

'My boss is trying to micromanage me while I'm on vacation': Boss won't leave worker alone while out of the country on leave

'My boss is trying to micromanage me while I'm on vacation': Boss won't leave worker alone while out of the country on leave

Nothing shows you how essential you are to the business like taking a vacation. If your boss or team can't handle a week without things going off the rails, then that's saying a lot. The thing is, the types of bosses who insist on being able to contact you during your “vacation” are the same bosses who try to tell you how expendable you and your role are, negging and gaslighting you to keep you in your place. This worker went out of the country in order to visit their family for the holidays, l…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance - 23824901

Worker wastes their boss's time before quitting: 'I asked everything'

If there's one thing your manager probably hates, it's having more work to do. Whether they're just lazy or already have too much on their plate, chances are pretty good that they won't want to be spending hours combing over your work in addition to what they're already working on. Even the most micromanaging sort will quickly grow tired of the additional work if you can manage to reflect their time-consuming processes back onto them.
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employment job fired jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace getting fired antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace - 23825413

'I didn't see a day off request': Worker gets fired after being scheduled when they weren't available

In shift work, particularly in locations that rely on staffing part-time workers to handle annual increases in foot traffic and trade, it's pretty common to have workers list their availability, determining when they're available to work and be scheduled. This allows for part-timers to keep a second job, attend class, look after their kids, or whatever other life obligations they might have. Usually, some indication of your availability will be given and negotiated upon during the interview pro…
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work workplace workers worker employee former ex boss manager supervisor managers ceo job business company wage minimum-wage antiwork reddit

‘I doubled my income leaving’: Guy calls out his ex-employer for offering poverty wages to new hires after complaining that ‘nobody wants to work anymore’

It's no secret that minimum wage has been nearly the same for decades, except all of our expenses are getting exponentially higher. Back in the 80's a mom could buy a haul of groceries to feed a family of 4 for a week for $20 and now, couples with only a cat to care for are spending 10x that amount just for basics at Trader Joe's. Hmm… Where did we go wrong here?
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23492101

'View the job as a chance to give, not to earn': Out-of-touch executive tells struggling workers to do the job for the love, not the money

Sometimes, you really can't help but wonder if people even listen to the words coming out of their own mouths or if they're so out of touch that they hear and even believe the wildly out-of-touch things that they are saying. The reality is that whether we love, are passionate about, and believe in what we do—or not—is really a moot point. We work for money to provide for ourselves, to put a roof over our families' heads, and to put food on our table. The service, skills, and time that we provid…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 23744261

'HR shared what I wrote': Employee's exit interview feedback is paraded around the office by their toxic former boss

One should never give an exit interview, particularly if their employer has demonstrated a complete inability to listen to advice or honest feedback—and especially if they've shown a willingness to retaliate against someone giving that feedback. Even if you complete an exit interview and provide feedback with the best of intentions, you may just be burning a bridge you had no intention of burning once they've had some time to think about it.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 2297095

'They threatened to fire me': Management finds worker's Glassdoor review after they quit

The practice of necessitating and checking job referrals during the interview process creates a system in which an employer can provide feedback about a worker's performance and contribution during their time in the company's employ. Sure, the candidate themselves often needs to volunteer the points of contact, but when certain key periods of employment are omitted in a candidate's references… it's easy for a hiring manager to read between the lines. So what, then, is an employee able to do to…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories employee manager job hunt work bad jokes employer hiring workplace resume funny unemployed job application - 23619589

"It included how much he could bench': 25 employers share what applicants put on their resume that immediately disqualified them

Tailoring your resume when applying for a job can be intimidating. What is the hiring manager looking for? Are all of your bullet points from your job three years ago still relevant? Should you include that skill that you're really good at but doesn't really pertain to the role? All of these questions can make you second-guess yourself over and over, especially if you really want the gig . Well, there should be a clear line on things that aren't acceptable to include, like your Tinder profile,…
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customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job server waiter work customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service workplace Horrible Bosses tales from your server employment service industry in the workplace - 23709701

'I can't do this anymore either': Restaurant worker quits starting mass resignation after boss's text message

It's not uncommon for those in petty positions of power to vastly overestimate the reach of that power. Whatever the words of the message, the point this manager is trying to convey is clear: we know that you need us more than we need you, so we're going to see how far we can manipulate the conditions of your employment in our favor and you're just going to have to deal with it.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace coworkers Office - 23231749

'My boss has their OWN climate controlled office': Boss forces rest of office to sit their preference of freezing cold temperatures

The great thermostat debate in office workplaces is extremely common and practically without a solution. It's almost like a real-life sort of “Trolley Problem” in that whichever side you take, there's going to be someone losing out. Some people run extremely cold and have poor circulation, preferring to live in literal infernos like some kind of demon lizard person. On the other hand, you have folk like myself who are the literal inferno and generate far too much heat as if we're a human nuclea…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 23633925

'No natural light, all day long': Worker quits job because of dismal 'Open Plan' office

We're not totally sure when open-plan offices became a thing, who first thought they were a good idea, or why they thought they were a good idea in the first place, but it's really hard to believe that the 90s pop-culture icon that was the workplace cubicle—once hated as a symbol of the worker's dehumanization as and entrapment—is now something that workers globally yearn for and miss every day… What we would give for even a cubicle (or any sort of space) at the office that we could call our ow…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace white elephant christmas gifts gift - 23106821

'Someone at work [felt] targeted': HR gets involved when joke about office 'White Elephant' exchange goes wrong

A joke?.. In this economy?! Regardless, you know it's a good joke when it's so good that HR wants to hear it. It's no secret that employers can be a little sensitive to derogatory statements about the quality of the work environment that they're providing for their workers—even if those statements are completely irrefutably accurate. This usually involves remuneration but also extends to other aspects of the workplace culture and environment. Basically, the method of operation in these workplac…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work laid off layoffs workplace Horrible Bosses lay off employment in the workplace - 23587077

'1 month later I'm getting phone calls asking for help': Worker gets laid off by employer who panics after things go sideways

It turns out they were essential to the business after all… Traditionally, layoffs were considered to be a point of shame in business, only used as a last resort as it was a sure sign that your business was failing—usually as a direct result of failures in leadership's decision-making and mismanagement. Really, this—along with the hit that was sure to follow the stock pricing of publically traded companies—was all that kept companies from considering using layoffs as a cost-saving measure. Nowa…
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work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss manager supervisor working overtime ot pay paycut payback understaffed staff shift cover covered reddit antiwork reddit-thread

'His [timesheet] was cut by 7 hours to make up for the overtime': Hardworking employee goes above and beyond to cover understaffed shifts; gets his hours cut by cheapskate boss as a ‘thank you’

Time and a half… These are the magic words that make any hustler consider working a little overtime. Nobody wants to work OT if there's no reward. Our 40-hour work week is plenty of time on the clock, so anyone who's contemplating picking up a few extra hours on top of that is looking for s significant payout for their time. We work extra hours so we can get extra pay.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23563781

'I'd like to rescind my application': Candidate rescind's application over interviewer's impolite email

There are a lot of reasons not to hire a potential candidate, and on the other side of that coin, there are a lot of reasons why a candidate shouldn't pursue a role. Certainly, if the other party isn't willing to follow (or capable of following) basic etiquette and decorum, that's a pretty good sign that the ensuing relationship isn't going to be a bountiful one. In a world where much of our communication takes place in non-verbal written mediums, it's important to remember that it's incredibly…
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worker antiwork fired bad jobs laid off unfair project overworked-employees union reddit thread bad bosses Reddit company - 23527941

'Billionaires aren't innovators, WE ARE, they just get to swoop in and take the credit': Employee laid off after finishing a major project for his company

The OP of the story raises a really interesting point. He dedicated countless hours to developing a new app for his company, a project that was supposed to bring in millions of dollars in revenue. So, how was he repaid? He was promptly let go. Shockingly, this isn't uncommon, as several other employees in the comment section shared similar experiences and offered advice. One worker responded, "I, too, was laid off immediately after finishing a project. Just sitting in my car with a...
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