

20+ DIY projects that never should've seen the light of day

20+ DIY projects that never should've seen the light of day

All of these DIY projects started with the best intentions! A person saw a problem or felt inspired, and started their craft. Too bad that doing a DIY project isn't always as easy as it looks. No matter how well you follow that YouTube video or set of directions, some things need to be left to the pros. While I'm a big fan of the Spaghetti-O Furby and other art projects , it's harder to love all of the wild car DIYs (as you can see below). For example, one person built a fan into the roof of th…
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'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

These siblings were trying not to argue in front of the kids, but they just can't agree on who needs to repay who . Children will get into everything that they can. They don't always understand the concept of valuable items. They have no problem throwing food on the floor, breaking plates or vases, or keying your car, just to name a few examples. Their brains simply aren't developed enough to know why some things are more important to grown-ups than others. That's why it's usually the responsib…
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'[I] had a guy try to pay me with pottery': 30+ Freelance artists who had the most entitled clients ever

'[I] had a guy try to pay me with pottery': 30+ Freelance artists who had the most entitled clients ever

These artists aren't staying quiet anymore about their commission nightmares. While freelancing online, you may have to jump through a lot of hoops before you can find a good client. Many people will head to an artist's DMs and start brainstorming about the artwork they want to buy. But right off the bat, a lot of people aren't prepared to actually pay for the art. They say things like, “Well, weren't you going to draw that anyway?” or “I think it should be free because it only took you a littl…
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20+ Funniest AI Memes for Those Who Check the 'I'm not a robot' Box

20+ Funniest AI Memes for Those Who Check the 'I'm not a robot' Box

Before we all lose our jobs to AI
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‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

Being an artist is not an easy profession, and even less so these days. Every day artists fight what seems like a never-ending fight for their rights and their art so that it will not be used in a way that hurts them or their livelihood. They always have to be extremely cautious with how, when, and where they expose their art to other people. Like this artist on Reddit, who shared their experience with volunteering their art at a college club. The artist told Reddit about the entitled club pres…
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‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

There will always be those who believe we are gifted and capable of achieving success in life, and there will always be others who think we will never amount to anything worthwhile. The secret to success is to never give up and to never allow someone to bring you down. The story that follows is from a frustrated student. OP has been studying to teach art. As part of his training, he must work as an assistant to a senior faculty art teacher for six months. Although OP was ecstatic to have the op…
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'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

Two basic rules are taught to us when we work in customer service. First of all, we should never presume that consumers will read the small print at the bottom of our signage. The second universal guideline is to never, ever concede that you are correct and the client is mistaken. The story below is an account of a frustrated arts and crafts store manager. OP has been managing the store for a while, and quite frankly, presumably has encountered an endless amount of difficult customers. However,…
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 'Chop-chop? Yes ma'am!': Karen shuts down team of employees attempting to correct faulty product

'Chop-chop? Yes ma'am!': Karen shuts down team of employees attempting to correct faulty product

We have likely dealt with a Karen at some point in our lives, particularly if we have extensive customer service experience. But what matters is how we deal with the wild Karen. Karens are here to stay, whether we like it or not, as they existed before the dawn of time and will probably exist for decades to come. If you look past their various nicknames over the years, Karens are just the same old entitled personality we love to hate. Nothing particularly unique or innovative about them. The st…
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Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

'I demanded a partial refund and they refused': Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

Tattoos are so personal to the individual getting their skin adorned. Everyone knows that tattoos last forever, but it's a hard concept to fathom until you actually get the tattoo. Depending on where you get it, you'll either 1) look at it every day, so you'd better love it! or 2) never look at it if it's on your back or legs, and you'll kind of forget you have it at times. Regardless, you do have that art work forever, and even if you can't see it, other people probably can. Along with your ha…
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'It was too late': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

'I felt extremely embarrassed': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

When something happens in a small town, everyone is going to hear about it. So when this couple chose to let their toddler roam unsupervised around an open house , they'd be crazy to think the whole town wouldn't know what happened by the next day. The OP, u/open852, wrote to the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit with their rather intriguing etiquette question. In the post, they describe how they and their husband brought their 4 year old kid to an open house . While the parents were strolling the prop…
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Nailed it: 20 Extra eccentric DIY projects infused with chaos and creativity

Nailed it: 20 Extra eccentric DIY projects infused with chaos and creativity

Major props to these people who tried to make creative DIY projects and got some interesting results, to say the least.
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craigslist online living room art sellers facebook facebook marketplace weird buyers - 19535877

Confounding Craigslist: 30 Online sellers who believe their trash is treasure

A plastic bag, a handful of rocks, and random scrap paper drawings are all among the items that people tried to sell on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
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Artists: Did you ever have a bad art-school critique that really set you back, knocked you off your pins? What was it? Keep it short; don't exaggerate. Often, it can be the least thing. Have you ever made a "revenge" work of art? What was it?

'I...was told “oh but you know only people with talent get in right…?"': 30+ Artists share the harshest critiques they've ever heard

Everyone's a critic, including the very teachers who are supposed to guide students along their path to success. When senior art critic Jerry Saltz asked artists to dish on their worst art advice from teachers, he got some incredible responses. He posed the question in a tweet, asking, "Artists: Did you ever have a bad art-school critique that really set you back, knocked you off your pins? What was it? Keep it short; don't exaggerate. Often, it can be the least thing. Have you ever made a “rev…
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20 People who declared: 'Chia seed ALL the things!'

20 People who declared: 'Chia seed ALL the things!'

Ch-ch-ch-chia! These plants are usually so easy to grow that there's an entire brand built around making chia pets. Chia pets usually come with a fun pottery planter in the shape of a person ( Bob Ross seems incredibly popular) or a pop culture icon (looking at you, Groot). Even though it should be as easy as spritzing your chia seeds and waiting for them to sprout, not everyone can handle the task , and their chia pets don't turn out like the photo on the box. However, there's a new trend late…
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30+ Historical art memes for jesters and jokers

30+ Historical art memes for jesters and jokers

Art: the original meme template. Hundreds of years have passed since some of these paintings were created. Did their creators ever imagine that we would some day be spamming memes onto their artwork that they spent countless hours painting? Telling a 17th century artist that their work was made into a meme would be like making a pilgrim taste a Dorito for the first time. And with a time machine , anything would be possible…but for now, enjoy this delightful collection of art memes ! After that,…
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'They did this to her on her wedding day???": 20+ Makeup artists who botched their client's faces

'They did this to her on her wedding day???": 20+ Makeup artists who botched their client's faces

Makeup is so powerful. It transforms people into beautiful works of art , with careful application of foundation, lipstick, and mascara. But not all makeup artists are equally good at creating cute lewks. Especially on this page, r/badMUAs , people highlight the work of some makeup artists who definitely ruined their clients' look. The page bans any makeup that's not done by professionals, so every look you see here was paid for by some poor sap. Some makeup professionals just can't get the rig…
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