seen

30 Waiters Share the Worst First Dates They've Ever Witnessed

16 of the Strangest Compliments People Ever Received

16 of the Strangest Compliments People Ever Received

20 Waiters Share The Most F**ked Up Things They've Heard On The Job

20 Waiters Share The Most F**ked Up Things They've Heard On The Job