

terrible coworkers workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 22895621

'Because she had a college degree': Coworker demands worker clean up after her despite them being at the same level

Every member of a team brings with them their own unique traits, abilities, and experiences. No two people will be exactly the same or have the same perspective. Even on a single issue, it's surprising just how different different people's perceptions of that thing can be. In this same vein, it's important to accommodate other members of the team ; maybe they don't have the skills or even physical capabilities that you do, so it might make sense for you to pick up more of those tasks that you'r…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22840325

'My entire department quit the same week': HR refuses to give worker a raise even after their entire team quits

It's pretty confusing when your employer is losing workers faster than it can replace them and doesn't seem at all phased. Sometimes, you can chalk this up to general incompetence. Still, it's more likely that there are over-inflated egos involved, with key members of the company refusing even to consider that they, their policies, and the way they treat workers might be the problem. Other executives and HR play along, worried that if they acknowledge the situation, the entire company might imp…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work new job workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22840069

'Got asked to make it 4 weeks notice, then got fired': Worker agrees to extend their notice period after finding new job before being fired on the spot

“It's just business,” people (often your boss) love to spout… and it always is until it's personal. You can rest assured that anyone using this canned clamshell phrasing is probably using this to dismiss situations where they're exploiting you and are going to take it very personally should things one day not go their way. It's the same sort of tactic that is used when you're told by a notoriously toxic employer that “We're all a family here.” The hope is that you'll buy into the thin words the…
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pro revenge antiwork workplace-stories jobs petty-revenge-reddit job revenge work revenge-stories petty revenge workplace revenge-stories-reddit employment in the workplace terrible coworkers coworkers coworker - 22839557

'I pretended to be a recruiter to troll a former workplace bully': Worker gets revenge on Karen coworker by pretending to be a recruiter offering her a better job

Meddling pedantic coworkers who consider them to be a step above the rabble, despite being in exactly the same position as this “rabble," are a one-way ticket to a hellish workplace. The problem is that managers usually leave these busybody coworkers alone and may even regard them as proficient workers because they're making the manager's life easier by doing their dirty work for them. To be fair, the managers are also probably afraid of these people, seeing as they usually memorize the technic…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22827781

'I turned my badge into their admin and left': Bait and switch interview tactic tricks candidate into interviewing for a lower role than they applied to, they walk out

Hiring for a position as a regular manager is an exhaustive process, draining your time and resources, so it's really hard to imagine something like this ever happening with a manager who is concerned about their own time. But, there are those within certain organizations whose job it is to recruit full-time, and these recruiters and certain members of HR constantly scout and search for strong talent even if the organization really doesn't need them. This works in large corporations that are li…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22816773

'[I] ended up doing other people's jobs for them': Worker hired as IT Director finds himself in a very different role and increasingly pushed to the side

As nerve-wracking as it can be, starting a new job can also be an exciting experience. New challenges and opportunities await… Unless the job you've been hired for isn't actually as advertised. See, there's this thing that can happen where all optimism you had for the new role evaporates as you slowly realize that the job you've been hired for doesn't actually exist in the way you thought it did and the organization you're working for has no idea how the job they hired you for should function.…
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workplace discussion promotion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22782213

'I'm completely baffled': Worker gets passed over for promotion they were asked to apply for in favor of less experienced coworker

When you're the go-to person in your workplace, continually asked to step up or fill in for your boss when they're away and taking on their excess work when they're overloaded, you'd probably expect that you'd be the next in line for promotion, a shoo-in, essentially having already displayed an aptitude for that level of work. You might especially expect this if you had worked in similar roles in the past and had taken a step down when moving into your current role for reasons not related to pe…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22799109

'How should I respond': Worker contacted by employer 20 years after they were fired seeking important files

As much as getting fired stinks… at least there's a certain finality to it. Hey, you no longer have an income, which will soon affect your ability to afford food and a roof over your head, but at least you no longer have to get up at 5 a.m. every morning just to put on stuffy clothing, grab a hurried breakfast on your way out the door, and sit in traffic for an hour. Only to sit in traffic again on your way home after sitting in a noisy “open office” for nine hours.
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manager coworkers employee workers resignation personal day petty work workplace toxic-workplace workplace-stories advice antiwork Reddit reddit thread malicious compliance

'If you want to leave this company on good standing you have to come in on your approved day off': Employee granted a personal day by supervisor, manager insists he must still report to work or face consequences

So, our friend (the OP) has been working at a hotel for nearly four years and is about to move on to a new job. The trouble? His manager is causing quite a ruckus during his final days. This manager has a history of making life difficult for our OP, and it all hit a boiling point when he put in his notice. From unusual write-ups to some eyebrow-raising demands, it's safe to say this isn't your typical farewell. The latest twist? An approved day off has turned into a potential face-off.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22683141

'They had to hire three people to do my job': Malevolent new supervisor writes dude up for being late, so he leaves on time every day and quits

Flexibility begets flexibility—treat workers with the understanding, trust, and respect they deserve and get the same in return. Particularly in a line of work where being a few minutes late means nothing, but the worker's willingness to stay late or work unexpected hours means everything, you'd do well to accept that them walking in the door a few minutes late isn't that big of a deal. That is unless you, their new supervisor, have a bone to pick with them over the fact that their self-determi…
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antiwork workplace-stories employee hr toxic-workplace malicious compliance work fmla petty medical healthcare reddit thread Reddit - 22693893

'HR is not your friend': Man is brought back to life after suffering a heart attack, HR thinks he should already be back in the office

We've all been through our fair share of workplace drama, or at least witnessed it from the sidelines, totally engrossed in Karen's fierce threats to the higher-ups, eagerly anticipating her to get the boot. Or something like that. You know, the usual office soap opera. But what about this? Have you ever actually d*ed, got shocked back to life by a defibrillator, and then tried to spend the next few months recovering from the surreal "life flashing before your eyes" moment? No? Well...
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22664965

'Management acts like they can't do anything about it': Worker reports that company's new software is stealing employee's reported time

When apparent negligence and mysterious circumstances are working directly in your employer's favor, it's sometimes hard to imagine that things aren't actually working as intended. Longtime readers will know that I'm a big believer in Hanlon's Razor, the idea that you should "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." As with Occam's Razor, where the simplest explanation is the most likely, the simplest likely explanation for something is usually that they're ju…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work askreddit workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22664709

'95% of success is showing up on time': 30+ Workers share their sage advice to workers joining the workforce

Joining the workforce for the first time is a surreal experience. You start off bright-eyed and filled with wonder about what the world might have in store for you… ready to give it your all, dreaming of the drastic contributions you're going to make to society. But, the more time you spend working, the more the wonderous color drains from the dream, leaving behind a sad, beige, and grey world that looks like every house-flipping millennial's home renovation.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22644997

'Come in and volunteer in the meantime': Company cancels interview as it's starting, asks candidate to volunteer for them instead

People work jobs to get paid—it's as plain and simple as that. It's not something we're doing out of goodwill because we care so much about our boss that we want to fatten his wallet up for him. While our bosses might wish that this was the case, the arrangement of employment is based on a simple transaction: The worker's time and skills are provided in exchange for a consistent paycheck.
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workplace discussion ask reddit employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22644485

'Be here 15 minutes before shift starts': 20+ Workers share scams that have been normalized in the workplace

As the slow march of time presses ever onward, it's not uncommon for change to occur—in fact, it's unavoidable. Small incremental shifts in policy and perception mount and build up into larger changes. Sometimes, you won't even realize how far things have gone until you take a look back at the winding road back to where things used to be. While these changes are usually for the better, sometimes things work their way into normalization that takes us back a step or two. We might not even realize…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22645509

'I don't understand what's going on': Confrontation escalates when interviewer falsely accuses job seeker of parking in a handicap space

The inconsistency of eyewitness testimony is something that is often discussed, owing to the fact that the mere recollection of an event changes the original memory that we had stored in ways that can cause us to convince ourselves that we remember something that never really happened. Beware of being so wholly convinced that you're unmistakably right about something. You should always leave room for the fact that you might have made some margin of error. After all, that's what a “mistake” is b…
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