

aita reddit metal concert rock-concert mosh-pit mosh moshing kid kids parents parent parenting bad-parents bad-parenting parent-stories children pushy reddit-thread payback security

'He tried to fight... [so] I got security involved': Entitled parents at a metal concert bully the crowd into letting their small children squeeze to the front; woman puts the dad in his place

Metal concerts are intense. For anyone who loves accidental punches to the face, getting their toes stomped, and eating the floor before having a 250lbs man help them back to their feet knows that a mosh pit is not a place for the weak. And it's certainly no place for a small child.
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aita therapy wife husband advice counseling reddit thread Reddit couple dating advice - 22901765

'She admitted she doesn't know if she can love humans': Husband wants a divorce because of what wife said during couple's therapy, seeks advice from the Internet

The wife in this story has decided to try out therapy due to her mental health issues. She's a vet, and her job is very high stress, so her husband agreed that she should seek counseling. After she began to enjoy the benefits of therapy, she asked her husband to join her. He was wary of it at first, but he agreed to do it for her. When the topic of trust in their marriage came up, what she said next really shocked her husband...
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aita kids house wife ex husband advice divorce entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 22887941

'I can't be the only one who thinks it's crazy for my husband to buy his ex a house': Woman won't let her husband buy a house for his ex-wife; family makes her out to be the bad guy

What do you think about this situation? So, a married couple is living together and expecting a baby together. Her husband was previously married with kids until he divorced his ex-wife after she cheated on him. The husband let his ex and kids stay in their fully paid-off home, and he moved out. Fast forward a bit, and the ex loses the house and is left with no money (we're still a little confused about how that happened). She's now in an apartment. The OP's husband wants to buy her another hou…
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wedding wedding-disaster disaster nitpicking aunt family bride wife groom husband indian indian-wedding weddings marriage married wedding-planning

'I eventually snapped': Nitpicking aunt relentlessly terrorizes the bride-to-be; heroic bride stands up for herself and threatens to uninvite her

Anytime a wedding includes a blending of cultures, there are bound to be feathers that get rustled the wrong way. We all would hope that our family members could be cool enough to just back off and not over-step in the wedding planning, but we all know how family matters go– someone's going to take things too far.
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'[She] does not like to wait': Boyfriend asks partner to pick up his mother from the airport, partner arrives late because 'the old lady could've waited a bit'

'[She] does not like to wait': Boyfriend asks partner to pick up his mother from the airport, partner arrives late because 'the old lady could've waited a bit'

If your partner doesn't like your parents, they might not tell you at first, but there will be signs. When you start dating your boyfriend or girlfriend , you're usually so head over heels in love with them that you can't wait to meet their friends and family. After months of getting to know this new special person in your life, you're ready to go to Thanksgiving dinner or a Sunday brunch to get to know their family. Of course, this doesn't always go so smoothly. Sometimes you just don't end up…
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aita marriage marriage drama relationship-drama reddit story relationships etiquette reddit thread toxic relationship - 22699013

'The last straw was my laptop': Wife loans out her distressed husband's things and they never come back, he takes money to replace them

Your stuff is yours… and yours alone. I don't care how long you've been together, how committed you are, or how joined at the hip you might be—I guarantee there are things that you're not keen on sharing with your partner and certainly not keen on them lending out to other people… especially when those things always fail to come back. That's the problem that this husband was facing when he found his wife continually lending his belongings out to various members of her family. We're not talking…
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'I walked past the entitled women, snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for being inconsiderate to a employee

'[I] snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for dissing an employee

This awesome Redditor's petty revenge happened one day in a Walmart. Yes, that is important context. In the chaotic aisles of the store, a young female employee was trying to navigate her cart through a jam created by two entitled women in their 40s. Their snobby expressions were like they were royalty encountering a mere commoner. Imagine some dramatic music and a mischievous chuckle in the background. Our OP was not about to have it.
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'The final straw was when she got a tattoo that was almost the exact same as my wife's': Guy breaks up with his girlfriend because she changed her appearance to look like his late wife

'The final straw was when she got a tattoo that was almost the exact same as my wife's': Guy breaks up with girlfriend for changing her appearance to resemble his late wife

So, this guy's beloved wife of seven years sadly passed due to cancer. After sulking for some time, he finally started dating another woman many years later. He loved this new woman… at first. Not in the same way he loved his wife; of course, he still loves his wife, but his new girlfriend was a different kind of love. So, he finally decided to try out the dating scene again, and it was exciting at first. Fast forward, and the new girlfriend starts expressing that she's feeling neglected.
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family drama aita reddit story family feud etiquette entitled family reddit thread entitled people - 22817029

'I had the legal right to': Dude sells treasured family heirloom for a quick buck, doesn't understand why family is upset

A lot of times in life, whether or not you should do something has nothing to do with whether or not you can get away with it legally. Unfortunately, this is something the selfish and self-entitled narcissists of the world fail to understand. It's surprising that you'd have to tell anyone this, to be honest. But, when someone leaves you to inherit a treasured family heirloom because they think that you're the most likely person to enjoy it, treasure it, and respect it, the general expectation o…
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'There’s been over 2 dozen people sending quitting emails': Employee sees toxic manager yell at intern, sends company-wide email about it, causes mass quitting

'There’s been over 2 dozen people sending quitting emails': Employee sees toxic manager yell at intern, sends company-wide email about it, causes mass quitting

This employee may have had enough with his company, but in the end, his toxic boss had no one to blame but himself. After all, it was the boss that went on a ridiculous rant in the first place. He gave an intern a hard time for asking to leave early because she was going to have to put down her cat at the vet's office. The boss had absolutely no remorse for her situation and decided to yell at her because he thought he could get away with it. This Redditor saw the encounter in plain sight and s…
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work workplace coworker coworkers worker employee employees boss manager supervisor working reddit hospital-bills bills donations donate surgery deserves payback revenge aita malicious-compliance

'I sent her $10 back... But I also sent her the proof she asked for': Woman is accused of swindling her workplace for hospital bill donations; she gets payback by giving a coworker the 'proof' she asked for

There are plenty of workplace scams out there. Coworkers that are selling Tupperware, vitamin supplements, or overpriced chocolate bars to support their kid's baseball team should be avoided at all costs. Although most people learn the difference between a swindling colleague and a desperate one...
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dogs aita friends reddit story service animal service dogs etiquette reddit thread Reddit - 22763781

'He says it's a service animal': Homeowner won't allow friend's service dog in their home, internet is divided

What is right, what is fair, and what should you do when it comes to accommodating your friends in your own home? Sure, it's your place, and you can do whatever you'd like, but that doesn't mean others have to like you for your lack of flexibility. This goes doubly when it comes to accommodating someone in the group's disability. Still, animals are a tricky subject, and not everyone loves being around them or having them in their home. Although being a service animal should open the door for ac…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace karen karen customer aita - 22714629

'You're a real hero bud': Petulant child customer thinks he's clever for torturing cashier, gets panned in the comments

Working retail, you get all sorts… There you are, just trying to do your job, and some jerkwad comes up thinking that they're going to get one over on you because you had the gall to work a job where you have to stand for nine hours a day making minimum wage, following the processes you've been forced to follow. And that's the problem with sharing stories online… People see it as a chance to get clout for being a victim, and think of themselves as heroes despite actually being the villains... T…
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'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

This person is not going to be making many friends at their office place. Every now and again, there's a post made to r/AmItheA******, and none of the commenters can agree on who's wrong in the scenario. This is one of those tales. U/NeopolitanGuy1 sparked the debate with their story about a parking space. Every workplace has at least one “good spot,” which is usually close to the entrance. It'll be hard to get that spot, though, because it'll be taken by whichever early bird gets to the office…
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terrible coworkers aita coworkers reddit story etiquette entitled reddit thread coworker entitled people - 22702597

'I got called into HR': Coworker accidentally reports themself to HR after stealing bait lunch from fridge

Your things are your own, and while it can be nice to share, you need to respect other people's stuff and not take things without asking. This is essentially the first lesson that we're ever taught in school, and yet, a frightful amount of people can't seem to get that one right. We're not saying that you should go around teaching people lessons; It's just not a good idea, you might actually be the one in the wrong, and there's far too much chance of you getting the facts wrong, but it's mighty…
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'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

You can't expect everyone around you to do things your way! Look, there are many compromises people need to make as roommates. All parties need to agree to certain rules, like tidying up in shared spaces, doing your dishes, etc. These are all necessary conversations roommates need to have in order to coexist peacefully. Of course, roommates also need to acknowledge and recognize that people have different ways of doing things, and not everyone is going to align on everything all the time. You w…
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