

'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

We work to live, not the other way around. It's difficult to find an occupation that fulfills our ambitions and desires. When we finally find that one individual in the workplace who is friendly and supportive, it might be difficult, to put it mildly, to let go. A furious software developer who works for an organization that offers ‘unlimited PTO’ shares his story below. OP has been organizing an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime international trip. Before starting the preparations, he made sure seni…
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‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

Occasionally, it's that one tiny, unimportant incident that drives you over the edge and beyond the point of no return. The story that follows recounts the moment a front desk receptionist witnesses a complete and total meltdown of a person caused by a blocked door. The Original Poster's (OP) account details his meeting with the most horrible man-child. OP was working the front desk when a man, his mother, and their two kids pulled into the hotel parking lot. The two ports of entry that are acc…
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employment job jobs Horrible Bosses manager work workplace managers bad bosses antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace toxic managers - 2358791

'Her phone was on 'Do Not Disturb': Employee written up for "improper" callout after boss ignores their call

We all love our sleep—and that's a fact–and we equally deride anything that interrupts that sleep. Late-night garden parties with blaring music and loud-talking attendees; your neighbor warming his modded diesel truck at 4:30 am, an hour before he actually leaves for work; your pesky employees from the shop you manage calling you at 5:00 AM just to let you know that they're ditching out and are going to leave you battling a tediously understaffed day of work, while also now conveniently sleep d…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace coworkers job seeker job interview interview - 24496389

'My name is not anything close to Matt': Job candidate gets embarrassing message welcoming them to the company, but it's not their name on the invitation

So did they get the job or not?.. and who the heck is Matt?
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 2356231

Boss demands details of employee's daily bathroom breaks: 'I am required to tell him how many times I used the restroom'

There's this thing that happens in the earliest levels of grade school where you're required to notify your teacher that you're going to be going to use the “facilities.” Really, this is just for the sake of accountability and so that the adult responsible for your care knows where you are, that you'll soon be back, and that you haven't just wandered off to explore the world through the dreamy lens of your undeveloped prefrontal cortex. Even at that age, it's weird when the adults decide to mak…
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‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

While working as a customer care representative is never fun, dealing with vacationers who think they deserve it all is an absolute nightmare. The story below is an account of a frustrated front desk clerk. The original poster (OP) dives right into the narrative without wasting any time setting the scene. It all began at around one in the morning when a haughty visitor made his way to the hotel reception to grab a towel for ‘his’ wife. He started screaming about the reportedly subpar customer s…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24471557

'She is narcissistic, lazy, and above all else, a bully': Worker quits their job on the spot, writes scathing resignation letter

When we usually think of “quitting the gym,” it's usually nothing like this waking nightmare…
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‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

There are unwritten rules and workplace politics in the corporate world that you have to abide by if you want to keep your job. The story that follows is from a tech consulting company's team lead. OP was in charge of two teams, each consisting of three members, for a total of six persons. OP was given a project at the time that required the assistance of all six members of his team. The company decided against pursuing new, cutting-edge technology in favor of sticking with what they knew in or…
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'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

The business world is not always kind. You are but a small component in this game. You should never feel too comfortable when you finally 'land' that job you believed would be the culmination of your desire since everyone can be replaced. What they fail to mention, though, is that occasionally—just occasionally—one cog is what keeps the entire empire afloat; without it, everything crumbles down.
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'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

The food sector is fast-paced, exact, competitive, inventive, and, let's face it, merciless. Like any industry, there are benefits as well as drawbacks. Still, do you think it's a field worth getting into? Below is the tale of a caterer who can meet a wide range of dietary needs. As a result, the majority of the customers they serve ask for professionally prepared menu items. The business was doing well and everything was going smoothly until one day a new customer, a group that supports food a…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work fired on spot workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24127749

New manager fires worker for calling out sick: 'Best of luck'

You're going to get sick. It's just going to happen—even those of us with an immunity of iron are eventually going to catch a stray bug that puts us down for a couple of days. Undoubtedly, even when the business moguls of the world manage to replace us with a bunch of robots, they're going to be sorely disappointed when those robots have glitches, bugs, and viruses that cause inevitable downtime.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24225029

Worker asked to train their replacement, plots their next move: 'How do I sabotage it?'

Getting fired from your job stinks—there's really no way around it. Even if you hate your job with a burning passion, the sudden loss of employment and security is nearly impossible to get past easily. But, while getting fired already isn't an ideal scenario, being asked to train the person who is sure to become your replacement is undoubtedly worse. When you're suddenly asked to write a process to document the ins and outs of your position, or your company suddenly hires or promotes someone to…
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Please tell me I'm not the only one finding this new PTO policy completely ridiculous

'We have made a change to PTO': HR tries to get workers to use their PTO if they need to work from home

Since when were PTO and WFH the same thing?
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‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

It is usually advisable to stay away from people who are impolite when dealing with staff. Ultimately, the waiters are there to assist you in having a good time and planning your next visit. However, what would happen if your guests mistreat the staff for no apparent reason? They turn an evening that could have been genuinely amazing into a major headache. The story recounts the tale of a frustrated server who found a perfect way to exact revenge on an obnoxious customer. Surprisingly, no elabo…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 24192261

Recruiter sends applicant passive aggressive response: 'Actually read the job description'

Applying to endless jobs is demoralizing, especially when you take the time to write custom cover letters only to never even receive a rejection notice from hiring managers. Still, anything is better than receiving a response like the one this applicant received after submitting their CV to a position opening.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work ridiculous work stories corporate erin human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment in the workplace - 24174085

'You’re manifesting my business's failure': Dispiteous boss accuses employee of "manifesting failure" of her business

Get your Tarot cards out and crystals ready cause we're out here trying to manifest the failure of every terrible boss we've ever had. Try or not, in a way, we're all manifesting something… I “manifested” two tacos and a side of sweet, sweet guacamole not thirty minutes ago. But, what I've recently consumed isn't really the point here, we're more concerned about accusations of the manifestation of a businesses failure being thrown around like the Salem witch trials.
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